Official Gigantour Announcement/Discussion (updated 7/18)

OfSinsAndShred said:
Remember in the beginning when Dave said, "This tour is about musicianship"? Umm... did he forget, or what?

Well, how much can you really rely on Dave Mustaine to know about musicianship? I mean, I love Megadeth and I think Dave is a great songwriter and singer, but Marty Friedman was the "musicianship" of Megadeth. Dave is really good at playing somthing chromatic or pattern based that makes absolutly no musical sense. His solo in Holy Wars is amazing, but when you look at it tabbed out, you almost have to laugh.
zakk_hate_me_666 said:
but getting from the 2nd to the 1st stage in time to see both is gonna be hell. and im not giving up my front row spot to run and see another band.

Concerts sounds better from the middle of the room anyway. It gives a better mix of the high frequencies (which are highly directional) and low (which are broad and everywhere). The first time I saw X I stood right up front in front of MJR so I could watch his hands, but after that I always stood in the middle/back for the best sound quality. So whichever band you have to see from mid range, just take it as the best quality sound you are going to get for the night
Some of you guys seem really spoiled to even think of passing up a concert with some incredible bands, just because you don't like some of the other bands, or you don't like which stage Symphony X plays on. And from what I understand, Gigantour tickets aren't going to be very expensive. Where I'm from, we got one halfway decent concert every 5 years or so. We never had anyone like Symphony X or Dream Theater come to Alaska. I can't even imagine not wanting to go.
SyXified said:
Concerts sounds better from the middle of the room anyway. It gives a better mix of the high frequencies (which are highly directional) and low (which are broad and everywhere). The first time I saw X I stood right up front in front of MJR so I could watch his hands, but after that I always stood in the middle/back for the best sound quality. So whichever band you have to see from mid range, just take it as the best quality sound you are going to get for the night

You are 100% right. You guys gotta learn how to get the best out of concerts. I have never been to concerts, but I know a little bit about sound quality and such and sitting around the middle area is the best spot to hear everything at the highest sound quality.

I am just grateful that there's a concert like this that exists. If you guys haven't seen SX or any metal concert like ME, you guys should be grateful that we even have the opportunity to witness this awesome event.
I'm disgusted that symphony X lost their confirmed second stage headlining spot to life of agony out of nowhere when setlists were announced today...on top of that they only get 30 mins...fuck that. Same with nevermore...

Mustaine should know these bands deserve and warrant more time, also why the fuck he put on the nu-metal crap except to draw mindless n00bs ticketsales I have no idea. It should be kept metal, to begin with it was metal, already the guy who would drive is no longer going, he was going purely for DEP, Nevermore and symphony X, and now that they all only have 30 mins each, their entire sets equal all of DT or megadeth he's no longer driving, and this sucks goat balls. anyways I'm in a pissed off mood if that wasn't already apparent...this had the potential to be amazing, now it's mediocre at best:yuk:
Greenwater_Pond said:
I'm disgusted that symphony X lost their confirmed second stage headlining spot to life of agony out of nowhere when setlists were announced today...on top of that they only get 30 mins...fuck that. Same with nevermore...

Mustaine should know these bands deserve and warrant more time, also why the fuck he put on the nu-metal crap except to draw mindless n00bs ticketsales I have no idea. It should be kept metal, to begin with it was metal, already the guy who would drive is no longer going, he was going purely for DEP, Nevermore and symphony X, and now that they all only have 30 mins each, their entire sets equal all of DT or megadeth he's no longer driving, and this sucks goat balls. anyways I'm in a pissed off mood if that wasn't already apparent...this had the potential to be amazing, now it's mediocre at best:yuk:

hold your horses and go drink some tea. Symphony X was NEVER confirmed to headline. Nothing has been confirmed until today! Everything is set in stone.

I am in disgust by how I think some of you guys are like perfectionists here. Nothing is perfect in our human society and NOTHING will ever be. I wish you guys would appreciate the fact that Gigantour even exists. Who knows, maybe next year Gigantour will continue and SX could be a 1st stage headliner with a 90 min set.

I personally am just happy to get a chance to see two of my favorite bands: Nevermore and Symphony X, on the SAME BILL! And this is my first real concert too.
Shame to hear about their losing 10 minutes. :(

And shame about the behavior on the Gigantour forum...I'm through with that place; nothing but a bunch of arguing I haven't got the time for.
OHHH The is so orgazmic! I can get downtown montreal to the bell centre in 35 minutes max, via car, train, or buss lol. This is going to be my first concert, first symphony X concert, and first time hearing the majority of those other bands... I've never heard DT nore Nevermore... But I'm obviously looking forward to symphony x's 40 minutes of fame! Anyone know how much these tickets will cost?

My dream play list would have to be...

Accolade II
Smoke and Mirrors
King of Terrors
Death of Balance
(And a preview song of their new cd ;) )

Anyone else out their going to join me at the Gigantour up here in old Kanata, montreal?
They should be on the main stage instead of Dillinger or Fear Factory, those bands can't compete with the skills of Symphony X. I hope they play something off of 5, that album is rad.