Official Gigantour Announcement/Discussion (updated 7/18)

Reading over the gigantour forums (and participating to some degree), symphony x fans seem to be quite loud. It is OK to discuss the band (although having multiple threads about the same topic isn't really cool), but we really really really shouldn't be insulting other bands.

In the primary stage forum, there is a thread "Why are dillinger escape plan on the first stage". The next post suggests that symphony x should be given a first stage slot, and the creater of the thread replies to that agreeing. Heres a nice example:
wooh woopty shit odd time signatures. i think they suck and symphony x should be given their slot.

Do you guys realize that Dillinger is most likely reading that thread? I think it is possible to get your point across that you don't like Dillinger by saying "Dillinger seems talented, but I do not like their music". In the meantime, fans of these other bands that might not have known of symphony x before, are thinking that symphony x fans are assholes (wouldn't you)?

For those of us who do post over there, can we please stop spamming every thread with "symphony x should be first stage". The band is on the second stage, they're going to gain a lot of exposure, and they're going to bring down the house. At the end of this tour, don't you want people like Mustaine thinking "hey, those symphony x guys are awesome, I'd like to tour with them again" rather than "symphony x has the most conceited, self-centered, and closed-minded fans that i've ever seen"?

bball - I think it would be better for symphony x to have the image that they communicate with their fans, and with other fans of the tour. A post here and there on their designated forum wouldn't hurt ;)
vfrex said:
Reading over the gigantour forums (and participating to some degree), symphony x fans seem to be quite loud. It is OK to discuss the band (although having multiple threads about the same topic isn't really cool), but we really really really shouldn't be insulting other bands.

In the primary stage forum, there is a thread "Why are dillinger escape plan on the first stage". The next post suggests that symphony x should be given a first stage slot, and the creater of the thread replies to that agreeing. Heres a nice example:

Do you guys realize that Dillinger is most likely reading that thread? I think it is possible to get your point across that you don't like Dillinger by saying "Dillinger seems talented, but I do not like their music". In the meantime, fans of these other bands that might not have known of symphony x before, are thinking that symphony x fans are assholes (wouldn't you)?

For those of us who do post over there, can we please stop spamming every thread with "symphony x should be first stage". The band is on the second stage, they're going to gain a lot of exposure, and they're going to bring down the house. At the end of this tour, don't you want people like Mustaine thinking "hey, those symphony x guys are awesome, I'd like to tour with them again" rather than "symphony x has the most conceited, self-centered, and closed-minded fans that i've ever seen"?

bball - I think it would be better for symphony x to have the image that they communicate with their fans, and with other fans of the tour. A post here and there on their designated forum wouldn't hurt ;)

I agree with you about the posting at gigantour, I honestly think it's very very immature of us sx fans saying that kinda garbage. I'm not even participating in those discussions anymore because I think they are endless arguments, where two fans come in and say all kinds of trash about each others favorite bands.

DEP is great and they deserve that 1st stage slot. I'm just so happy that SYMPHONY X is on the tour! this will be my first time watching them and my first ever metal concert. (actually my first big concert, I've never been to a real concert other than like a few small small stuff).

about sx posting, if they would ever post here, I'd feel like they should post at gigantour, but since they never post here, I think it'd be great that they don't even bother posting at gigantour. So nobody knows who they are and once they play on the 2nd stage, they will rip apart the crowd.
Yea, I've noticed the arrogance of us SX fans, we really need a reality check. I've done it, but I'm shedding that phase off, can't you be happy that SX and DT are touring together? THis could open up say a DT/SX alone tour in the future, who knows. Mike Portnoy recommended SX to be on the tour, why not show a little appreciation and gratitude for Portnoys recomendation, instead of shitting over Dream Theater. Sure, we all have our own opinions, and I nor anyone can change them, but you should evaluate yourselves, and your surroundings before you start mouthing off to the man. Im sure Dave doesn't appreciate it, and seeing as HE POSTS I NTHE BOARDS HIMSELF, im sure he peruses the other forums on occaision. Do you WANT him to regret letting SX play on the tour?
PLEASE don't make asses of yourselves or the band over on the Gigantour forum. You folks are going to be the first exposure that a lot of people have to anything related to Symphony X..the last thing they need starting out on this tour is for the other bands to look at them & say "you know, your fans are sure assholes". Try and be both respectable and respectful..please?
I must say...that forum's run in a very odd way. Does it actually take a moderator's approval just for you to be able to READ what's said?? Jeez.

I mean, all I wanted to do was go over there and leave a note of thanks to Portnoy for the recommendation of's not like I wanted to trash the place... ;)
urinalcakemix said:
Im sure Dave doesn't appreciate it, and seeing as HE POSTS I NTHE BOARDS HIMSELF, im sure he peruses the other forums on occaision. Do you WANT him to regret letting SX play on the tour?

I don't think he would let the fans opinions affect to the fact what he really feels about SX and I think he likes em ;)
The problem is... I agree with the poster and I DO hate DEP. Honestly, the only reason I'd ever EVER refrain from speaking my mind about my dislikings of that trash music is to give SyX a chance to gain more exposure. I'll say it here and now, I think DEP is a group of untalented wankers who couldn't write their way out from under a wet 1-ply tissue. Truth be known, you have absolutely no standing to tell that I cannot say that anywhere I like.

I don't see why everyone goes around with this cheesy attitude of, "Everyone has to be nice to everyone." I wonder if these people are living in a fantasy world all their own where constantly censoring your true feelings all day long makes all the problems and disagreements go away.
Thraxz, you're talking about the internet here. Forums are a cesspool of misunderstandings and trolls. If you post what you feel every time you see a post you don't like, someone gets banned.

And regarding the only reason you'd ever refrain from speaking your mind? Isn't that what I've been saying? Its one thing to go there and say "I dislike DEP". You're out of your territory when you start dictating to Dave Mustaine who should be on the first stage and who shouldn't. Put yourself in his shoes. What would you think if a number of fans of Symphony X keep TELLING HIM to drop bands from the second stage to let Symphony X to play on the 1st? You'd think that Symphony X fans are ungrateful assholes, and you'd never want to tour with them again. The human mind remembers bad things much better than good things. So we should stop providing bad things for these bands to remember about Symphony X.

I realize that there are asshat hardcore DEP fans out there that are stirring the pot. If you guys remember "tobin", he is a known troll. I messaged Dave about him, and he told me that Tobin was banned for sirring up shit on the MegaDeth forums. Tobin hasn't been around for a few days now, and Loki seems to have sprouted out of nowhere, with a similar trolling style and the same musical tastes; so perhaps just the username was banned. Bottom line is that Mustaine is aware of the trolls; but I'm sure he's also aware of how we react to them. Like Jax said, lets do the respectable thing.

Rose: You have to register. And then the only person who validates registrations is Mustaine.
Thraxz said:
I don't see why everyone goes around with this cheesy attitude of, "Everyone has to be nice to everyone." I wonder if these people are living in a fantasy world all their own where constantly censoring your true feelings all day long makes all the problems and disagreements go away.

It's not cheesy, it's not 'being nice to everyone', and it's not censorship. It's called tact, simple as that; if you haven't learned to exercise it yet, now's as good a time as any, as you'll need it in adulthood, like it or not.

If you like SymX, then don't fuck things up for them by making an ass of yourself over there, that's all I'm asking; this is an awesome opportunity for them, & it'd be a shame if they don't get any more chances like this because the fans give them a bad name before the other bands even meet them.
Thraxz said:
The problem is... I agree with the poster and I DO hate DEP. Honestly, the only reason I'd ever EVER refrain from speaking my mind about my dislikings of that trash music is to give SyX a chance to gain more exposure. I'll say it here and now, I think DEP is a group of untalented wankers who couldn't write their way out from under a wet 1-ply tissue. Truth be known, you have absolutely no standing to tell that I cannot say that anywhere I like.

I don't see why everyone goes around with this cheesy attitude of, "Everyone has to be nice to everyone." I wonder if these people are living in a fantasy world all their own where constantly censoring your true feelings all day long makes all the problems and disagreements go away.

And you people talk about DEP fans being asshats?

Hey, it's one thing saying you dont like the band, but to call them untalented is just really stupid.

They focus on chaotic music, opposed to SyX's more estructured compositions, it doesn't make their music bad, just different. And I happen love the choas of DEP's music, it's really amazing stuff, it's like taking a typical prog metal tune and speed it up to x 1000 and add screaming vocals. It's very agressive great stuff.
Good registration got cleared now. So everything's working now over in Gigantour world. Oh...and I tried to make a little peace with my signature... ;)
SymphonyOfDreams said:
And you people talk about DEP fans being asshats?

Quit putting words in my mouth.

Hey, it's one thing saying you dont like the band, but to call them untalented is just really stupid.

Wait, it's NOT okay for me to say what I feel about them(untalented), but perfectly fine for you to say what you like of me (stupid)? Grow some logical consistency, please.

They focus on chaotic music, opposed to SyX's more estructured compositions, it doesn't make their music bad, just different. And I happen love the choas of DEP's music, it's really amazing stuff, it's like taking a typical prog metal tune and speed it up to x 1000 and add screaming vocals. It's very agressive great stuff.

Music, by definition, is structured. The screamed vocals are pointless aggression added into more poorly written "aggressive" riffs and, lastly, speed =/= good music, especially in DEP's case. Is this MY OPINION? Absolutely. Why is yours so much more valid than mine that you act as if yours is final and proves me wrong?
sorry if I sounded like a Jerk in my last post, I just needed to let some steam off.

but now, I understand what Jax and everyone else are saying so.............I will be more respectful of the other bands from now on.
I am glad people are agreeing to be civil. I know I don't like your favorite keyboardist very much, but I really wouldn't want to go over there and start flaming Rudess. Not just because of the DT fans, but...laugh at me all you guys want, but I don't want to hurt Portnoy's feelings, because I think he may read what goes on there.

I was on a different forum once, and a friend of mine started posting there--and from his very first post got flamed over absolutely nothing. That really made me mad! So, I wouldn't want to do that to somebody else.
Rose Immortal said:
but...laugh at me all you guys want, but I don't want to hurt Portnoy's feelings, because I think he may read what goes on there.

Portnoy posts on on forums, he could care less what happens at