Official Off Topic Thread

Tubbs Mcgee said:
Me too. That's why I only have about 10 friends. :erk:

your lucky i have like 5...

and only like one of them listen to REAL metal. the others are like metallica kinda metalheads.

btw completly out of the topic but look at this sweet quote...

"One day you'll walk into the tattoo shop of life and say: I'm back.
I'm ready for my new tattoo, and her name is rock~n~roll.
Now it's time to make it permanent.
You will have been through all the temporary 15 minutes of flash.
You will come to realize that you've been being served fast food music
and disposable heroes for too long.
You know what the man behind the counter will say?
We knew you'd come back."

--Motley Crue
:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Tubbs Mcgee said:
Me too. That's why I only have about 10 friends. :erk:
The thing with me and my friends is we all started with Iron Maiden and then chose our own path from there. I'm prog metal, some are death metal, others are power metal, etc. So I have a shitload of friends who specialise their own type of metal, which rules!
Hmm... out of my 10 friends...

3 like progressive metal

1 likes death metal, progressive metal, grindcore, Japanese metal, and much more

1 likes thrash metal

1 likes progressive rock (Pink Floyd)

and... umm... the other 4... well...

Actually, I don't really have any other friends. :(
My only friends are my 5 bandmates and my 2 friends from school whose band I'm filling in on bass for tomorrow night. I don't have good communication skills.
Tubbs Mcgee said:
Hmm... out of my 10 friends...

3 like progressive metal
Wow, you're lucky to have those three friends. As I've mentioned many times, I only have one friend...he doesn't listen to progressive metal/rock or most of the other bands that I listen to. In fact, aside from message boards, I've never even been able to talk to someone who listens to prog. I don't even know anyone who does, besides myself. *sighs*
Kenneth R. said:
have you read them before? My favorite is Macbeth

Macbeth is the last of the 4 great tragedies I HAVENT read.. am dying to, just havent found it in the book stores yet on its own. I've read Othello (my fav so far.. I know this story inside out), Hamlet and King Lear (both also amazing stories). I've stayed away from the comedies and historicals so far, Im a fan of the tragedy so I thought to get those down first (as well as other books I'm getting into atm).

Ptah Khnemu said:
It's one thing for a girlfriend to buy a videogame for a boyfriend, but it's a completely different thing for a girlfriend to buy the right game for her boyfriend. Even if both are huge videogame people, it's still on a completely different level.

anyone with half a brain knows that :p - he was raving on about that game for ages.. just so happened we both loved it :)
Tubbs Mcgee said:
Hmm... out of my 10 friends...

3 like progressive metal

1 likes death metal, progressive metal, grindcore, Japanese metal, and much more

1 likes thrash metal

1 likes progressive rock (Pink Floyd)

and... umm... the other 4... well...

Actually, I don't really have any other friends. :(

I have two good friends from baseball and my classes, 1 nerd friend, and 5 neighborhood friends who like bands such as trivium or god forbid.

:( . I just realized that I have only 8 friends.

actually, If my parents were not military and didnt move so damn much I would prebably have around fifteen friends.
ok so.. Opeth was last night! \m/ - FUCKING AWESOME!!!!!! God damn, the best night of my life!!! I know that doesnt mean much for those of you who get to see metal bands all the time, but for me it was a huge deal.. the only thing that could ever top this is seeing Symphony X live.

Firstly, I get to the line up, and in my town you're 'lucky' to see someone in a bloody slipknot shirt :puke: thats as close to metal as we get.. so I'm really excited seeing Opeth shirts, Arch Enemy Shirts, DT shirts.. than I just start chatting away to random people and to my surprise not only am i finding people who have heard of SyX but who are serious fans! Already I'm thinking.. MUST MOVE TO BRISBANE!

then we get in, and I'm actually quite impressed, at least live, of this aussie band called Eternal.. had never heard of them before but they were quite good!

On top of all this I'm seeing wall to wall hot metal guys and feeling like a kid in a candy store! I'm thinking 'so THIS is where they hang out!!'

Then Opeth starts and I beeline for the front and end up getting squished next to this really cute guy and we're being pushed and shoved around as you do so we just grab onto each other for dear life and hold our own as best as we could (cool way to meet people!).

Opeth is phenomenal as I imagined they would be (and as my Lamentations DVD told me they would) - they do their set, which to me is like a 2 hour long orgasm (not to be dirty, but thats how it feels.. it was just the best thing ever!). Then they come back for encore and Mikhael sings 'Soldier of Fortune' by Deep Purple, and he just belts it out, and I'm in love all over again.. and then they finish off with D.E.L.I.V.E.R.A.N.C.E. :headbang:

My pics all turned out blurry (bloody camera) but heres the 'best' one I could get of Mikhael (and the orange thing in the security guards ear):


So after this, I'm head to toe in mosh sweat.. my hair which was once straight and nice is now all curly and wet and raggedy looking lol.. BUT it was SO worth it!!!!

So this is me (looking atrocious by this point lol) with the guy who I was holding on with:


I wanted to get good pics with Cameron (Eternal Dragon) and Richard (Taliwakker), but they both turned out blurry :( (bloody camera!!) - I can post them too if you want to see, but theyre pretty out of focus.

Anyway we didnt get to meet the band :( so that sucked too, but its ok.. in all it was still the best experience ever!

Haha on top of that, then Richard and his mate and I went to this topless bar to play pool (it was the only place we could find that wasnt a yuppy 'doof-doof' bar or a strip club) - and I had an Aboriginal guy challenge Rich to a pool game, winner gets ME! - yeah no that wasnt happening :lol:

So yes, this was my night in Brisbane!
Akerfeldt's pic gave me a good laugh, he's got that Weird Al expression on his face :lol:

A random person probably wouldn't believe he's actually singing dark and intelligent lyrics with that look on his face :D
I'm surprised you liked the eternal. I thought they were dead boring. Plus I didnt realise they had keys until the last song, and the bass player had the worst technique ever and he was a very strange guy who looked VERY out of place in the band.

When opeth come out next I'll have to try and get my friends band SkyPi the support act, cos they are seriously 1000 times better. And I am fully serious about that.
Eternal Dragon said:
I'm surprised you liked the eternal. I thought they were dead boring. Plus I didnt realise they had keys until the last song, and the bass player had the worst technique ever and he was a very strange guy who looked VERY out of place in the band.

When opeth come out next I'll have to try and get my friends band SkyPi the support act, cos they are seriously 1000 times better. And I am fully serious about that.

mind you, I was listening to them while upstairs at the bar drinking rum while talking AND perving! I was just thinking for an AUSTRALIAN band, theyre not as bad as what I normally hear :lol: