Official Off Topic Thread

Taliwakker said:
MS wrote

:lol: Doesn't sound like the kind of parties i used to go to.

I've been to some of the ones you are referring. had to run from the cops twice because of our suberbs damn curfew and extremely uptight intolerent aristocratic neighbors.
Tubbs Mcgee said:
You're obviously missing the point. THAT'S WHY THE GAME RULES.

It's awesome mindless RPGing.

Speaking of RPG's, or MMORPG's, I will never waste my time on WoW. I'm glad I've never gotten into it, because it seems like people can't stop playing it.
It's true, stay away from it. I'm not kidding either.
The other day, I watched that episode of South Park where they make fun of Pokémon. Chinpokomon! Holy shit the last time I watched that episode was probably like 3 years ago and it's still funny as hell. Especially the Wild Wacky Action Bike! The lyrics to the jingle make me laugh sooooo much!
Ptah Khnemu said:
I've been debating getting WoW, but I'm so scared that it'll drain what little socil life I still have, so I don't know what to do!!!
You don't need a social life! Video games are more important. I don't know how many times I've told a friend, "I can't hang out with you today because I need to play Final Fantasy". So go for the video game.
ThornsOfSorrow said:
You don't need a social life! Video games are more important. I don't know how many times I've told a friend, "I can't hang out with you today because I need to play Final Fantasy". So go for the video game.
Lol, that's actually kinda true now that I think about it. The only social life a teenager has is during school pretty much... And there are no video games in school. Therefore you can indulge in games all you want after hours and still keep your friends! But seriously, WoW is evil.

I was on WoW earlier and I noticed that the baker in Stormwind is called Thomas Miller :D I just thought it was funny so I figured I might as well post it in the OT thread.
Ptah Khnemu said:
Well a social life cerainly does help out band promotion.
Well, I still manage to sell 1 or 2 tickets when my band plays...Damn, that's a good reason to get a social life.

Unfortunately, I just started working on beating Metal Gear Solid 2 on Extreme mode, so I'll get a social life after I finish. :D
Metal Gear Solid 2 is awesome! I don't blame you if it's a MGS game. Definitely worth skipping a social life for.