Official Off Topic Thread

The best N64 game ever was Mystical Ninjas. If you've ever heard of this game, then you're probably either me, or me from an alteernate reality.
Ptah Khnemu said:
The best N64 game ever was Mystical Ninjas. If you've ever heard of this game, then you're probably either me, or me from an alteernate reality.
I used to love that game!!! (But I'm not you, so I guess I don't know it??? :cry: )

I really have played it before.

Oh, and after playing Super Smash Bros. for months straight, I can easily beat 3 level 9 bots against me anytime now. The game is just sooooo damn easy now!
I think I may have been joking about Mystical Ninjas, but that game popped back into my mind the other day and I realized something.... They should definitely remake that game!
Androz said:
Has anyone played Shadow of the Colossus? I really liked it

yeah its a beautiful game! Very basic style of gameplay, but the scenery in it is beautiful, and sometimes those colossus' are a bit scary :lol: which is cool.. I wouldnt say one of my fav's or anything, but it has its charm.
MrFast said:
I kick ass at Smash Bros. with Kirby.
I kicked ass with Roy in ssbm. That game is by far the most difficult game I have ever played...... ever!!! It took me soooooooo long to finish all 51 event matches. The last one is an absolute killer. Only just scraped it through and never been able to do it again. I think I was better at the home run contest. I got around 530m or so :).