Official Off Topic Thread

I'm buying Oblivion for PC, no doubt. I've been wanting it since they confirmed that they were working on it on the website.

I need to upgrade my pc badly, though. :erk:

Thraxz said:
FPS's suck nads on consoles... period. The one and only good one was fucking Goldeneye.
Bullshit! The ONLY good fps's were on consoles! (The only good ones I've played, at least. That would include Duke Nukem 64, Turok, Turok 2, Turok 3, Quake, and Doom. Speaking of 007, I thought The World Is Not Enough was really good too.)
also fun for the sadists: throwing dead wolves off cliffs and watching as they tumble


or for you meanies: doing a power attack that disarms an enemy, picking up his sword before he does, and throwing it over the railing.
SilentRealm said:
speaking of that, anyone ever played the game 'Manhunt'? That seriously has to be IMO one of the most awesome games ever!
My brother rented it once, and I ended up playing it more than he did. That game was pretty fucked up with all the ways that you could kill people. Also, I never knew that language like that could be used in a videogame. :lol: Unfortunately, as entertaining as that game was for the first half hour or so, it got old fast.
Anyone know if there's a good controller for the computer? Because for a game like Onlivion, I NEED a controller in my hands. Playing a video game on a keyboard is simply not the same.

And FPS's do suck ass. I only play 'em when I feel like being an ass hole on XBox Live.
Ptah Khnemu said:
Anyone know if there's a good controller for the computer? Because for a game like Onlivion, I NEED a controller in my hands. Playing a video game on a keyboard is simply not the same.
playing PC games is better with keyboard/mouse. especially a game like Oblivion with much to be controlled simultaneously.

Playing console games where combos are key (like fighting games) or RPG's where you constantly just hit the 'ok' button, I prefer a controller.

I am sure you can get a USB controller for PC but really what's the point.
I'm playing now the old game UFO - Enemy Unknown (or alternatively XCOM - UFO Defense.) It's still awesome.
You could always get Sonic Mega Ccollection, but it's really not the same playing Sonic 3D Blast on a Gamecube Joystick instead of a Genesis D-Pad.
Kenneth R. said:
also fun for the sadists: throwing dead wolves off cliffs and watching as they tumble


or for you meanies: doing a power attack that disarms an enemy, picking up his sword before he does, and throwing it over the railing.
Waah!!! :cry: Stop egging me on! Yeah, you know I want that game really bad.
ThornsOfSorrow said:
My brother rented it once, and I ended up playing it more than he did. That game was pretty fucked up with all the ways that you could kill people. Also, I never knew that language like that could be used in a videogame. Unfortunately, as entertaining as that game was for the first half hour or so, it got old fast.

I only got to play it once, my ex has it - its actually banned in this country but he managed to get his hands on it before the censors did. I loved the 3 different levels of each kill and all the different weapons you can use... I'm sick like that :lol: - but yeah I didnt get to play enough of it to get sick of it I guess.

Kenneth R. said:
playing PC games is better with keyboard/mouse. especially a game like Oblivion with much to be controlled simultaneously.

yeah for the FPS's I like console, but RPG's I definately would say I prefer the PC. I feel more in control with the PC somehow.
Taliwakker said:
When was the last time any of you freaks went outside and threw a ball or something :rolleyes:

Oh, that was a long time ago, my friend... A long long time ago... and I believ it was in a galaxt far far away. The Cold War was ragiong on. Nixon was president, FDR was in office, and Hoover was running this country straight into the ground! I was living in a small hole in the wall town called Utah, when this city slicker from Colorado came in and started making these "changes". Said they would make everything better for us. Before we knew it, Utah was crawling with ceegar bars, coffee shops, and hippies. Bob Dole didn't like this one bit. Bob Dole knew he needed to do something. Bob Dole Knew exactly where to start. Bob Dole... Bob Dole... BOB DOLE!!! Bob Dole........ Bob..... dole...... *falls asleep*