Official Off Topic Thread

I'm bored! I am thinkin of trading in my xbox for the 360, well more than thinking about it.. planning to.. I wasnt going to but then I saw they have Oblivion and Tomb Raider Legend out on the 360 and thought 'thats it! i must do it!' - damn them! :(
Oblivion is great! I've made my 2nd character and am amusing myself by doing Emperor Palpatine impressions on anything that crosses my path. The distance on the spells seems fairly long range, so I can fireball-snipe and watch corpses go flying while on fire:lol:
Oblivion and Halo are the reasons Im getting a 360. And also, some other games that are optional, but I need Halo and Oblivion!!!
Tool is NOT Nu-Metal. Tool is Prog. Maybe not as Prog as other bands, but just listen to the time sigs in some songs. Nu Metal is never prog. If it was, we'd all be living odd lives.
Prog =/= Nu Metal.
Tool =/= Nu Metal
Tool = Prog
ill admitt they pwn the hell out of bands like korn and slipknot and stuff, but i still think they stray a bit to nu metal.

just my opinion, if you like them its fine with me.
Kenneth R. said:
Oblivion is great! I've made my 2nd character and am amusing myself by doing Emperor Palpatine impressions on anything that crosses my path. The distance on the spells seems fairly long range, so I can fireball-snipe and watch corpses go flying while on fire:lol:
Lol, I just have fun going in the guard towers in Imperial City and pickpocketing everything from the sleeping guards and putting those items on the ground. Then I shoot an arrow at one of them so they wake up, then I resist arrest but they have nothing to equip so they basically fight me with their fists in their jammies :lol: It takes a while but it's fucking hilarious.
Tubbs Mcgee said:
What? Are you serious? I hate that new nintendo they're coming out with. The damn controller looks like a phone and a knob, it's retarded.

Personally, I like Xbox 360 WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY more.

We're disagreeing on something. :erk:
That "phone knob" is tilt-sensitive BTW. If they ever make a FPS sword game like Oblivion or something you're basically gonna be using that remote as a sword and it's gonna do those movements in-game.

Oh, and that drummer kid sucks ass. I can play drums WAY better :D
Kenneth R. said:
The distance on the spells seems fairly long range, so I can fireball-snipe and watch corpses go flying while on fire

I dont think theres a smiley for the awe and impatience that I'm feeling right now hearing this :lol: - I might have to give in and buy the PC version just as soon as my semester is over (I cant buy games when busy with school, because theyre so addictive I end up forfeiting my studies lol..)

I might be a bit of a sadist, but I swear theres nothing better than cool and unusual ways to sniper someone in a game :lol: - speaking of that, anyone ever played the game 'Manhunt'? That seriously has to be IMO one of the most awesome games ever!
MrFast said:
Lol, I just have fun going in the guard towers in Imperial City and pickpocketing everything from the sleeping guards and putting those items on the ground. Then I shoot an arrow at one of them so they wake up, then I resist arrest but they have nothing to equip so they basically fight me with their fists in their jammies It takes a while but it's fucking hilarious.

and youre not helping with my impatience for wanting this game!!! :p - god that sounds cool!