Official Off Topic Thread

Taliwakker said:
When was the last time any of you freaks went outside and threw a ball or something :rolleyes:

I play on my school baseball team. Games are for late night chip eating soda drinking partys.
I just quit WoW recently meaning I quit paying. Now I can study for my finals without temptation, haha.

Ninja Gaiden II is one of my all time favorite games. A more recent game I liked a lot was Star Ocean: A Second Star Story. It was for PS1 so I guess it's not that recent.

I'm gonna shit myself if this turns out to be true. I did see a few gaming shows mention it and stuff and the evidence is there... If anybody here has played Diablo II: Lord of Destruction as much as I have then I'm sure you highly anticipate this release too. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
The Diablo games get old as hell after awhile. It's just the same old boring environments, same old mindless item collection, same old mind-numbing "battles". I see no reason for them to come out w/ Diablo 3.

Starcraft 2 would be cool, definitely.

Warcraft III was fucking awesome... one of my fave games ever, EASILY. Never played WoW, but I don't have any intention of wasting my time with MMORPGs.
I've been debating getting WoW, but I'm so scared that it'll drain what little socil life I still have, so I don't know what to do!!!
arglebargle said:
The Diablo games get old as hell after awhile. It's just the same old boring environments, same old mindless item collection, same old mind-numbing "battles". I see no reason for them to come out w/ Diablo 3.
You're obviously missing the point. THAT'S WHY THE GAME RULES.

It's awesome mindless RPGing.

Speaking of RPG's, or MMORPG's, I will never waste my time on WoW. I'm glad I've never gotten into it, because it seems like people can't stop playing it.