Official Off Topic Thread

In all honesty... Eye candy is what its supposed to be loL! Since when has any JAPENESE STYLE FILM either animated or real-time not Eye candy? I do not remmeber any epic Anime's lol! And yeh I found it delivered... It coulda been made better but stilk! Kicked a whole bunch of h'ass!

And I think any Final Fantasy Music that ever touched film or a video game has been genious! I wonder if MJR knows of Nabou and likes his shit...If so they should make an album together!
I made this today:


My mom got it in the mail today for spa stuff or something. The girl already had white shit all over her face, so I couldn't resist adding some black. It's hanging on my refrigerator now. :)
I still think it would have been possible to have a better story than what it did given the timeframe. It just played out like an action movie where the plot was written around the fight scenes...which were cool and all, but eh...I expected more substance.
proulxski said:
So any of you see 'Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children' yet? I had a japense version with english subtitles untill it finally came out in North America! For Final Fantasy VII fans I believe it delivers a good shit load of ass kickness! However on a viewers stand point, and a fan standpoint I found the English version's voice acting was a little cheesy...and for some characters just FUCKING sucked! Accept Aeris, her voice pwned...oh and Tife Lockhearts!

That movie needed the entire useless bahamut fight scene cut out an replaced with a little CHARACTER. DEVELOPMENT. You know, like, making us hate Sephiroth or perhaps fleshing out the story that made Sephiroth turn from a "world domination psychotic" to a "revengeful hater of Cloud." Wtf? I was disappointed... again.
I think that..... umm.... shit. That's right. I don't think.. much. But that doesn't matter, because I got a NEW GUITAR!!
DoomsdayZach said:
I think as far as the updates threads go, Jax should hold off on giving any updates as punishment. I think that'd be hillarious.

:lol: <=== me
That would be like your boss delaying your paycheck because you anticipate it too much.

):^( <=== Me
MrFast said:
That would be like your boss delaying your paycheck because you anticipate it too much.

):^( <=== Me

Or school teachers delaying the last day of school because you want it to come soooo badly.