Official Off Topic Thread

My day was full of shit. SHIT!

At practice today we had an intersquad game. I popped out twice and couldnt lay down a damn bunt.

Then, my mom leaves her lights on while sitting in the parking lot waiting for me. We have to walk home.

Now I have to do homework for every damn class.

Maddox is rediculous. Sometimes I like him, others, mehh. But I think that mostly comes from the fact that I know so many people who actually abide by Maddox's teachings and consider it a religion.


A new forum, based on the principles of Spam, free of angry people or Spam haters. I just thought I'd advertise it a bit, you know, spread the word. It's like one big OFF TOPIC forum.
MrFast said:
Besides, 2 FF threads are better than one

:lol: then don't flame me to say that I HATE FF! Too much bloody movie sequence not enough control over the game for me.

DoomsdayZach said:
Dude.... no one else has to put up with that shit. It's obvious that you should think about suicide.

:lol: - I forgot about that particular Maddox rant! I love it!

- Maddox has some crap moments but in all I still think he is awesome.
oil changing? I dont remember that one.. the one that got me every time I read it was the one about the 'extreme' corn nuts and banana chips etc. The first time I read that one I was laughing so hard tears were rolling down my cheeks!
MrFast said:
That is pretty cool, but I still like my one better. Guess theres one for everyone ;).

PS: White writing on a black background sucks ass and maddox should die because of that. But only for a little while, then he can respawn at the graveyard and suffer res sickess for 10 minutes. That'd show him :lol:.

What is the secret message behind these album covers. Are they encrypted messages of an undercover agenda ? Search is on.... We'll inform you about any updates... :lol:
