Official Off Topic Thread

Oguz286 said:
Wow i always thought mac's were cool! :p
Me too, but mine is whining (and apparently all of the other MacBook Pros are too). But as of an hour ago, I now know that Apple is working on a way to fix the problem, so I love my new laptop again.
Prog Maiden said:
Good to hear, SR. And as someone mentioned, you should go back and give Symmetric in Design another listen. They truly are a Swedish supergroup. Most of their side projects are worth checking out as well, particularly Unmoored, Altered Aeon and Theory in Practice.

will do! thanks for the band tips - as I always say, I love getting new things to check out!

Nemesis Ixix said:
Well I just came back from the uni and it was closed.The protest is done by the students coz of a stupid law about private universities and some other crap like flashing you out if you fail to pass a class 3 times.The stupid thing wont pass anyway but the bad news is that I missed 2 classes I was going to pass and will probably go for 3 tomorrow. (fucking government !)

I might be reading you wrong here.. are you saying, that students are protesting because if they fail a class 3 times they get kicked out of uni? I think here might be the same, but I don't think our students get that many chances.. Elaborate on that for me. If that's true, then I think they shouldn't be protesting that, and that its a more than fair rule. But if the uni is closed, then what classes you're missing wont affect your grade because it's clearly not your fault.

Oguz286 said:
The only thing i see is that in countries where you have plenty of oppertunities to educate yourself, people don't give a damn about it and in countries where there are little to no oppertunities, people want to educate themselves real badly.

It's a cardinal rule of willpower.. we always want what we're told we can't have :) - if we're told we can have it, we don't want it. It's silly but it's human nature. People who have to struggle to get somewhere in life seem to value it more.
Prog Maiden said:
Update on that metal magazine: I got a call back today and I start tomorrow. It's only going to be two days a week to start and I won't be writing articles (at least not yet), but I've got my foot in the door. If I stay there long enough, I'm sure I can work something out with them. I'm going to have to find a second job, but for the time being I'm happy. It'll be nice to have a job in my field for once.

yay congrats!! :headbang: I'm sure you'll do swimmingly!!

Also, before I leave this thread for the time being.. I had my Psych exam today.. the one I quit studying for yesterday and got a lecture from Richard about :lol: - I am really happy with how I went actually, I think I pretty much aced it! Even though I pulled a tanty yesterday and stopped studying I actually had been going the whole week plus basically studying throughout the semester (I'm a bit of an overachiever lol) - and was actually really surprised with how much info I knew (including writing two full pages on a question about neuroscience - my favourite topic).. so fingers crossed that my good feelings dont end and I find out I actually went badly on it :lol:
I thought i failed all my finals becuase i didnt study one bit. but i got A's on all except the damn bio.
Kenneth R. said:
I think self education is extremely underrated. especially in countries where opportunity is taken for granted, people sit and expect to be educated, instead of actively trying to learn what they want to know, and all the while they complain that "school sucks" (which of course, it does) but you can do something about it.

My great-grandmother had only a 6th-grade education, but read on-par with any decently-educated high-school graduate (maybe even better) because of sheer persistence and a genuine love for reading. That definitely backs up your point.
Taliwakker said:
I have Policy and Procedures review meeting to go to......what a crap way to end the working week.

you in trouble for sexual harrassment again Rich? :p

Rose Immortal said:
My great-grandmother had only a 6th-grade education, but read on-par with any decently-educated high-school graduate (maybe even better) because of sheer persistence and a genuine love for reading. That definitely backs up your point.

self-education is still education :p Good on her for making a go of it I say!

Education itself isn't underrated, it gives a person the ability to make informed choices about their life. There's many different types of education, the kind one chooses and the degree to which they embrace it is entirely up to them and the way they want to live their life. Unless they live in a communist country, then it's up to the government to decide :p
haha you know what I read in the news paper the other day, apparently their is a new gouvernment party in Holland wich is their to make Pedophilia and Beastiallity legal! And apparently they have like 18% votes or some shit... Anyhoot, point is Holland was already a sick country and it might get worse, god I love my ancestors... (lol my mother is from Holland, meaning alot of my family is from their lol!)
We live in a "free" world right? We can do whatever we like...

Bah i'm getting sick of this, "free" doesn't mean you can whatever you like, those sick fucks from that party think that the western world means that you can do absolutely anything you like, you have the right to say anything you like (even if it's ridiculous, based on nothing crap, and even if you hurt people with it), and so on... :puke:

If this is the "free" world than count me out, i dont want to be part of some sick people who dont know the meaning of FREE.
Fair enough, the problem with alot of people (especially hear in Canada/Quebec) is we are multi-cultural... Very Multi-Cultural. The morals of the Sekh, Muslem is not the same of the morals the Christians/Catholic have! (Although as far as I'm concerned morals should be a universal understanding, not just for the North/South Americains you know?

Some people think eating meat is against certain morals, others think its fine.

Some thin having sex with a goat than sacrificing it is fine, others STRONGLY disagree! :(

By universal understanding I mean who cares what religion you are, their is somethings that are right or wrong no matter what religion you practice.
proulxski said:
Fair enough, the problem with alot of people (especially hear in Canada/Quebec) is we are multi-cultural... Very Multi-Cultural. The morals of the Sekh, Muslem is not the same of the morals the Christians/Catholic have! (Although as far as I'm concerned morals should be a universal understanding, not just for the North/South Americains you know?

Some people think eating meat is against certain morals, others think its fine.

Some thin having sex with a goat than sacrificing it is fine, others STRONGLY disagree! :(

By universal understanding I mean who cares what religion you are, their is somethings that are right or wrong no matter what religion you practice.


But pedophilia... i can't look at that with my multicultural background :erk: And i'm multicultural myself (alright i'm a turk, born and raised in Holland) and i pick the cultural aspects of every culture i see. Being a turk doesn't mean everything turks do is good or right, same for every culture/religion/whatever... Even with this kind of thinking i just can't agree with pedophilia... :cry: (eh now i'm sounding like i'm for it, which im NOT).

Rock on buddy :kickass: :headbang:

SilentRealm said:
the idea of 'freedom' is not to steal the rights of other people.. no one thinks about the rights of the children (and animals for that matter) to not be sexually abused. The idea of laws of pedophilia etc is to protect those who can't protect themselves and therefore shouldn't even be considered to change.

the idea of 'freedom' is not to steal the rights of other people.. no one thinks about the rights of the children (and animals for that matter) to not be sexually abused. The idea of laws of pedophilia etc is to protect those who can't protect themselves and therefore shouldn't even be considered to change.
SilentRealm said:
I might be reading you wrong here.. are you saying, that students are protesting because if they fail a class 3 times they get kicked out of uni? I think here might be the same, but I don't think our students get that many chances.. Elaborate on that for me. If that's true, then I think they shouldn't be protesting that, and that its a more than fair rule. But if the uni is closed, then what classes you're missing wont affect your grade because it's clearly not your fault.

This is what I am saying along with a bunch of other laws like private unis and more.
It may be the same there but I bet Australia doesn’t have such a fucked up educational system like Greece.First we work our asses off to get to a university and instead of doing any classes that actually have to do shit about being a computer engineer we have to pass all these stupid lessons we are never gonna use in our job !
We should be working with programming languages more and do stuff like stetting up networks and fixing personal units.Instead I have to put up with 5 types of math that I will forget as soon as I give in my paper.In 1,5 years we have done C++,java and assembly ! Do you honestly think that one can learn how to program in 3 languages in such a sort time ?

And what about stupid sadistic teachers ? I am sure you don’t have any there but here the are free to do as they please!There are people that I know of ,who are this close to graduating and don’t since they have failed to pass one lousy class just because the teacher doesn’t like them or makes it so hard to pass !You may just think I am overreacting but how do you explain what happened to me last semester when more than 350 ppl took the class and no more that 10 of them passed ?

Sorry for beaching so much about it but I am a bit pissed coz 3 or the classes I was going to pass just got canceled.
Btw I saw a picture of you at the picture thread.I didn’t know you wear glasses ! look at me in glasses…