Official Off Topic Thread

proulxski said:
Which leads me to our teachers/educationla system... Our teachers have strikes all the time, and they picket out aside the schools and by the highways with their picketing signs! Teachers are over paid cry babies as far as I'm concerned, they've been without a 'good contract' for ages! I once got my teacher to spit out how much she makes, how they can complain and strike for more money is beyond me! 50,000 $ CND a year + benefits to work 5 days a week, and get multiple holidays, + Summers off... Seems pretty good to me.

I think it's very nasty of teachers to go on strike because of how that affects children, and then what the families of the younger ones have to do to make sure their children are cared for.

However, in the U.S., teachers' pay is much less than that. I understand that it runs somewhere around $30,000-$35,000 USD and frankly, that's not enough. I think teachers deserve much more, plus the salary needs to be enough to actually attract good people to do the job because of the tremendous impact they have. The better education a kid gets now, the less likely they are to be a welfare case later.

But going on strike does NOTHING to generate any sympathy for that cause. All it does is show selfishness.
SilentRealm said:
ok so.. remembering the Scar Symmetry convo in another thread I finally started getting some Pitch Black Progress to listen to, and I must concede.. this album is fucking awesome, what I've heard so far! Some of the guitar and keyboard work.. my god! And though I hated the "boy band" vox on SID, he sounds MUCH better this time, definately more rock.. and I CAN actually hear Prog Maiden's comparison of Christian to Swano/Akerfeldt this time. So there! :p

Good to hear, SR. :headbang: And as someone mentioned, you should go back and give Symmetric in Design another listen. They truly are a Swedish supergroup. Most of their side projects are worth checking out as well, particularly Unmoored, Altered Aeon and Theory in Practice.
Well I just came back from the uni and it was closed.The protest is done by the students coz of a stupid law about private universities and some other crap like flashing you out if you fail to pass a class 3 times.The stupid thing wont pass anyway but the bad news is that I missed 2 classes I was going to pass and will probably go for 3 tomorrow. (fucking government !)
turke said:
What kind of protest ? The protest of teachers or students ?

Actually, i wish we could make these kind of protests here in my country. Our education system is suffering for years, but none of the governments care much about it. I am watching the students of France, and i really admire them. They never give up. I wish we had the same spark in us. Actually our dads had(they had a little bit too much :) ), so the army has extinguished it. We had very bad times, around the year i was born. And now as a consequence of that, our generation has been passivised. (is that the right word ?). I don't defend any side here, may be it was the right thing to do, cause our youth were killing each other. Or may be it wasn't. I don't know. Everybody have different oppinions about it.
It is true what you say about people not fighting for what they believe.It has to do with the new way of life where every body is more interested about the new Madonna single than they do about their rights.This is why there are some filthy rich politicians and international corporations and you and I are getting butt-fucked every day.

But I know you all know that since you are metalheads and therefore visionaries and rebels and all giving hell to the “man” when you can.

I think I have seen people protesting in Turkey on tv and it wasn’t pretty.Cops there obviously have more rights that they do here.There were policemen with sticks hitting everyone in the head without second thought. Here the stupid cops chicken out and just stand there or find someone that is not that mean and apart from the group and pick on him.This is why you see 10 cops beating the shit out of one poor protester.

Sick times we live in…
I think self education is extremely underrated. especially in countries where opportunity is taken for granted, people sit and expect to be educated, instead of actively trying to learn what they want to know, and all the while they complain that "school sucks" (which of course, it does) but you can do something about it.
ThornsOfSorrow said:
MacBook Pros are evil. ...just wanted to throw that out there to take out some of my frustration with my brand new one. :erk:

Wow i always thought mac's were cool! :p

Nemesis_lxix said:
Deferent from my old ? or deferent from what I look like ?

How about the difference between:


;) :oops:
Hey Oguz, would you mind changing your sig so that the FFVIII thing doesn't stick out to the right? It would prevent people from having to scroll to the right every line to read what you posted.
Update on that metal magazine: I got a call back today and I start tomorrow. It's only going to be two days a week to start and I won't be writing articles (at least not yet), but I've got my foot in the door. If I stay there long enough, I'm sure I can work something out with them. I'm going to have to find a second job, but for the time being I'm happy. It'll be nice to have a job in my field for once. :)
Oguz286 said:

I have to constantly change my face.Its an international terrorist thing… you wouldn’t understand.

I also have these cool pictures of me.
The second is from a gym. Just check out this hot body :lol:
Nemesis_lxix said:
Cops there obviously have more rights that they do here.There were policemen with sticks hitting everyone in the head without second thought. Here the stupid cops chicken out and just stand there or find someone that is not that mean and apart from the group and pick on him.This is why you see 10 cops beating the shit out of one poor protester.

Sick times we live in…

Cops have rights ?? :lol: I know nothing about rights but sometimes, they can beat the shit out of the crowd, but when it comes to use their weapons on a man who is cutting her wife with a knife in front of them or a group of men beating a guy in front of them, they prefer to watch :lol: So i don't know anything about the rights, or "wrongs" :) Actually everybody have an oppinion about cops here, they are like a different society than normal people. Most people i know don't like them. I also wouldn't like to deal with a cop actually :)
MrFast said:
My screen is pretty big and I have it on 1024x768.
So is mine but I don’t have any problems.

turke said:
Cops have rights ?? :lol: I know nothing about rights but sometimes, they can beat the shit out of the crowd, but when it comes to use their weapons on a man who is cutting her wife with a knife in front of them or a group of men beating a guy in front of them, they prefer to watch :lol: So i don't know anything about the rights, or "wrongs" :) Actually everybody have an oppinion about cops here, they are like a different society than normal people. Most people i know don't like them. I also wouldn't like to deal with a cop actually :)

Well I guess that not all cops are bad,Just some of them think they are the “law” when they give me a parking ticket but are scared shitless to walk into a park and arrest a punk-ass dealer selling coke to kinds.

Well I say “Fuck you and fuck your law ! ” if you don’t do anything to protect me or my family.
Here, this makes it easy..


If it's either taller or wider (or both) than this image, it's too big and you need to change it (and there are several of you here who need to do so).
Wow i've been gone for an hour and suddenly this...
Sorry i didn't know it was sticking out, i'm running 1024x768 and with me it doesn't stick out... weird

Well i'll adjust it right away!

EDIT: Better now or still not right?

Jax said:
Here, this makes it easy..


If it's either taller or wider (or both) than this image, it's too big and you need to change it (and there are several of you here who need to do so).

Oops, even if it doesn't stick out, it's still wider than 500 pixels, guess i have to remove some... :( Or not, just aligned differently :p