Official Off Topic Thread

arglebargle said:
Haha. I'm a computer science grad student, and programming's definitely one of my strong points. :cool: Need to teach myself Java tho... I peruse job ads frequently and damn near everyone wants knowledge of it.
The forum is being taken over by computer scientists.
Chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarge !!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111

PLZ don’t say the word java again ! Use any other language but this ! :lol:

I just uploaded a picture of me.Wanna see ?
Dude what the fuck, you don't look like a computer geek at all! :lol:
You look very metal indeed :kickass: And yeah i think *programming language starting with J* sucks too :oops:


Well without the glasses i figured i can look very metal, in an very evil black-death-grindcore-evil-satan's-gonna-rip-your-balls-off-kind-of-metal... at least a friend of mine told me that :p But this pic-o-mine doesn't show the potential :lol:
Nemesis_lxix said:
^If you think I look metal in this photos the I worship you all.
I always thought the metal me was more like this…

ever since I cut my hair I am under the impression I look too “ordinary”.:lol:

you my friend look very metal with or without your glasses !
the GR T-Shirt and the guitar ! you are one metal computer maniac :headbang: :lol:

Well with that much hair, you're always metal even if you only listen to classical music :p

Why, you and me in our metal-leather jackets of manowar, we're brothers of metal! :lol:

turke said:

What if i do the same :lol:

Well i guess that's what is called a paradox... or something like that :p
proulxski said:
the amount of programmers on this forum frighten me! *shivers*

but...but...but... i play guitar...and uh... i play metal...and uh...oh yeah

\m/ -_- \m/

:kickass: Don't be scared, we're actually really nice and do have social affaires :p
Ptah Khnemu said:
School sucks. I don't feel like being here. Thank the gods finals start next week.
Same for me. Mine are next Wednesday through Friday. I just got something in the mail for summer school... like hell I'm going to that. I plan on getting a job and going to band practice as often as possible this summer, to get an albums worth of material done, and I'm not letting any more school get in my way. I hope I can make it up, though. It's health class, which I failed miserably. :erk: