Official Off Topic Thread

It seems that we started a revolution on the UM-board... MUAHAHAHAHAH!!! :kickass:

Brothers of Programmers, unite, stand up and never let the blood on steel dry! (or something like that, im sounding too much like Manowar :lol:)
Nemesis_lxix said:
The forum is being taken over by computer scientists.
Chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarge !!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111

PLZ don’t say the word java again ! Use any other language but this ! :lol:

I just uploaded a picture of me.Wanna see ?

wow dude the pic in your avatar looks different for some reason, can't quite put my figure on it...
Androz said:
I program too so yes, LETS TAKE OVER THE FORUM!!!

I have chunks of application folks in my stool. :heh:
20+ years of System Administration/Management here.
Mostly HP-UX & OpenVMS (a dying dinosaur)

Your apps don't run unless we allow them to! :p

/J-Dubya draws a bead on the first person to muck with the Forum! :lol:

Nobody likes a quitter, folks used to say. In recent years it's become almost fashionable to quit. Kids quit school and go pro -- or online -- and get famous. Famous athletes and TV stars retire while at the height of fame, and are hailed for their courage. It's international news when singers want to quit and have babies. Our love/hate relationship with quitting comes from a gut feeling that it must feel good to just chuck it in, while knowing that it feels good to stick it out, too. Here are a few examples of some famous quitters, people who didn't always stick it out:

On the throne of England for a year in 1936, KING EDWARD VIII embarrassed the royal family by going ga-ga over an American divorceé, Wallis Simpson. Rather than give up his relationship with Simpson, Edward gave up the throne and his brother became the king.

The 37th President of the United States, RICHARD NIXON, was a quitter twice over. After he lost a presidential election in 1960 and a gubernatiorial election in 1962, Nixon declared he was through with politics. He went on to become a twice-elected president anyway, only to be forced to quit in 1974.

U. S. Senator EDMUND MUSKIE ran against Richard Nixon in the presidential election of 1972, and had a good chance at the Democratic nomination. But Muskie dropped out during the primary elections. In an outdoor press meeting, it was thought that Muskie had wept while defending his wife, and the fallout forced him to quit the race.

MCLEAN STEVENSON played Henry Blake, the bumbling camp commander in the TV sitcom M*A*S*H. In spite of the show's popularity, Stevenson went AWOL in 1975, hoping to be a big star on a rival network. It didn't happen.

GARY BURGHOFF was another M*A*S*H regular who quit the show while it was still a hit. Gary played "Radar" O'Reilly, the company clerk and one-time aide to McLean Stevenson's character. Something must have rubbed off -- Burghoff left the show in 1979, with results even less sterling than Stevenson's.

An alumnus of the famed comedy troupe Second City, SHELLEY LONG starred as Diane Chambers in the hit sitcom Cheers during the 1980s. In spite of the popularity of the show and her character, Long quit the show in 1987 to jump into a career in the movies. Although she never became an A-list movie star, Long continued to pop up on Cheers and its spinoff, Frasier.

DAVID CARUSO didn't even have the patience of McLean Stevenson or Shelley Long. The red-headed star of NYPD Blue was in the show for a little more than one season before jumping ship. A much-publicized bid for big-screen stardom fell flat.

In 1992 ROSS PEROT ran against the Democrats and Republicans for the presidency, using his own dough and an energetic grassroots organization. In the middle of the summer's primaries, Perot suddenly quit. A few weeks later -- before the election -- he tossed his hat into the ring again and ended up with 19% of the popular vote.

NEWT GINGRICH was the hero of the Republican party after the 1994 elections, credited with engineering a long hoped-for Republican majority in the U.S. House of Representatives. Only four years later, he was the goat. Disappointment over the 1998 election spurred Gingrich to gather up his pens and notebooks and go home. He resigned as Speaker of the House and left Congress in 1999.
ok so.. remembering the Scar Symmetry convo in another thread I finally started getting some Pitch Black Progress to listen to, and I must concede.. this album is fucking awesome, what I've heard so far! Some of the guitar and keyboard work.. my god! And though I hated the "boy band" vox on SID, he sounds MUCH better this time, definately more rock.. and I CAN actually hear Prog Maiden's comparison of Christian to Swano/Akerfeldt this time. So there! :p
Its a good album for sure.....go back and listen to Symmetric in Design again...i don't think there is a hell of a lot of difference between the two in any of the elements....also check out your email for some Unmoored.
SilentRealm said:
ok so.. remembering the Scar Symmetry convo in another thread I finally started getting some Pitch Black Progress to listen to, and I must concede.. this album is fucking awesome, what I've heard so far! Some of the guitar and keyboard work.. my god! And though I hated the "boy band" vox on SID, he sounds MUCH better this time, definately more rock.. and I CAN actually hear Prog Maiden's comparison of Christian to Swano/Akerfeldt this time. So there! :p
:kickass: Deviate from the form of nothing!!!!!!!!!!
Nemesis_lxix said:
Shit ! I was going to give the 2 classes that I was certain I would pass today and I was just informed that the examination was cancelled as a protest to a new educational law :mad: And I was working all night long on my project.

Fucking government ! always finds a way to make your life miserable !

What kind of protest ? The protest of teachers or students ?

Actually, i wish we could make these kind of protests here in my country. Our education system is suffering for years, but none of the governments care much about it. I am watching the students of France, and i really admire them. They never give up. I wish we had the same spark in us. Actually our dads had(they had a little bit too much :) ), so the army has extinguished it. We had very bad times, around the year i was born. And now as a consequence of that, our generation has been passivised. (is that the right word ?). I don't defend any side here, may be it was the right thing to do, cause our youth were killing each other. Or may be it wasn't. I don't know. Everybody have different oppinions about it.
The only thing i see is that in countries where you have plenty of oppertunities to educate yourself, people don't give a damn about it and in countries where there are little to no oppertunities, people want to educate themselves real badly.

Here in the Netherlands you can study and do whatever you like, but virtually noone give a crap about it. In certain parts of Turkey (turke will know what i mean) people want to study so badly, that a shepperd's son was nr.1 of Turkey in some finals (i don't know what it's called, 'lise sinavlari'). A sheppard's son! That kid grabbed the oppertunity and studied his ass of, and got what he deserved! Here, people would look down on him because of his fathers job. BTW, don't get me wrong, i'm not saying the Dutch are racists or something, it's just common western culture (i was born and raised in Holland, so i can know).

In other words, resources are distributed very badly :(
Protests are nothing new around here :( Right now the SQ (Suretee de Quebec) being law enforcers are on strike (well have been forever) And they use multiple pressure tactics like not handing out 50% less tickets, and wearing inappropriate clothing for the job. Its actually rather gay, I'm sitting in Tim's and all of a sudden 2 sqaud cars pull up and they get out, and everyone of them is wearing like Bright Yellow army pants... Which are against regulation, I've seen some who wear just regular jeans as well! They're on strike because they've been without a Contract for like two years.

Which leads me to our teachers/educationla system... Our teachers have strikes all the time, and they picket out aside the schools and by the highways with their picketing signs! Teachers are over paid cry babies as far as I'm concerned, they've been without a 'good contract' for ages! I once got my teacher to spit out how much she makes, how they can complain and strike for more money is beyond me! 50,000 $ CND a year + benefits to work 5 days a week, and get multiple holidays, + Summers off... Seems pretty good to me.
Oh, i thought you were born here Oğuz, and then went there :) Have you ever come to visit ?

You are right actually. We lack oportunities. Of course some might say "man creates his own opportunity", but they are probably opporunists :lol:

I believe in something. I think, small countries, with little population, are always luckier and happier than the big and populated countries. Especially the ones in Europe. You live one of those so be aware of your luck :) The people in big and populated countries struggle with life much more. Cause there are too much people to beat, and too little chances to achieve, too little opportunities for everyone. That shows almost everywhere, like the "high school exams" you talk about. There are millions of students, but there are little "good" schools. Last year, there were nearly 2 million high school graduates who attended to university exams. And only 633.000 of them could make it to a university. And most of them studied the subjects which they never wished to study. Cause we have a "selection system" in university stuff. You choose an amount of schools, which their minimum points are close to yours, and if you are lucky enough, you are located to one of your high priority selections, but if you are not, you can study science, instead of what you wish for, for example "medicine". That is as crap as i told you :) Don't be surprised. But we have such a stupid system.

So what i try to say is, the bigger is not better :)