Official Off Topic Thread

SR wrote
.. So yeah we have been dating for a month now and it's all VERY good..

has he donkey punched you yet?

He isn't a metal fan, but this is due to lack of appropriate exposure I would say.

he's probably thinking

**she isn't a Kenny G fan, but this is due to lack off appropriate exposure I would say**

anyway good luck with this one Charis....may he have both balls, a wallet full of coin and no wife. ;)
@ Tali - trust you to turn everything I say nasty :( *sulks* luckily I've grown so used to it that it only makes me chuckle now :p I just know you're jealous coz you were always hoping for that hot 3-way between me and your mrs..

and hey.. kenny G rocks :headbang: (yeah not really)
SR wrote
Tali - trust you to turn everything I say nasty *sulks*

Nasty? I think if you re-read it you'll see the nastiness is actually saturated in genuine concern :)

I just know you're jealous coz you were always hoping for that hot 3-way between me and your mrs..

3 things

1.Never give up hope
2.Its still an open invitation ( NOTE:Some chest hair is still considered sexy, however, if you look like Chewbacca, you might want to do something about the fur on your chest. Shaving is the preferred method because 1) it's cheap, and 2) you can do it yourself in the privacy of your own home. It's also not as painful as waxing.

However, the drawbacks to shaving are that no matter how close the shave, stubble can begin to appear the very next day. And that doesn't feel good under clothes or for anyone running their hands across your chest. Waxing is the best way to obtain a smooth, hairless chest that lasts for weeks. And even when the hair starts growing back after being waxed, the hair is a little softer than stubble, so it's not as itchy.

3.Don't let a relationship with a Kenny G lovin IT guy stand in the way of a night of pleasure in Australia's Babylonian capital...infact you could borrow some of his cds for some background music.

if you want to send Santa a link for X-mas letting him know what to get you....or you could just print out the page and slip it in his top pocket when you sit on his knee in the mall in the coming weeks.
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Silent, there's nothing wrong with donkey punching someone.

Actually, there's a girl i was with for a short time who was super paranoid about anything going in the "out" door. I still wish to this day that just once, i would have "accidentally missed". That would have been hillarious.
Silent, there's nothing wrong with donkey punching someone.

Actually, there's a girl i was with for a short time who was super paranoid about anything going in the "out" door. I still wish to this day that just once, i would have "accidentally missed". That would have been hillarious.

Surprise buttsecks???? :err::err: :danceboy:

That reminds me of one of the funniest things I've ever read. AKA This.
Do you have something called "the game of life" in Australia?


A man with 2 or 3 lovers surrounding him survives

or the board game?

Fast wrote
I'm looking forward to Tali's next post, I dunno how he's gonna top that last one but I have a feeling he will

sorry...i buckled under the pressure of unrealistic expectations.
Montu Sekhmet said:
Nice sig there SR

thanks.. I'm on a real amon amarth kick atm.. I've even made the same pic my desktop wallpaper.. and added their 'runes to my memory' vid clip to myspace.. mind you.. that clip fucking rocks :headbang:

@ Zach - I wonder what's the female equivalent of 'donkey punching' a guy.. ideas anyone?

@ Tali - I thought you loved my hairy chest.. that I am the female version of the Hoff - picture the Hoff with boobs.. that's me in your fantasies Rich..
yeah but how could a chick jennet punch a guy successfully.. unless it involves a strap on.. that could work.. do a guy up the butt with a huge studded strap on, then punch him in the eye.. ooh i like that idea :)