Official Off Topic Thread

"Behold these repositories of fearful arcane knowledge, tomes of aeons-old cursed lore which was surely ancient even when the ill-fortuned antediluvian civilizations which initially articulated it first committed such dread lexicons of terror to shuddering memory! Fear these legendary encyclopaedia antediluvia, these ebon necronomica of shunned rites and diabolical adulations! The Tome of Shadows, the Forbidden Books of the First Cataclysm, the Epsilon Exordium, the Scrolls of the Third Circle, the Oracle of Antediluvian Blasphemies, the Diabolist's Lexicon, the Arcana Atra Libri, the Thirteen Cryptical Prophecies of Mu, the Manuscripts of the Cultists of Ur, the Chronicle of Shadows, the Black Bible of Kor-Avul-Thaa, the Ancient Book of the Six Keys, the Cydonia Manifesto, the Index Librorum Prohibitorum, the Star-Maps of the Ancient Cosmographers, the Cursed Books of the Z'xulth, the Praxeum Codex, the Chthonic Chronicles!
I now know that there is something inestimably evil at large throughout the cosmos. It is a ravenous and pitiless storm which rages across the universe, permeating the very fabric of creation, existing simultaneously in all dimensions, wholly unconstrained by linear time. This force is the black, quasi-sentient mana which sustains such ageless revenants of the Z'xulth as the dread Dwellers In Eternal Shadow and the unspeakable They-Who-Lurk-And-Breed-In-Limbo. When beings whose essences are intrinsically malefic choose to embrace this darksome energy source, the resultant sinister symbiosis can be sublimely diabolical, as evidenced by the black blight that was the infamous pseudo-human sorcerer Lord Angsaar! And of course, the malign Zurra, that abominable result of an experiment by the Ersatz Ones gone disastrously wrong; an ill advised attempt to clone the Kl'aa genetic template of mighty Zuranthus in the Mera spawning vats beneath the Pre-Cambrian sea, only for the matrix to become contaminated by the errant cells of a captured fiend of Z'xulth! The result was a prime fiend whose capacity for evil and wanton annihilation was exceeded only by a penchant for self agrandizement and his rampant psychological instability. In many cases, the potential for ruination and dominion that such entities may aspire to is constrained only by their own physical and psychological limitations, as the toll which the dark mana takes upon the host's mind and flesh is not insignificant..."
Thanks for the congrats on the job, guys! :)

Does mean I won't be around here as much, but still, I needed it. Hopefully the next leap will be into an office job with more stable hours.
Hey, I didn't even read your announcement because it was buried at the bottom of the last page. Congratulations, Rose! It's always a relief to finally be employed after hunting for so long. Good luck with your new job!
Hey, I didn't even read your announcement because it was buried at the bottom of the last page. Congratulations, Rose! It's always a relief to finally be employed after hunting for so long. Good luck with your new job!

Seconded! ANY job feels good to have if you've ever been unemployed for a long atime.....

Woo hoo! Congratulations on the employment.

Got back from our annual trip up to Colorado. Found some wicked awesome beers to bring back. Finally found Dogfish Head World Wide Stout - $10.34 for one fucking 12-oz bottle. But it will be worth it.

Anybody here live in Indiana? Care to send me some Three Floyds? I can't find it anywhere.
What I'd like to get info on is Absynthe (Or is it Absinthe? spelling irrelevant.).

I totally wanna try that out, but I hardly know anything about it. I don't really know what to look for in the good kind, so if anyone here knows more about it then I'd appreciate the help.
^ Zach! stop that sort of talk! ( I feel like your mother all of a sudden :lol: ) - you do not talk about nice girls that way! I'd be mortified if I found out a guy I was into was talking about me in that way.. I'd quite frankly run a mile from him and anyone associated with him..

@ Ptah - yoga would be an interesting first date.. one that could go very wrong.. or surprisingly well lol. Let us know how the movie (?) goes instead (I cant remember if that was the plan for the next date after the failed yoga attempt or not..)

speaking of love-lives, I didn't tell you guys my latest installment ( mind you, I don't tell you guys even a fraction of my soap-box love-life installments)..

Anyhoo.. I was set up on a blind date! My first one ever! A good friend of mine from uni thought I would be just 'perfect' for a friend of hers, and she is about to move away so she was insistant that I MUST meet this person before she VERY reluctantly I agreed.

I had a metal party happening one night and thought it's a crowded enough place to meet him in case he turns out to be a psycho, and if it doesn't go well I'd tell him it was nice to meet him, ditch him and flirt with hot metal boys all night.. this was my plan :lol: all the way to the date (we had agreed to have dinner and drinks first before heading to the party which was at the club next to the meeting place anyway) I'm thinking.. 'oh god this will suck.. man how am I gonna ditch him nicely?' -- anyway I meet him and he turns out to be totally awesome!! Dorky in a cute way, but has tats and piercings at the same time.. IT guy, loves the same sort of shows and movies I do.. KNOWS who Joss Whedon is and even LOVES the Firefly series!!! He isn't a metal fan, but this is due to lack of appropriate exposure I would say. Everything I've showed him so far he has appreciated the talent behind it and can understand why I love it.. (just death vox are taking him time to get used to, which is true for many people anyway). One of the best bits though is that he is 32! Someone older than me for a change.. So yeah we have been dating for a month now and it's all VERY good..