Official Off Topic Thread

Kenneth is right. The american school system is a joke at best.

And Kenneth, i cannot stress how, even though we're essentially on opposing sides (ok you drink a bit, but not near the extent as the "drinking side") you still keep a generally objective view... i very much appreciate that.

Tubbs, you don't agree and that's cool. You said that the "drinking is bad" is a universal oppinion. It isn't. You know, i don't drink that much, and most of the time when i go to the bar with my friends, i have coke or something (the beverage, not blow :lol: ) However, i'm 22, not doing anything wrong by saying "hey, i want to have a few drinks" every now and then. In fact, i've only really gotten even buzzed maybe twice within the past few months, and that's because right around now everyone is back from college and whatnot for the holidays.

As far as pot goes, we all know the effects, but pot is NOT a drug that will have horrible side effects with casual usage. And in my case, we're talking i've done it maybe 10 times in my LIFE. I'm not a dumb guy, i'm not a stoner, but there's nothing wrong with trying out some of life's experiances. Now personally, that's all i'll go for as far as drugs. Point is, i know my limits, i generally adhere to them (though most everyone has their nights where they just want to get fuuuuuuckered up, which there is also nothing wrong with). You got your lifestyle choices and that's great, but you're being awfully christian at the moment by pushing your personal beliefs and values on everyone else here who differs. It's NOT a big deal.
hey man, it's cool. i haven't seen any name calling or anything other than difference in oppinion, so why not have a civil arguement? No hard feelings here man... besides, bullshit like this is what has kept this thread alive :lol:
Just because you're not a fan of something doesn't mean it's bad. I haven't done any drugs but I don't go condemning my friends who do, it's their life and it's none of my business. Moderation is key to everything I say, nothing wrong with having some fun :kickass:

Moderation is key.... I'd MUCH rather smoke a little than sit down and drink 6-12 beers for the same effect. :zombie:

i'm not a fan of homicide, but i think it's bad. i see your point, but there is a moderation limit to it as well :lol:

Don't knock homicide till you've tried it, there are too many people on this planet anyway.....:lol:

I'm old, I have been around for a while, and been around the block more than a couple times. I have tried LSD, coke, & pot. I wasn't a fan of LSD, and had tried twice to have a good trip. Scratch LSD. Coke made me too hyper, and is actually QUITE dangerous to your heart, as well as your wallet. Scratch coke. I will still partake in pot from time to time. Tubbs has apparantly been rasied on a steady diet of "Reefer Madness". Do not forget the medical benefits of THC as a pain reliever & nausea inhibitor. Plenty of cancer patients swear by it, and have ben victorious in their battles against the big "c" because pot helped take the edge off their pain, and chemo symtoms.
I'm NOT saying pot cures cancer, but it does have its benefits.

I'm not wanting to argue about this, but my opinion on the matter is this: Drinking is okay in moderation, but yes, drinking will reduce your perception of your limits. I choose not to drink at all for this reason.
Pot is a drug, and even casual usage can flick a switch to permanent mental damage ie. schizophrenia.
All drugs are bad, and it is an absolute shame how many lives are torn apart by the use of them either by the person or by their family. Either way it will have a negative effect on someone.

There's my 2 cents. Take from it what you will.

Pot might take the pain from cancer, but it also DOES cause cancer similar to smoking tobacco. This is all the findings of scientific research here in Australia and the government is trying to educate kids in school.
I'm not telling you what to do with your life, just giving some facts to help you decide for yourself...
Awww geeze, we have a little discussion about pot, and Tubbs goes all emo!
Were you raised on a steady diet of "Reefer Madness"?

. When you ride a high horse, it's only a longer fall to the ground....
I think the key to everything is moderation.
Pot might take the pain from cancer, but it also DOES cause cancer similar to smoking tobacco. This is all the findings of scientific research here in Australia and the government is trying to educate kids in school.
I'm not telling you what to do with your life, just giving some facts to help you decide for yourself...

EVERYTHING causes cancer. Diesel fumes, industry byproducts, artificial sweeteners, etc. etc. We could all live forever if we just didn't have to breathe....

Trying to adjust to being a day person sucks..I woke up at 4am yesterday, & have been wide awake since 2:30 this morning..bah. Hope it's not like this for my whole break from work. *grumble*
Welcome to my world! (just 12 hours opposite of yours!) :(
I have to go home from work, wrap presents, and drive a couple hours up to my dad's. And my relief is LATE! :mad:

Since when does that make me emo? My dad is a constant drinker and smoker and 2 of my brothers are avid pot smokers. I just don't want to end up like them. :mad:

Trust me, you're not emo.

I've also seen what smoking does to a person--my great uncle died an early death from lung cancer caused by his smoking. That was a tough funeral to go to. :(