Official Off Topic Thread

I have to laugh when people give me bad rep thinking they're all anonymous & can be jerks without me knowing it was them..'re not anonymous..we staff members can see who gives us every single rep point. :lol:
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Man I am upset. I got my report card today and I got one A - , 4 B-'s, and one C-. I have a 2.7ish gpa now. That hurts really bad. Damn finals.

:erk: :erk: :erk: :erk:
grades are useless in determining anything other than effort:

sophomore uni- i failed 2 classes and got C's in the others.
this semester: all A's.

i'm not any smarter either.
Grades are essential for college. I need college. I don't want to be working a labor job or have to rely on music (which is a hard trade).
It's been very difficult for me to adjust to having to study. I was always one of those people who could sit back in class and understand everything. When I got to my upper division classes, that all went downhill, and I've been struggling ever since. It's so hard to break myself of 15+ years of having shitty (read: nonexistant) study habits, but it's coming around slowly.
screw studying, and who cares about GPA either. I didn't know what a GPA was until senior year in high school when they told me i had a 2 something. didn't stop me from getting into a respected (if that means anything to anyone) university and getting a degree (this year).

for me, the purpose is to become more intelligent and perceptive. mostly, this is learned outside of class. what i do learn in class i know by memory. for me, getting a 75 on a test tells me that i put enough effort (or knew enough material if i put full effort) to ascertain that i knew 75% of the material. this is more significant to me than studying like a psycho the night before, getting a 100, and forgetting it the next day. aside from on paper, you're no more useful than you were before.

I know I don't normally talk like that, but the job I got hired for six weeks ago...well, it turned out to be a temp position instead of a permanent one and it came to an end. I didn't want to say anything about that aspect because I really thought I could wangle it into a permanent position and I wanted to treat it that way (didn't want to half-ass it), but it didn't happen because the need went away at the end of the six weeks.

At least I didn't get fired but still--I just wasn't really thinking I'd have to go back to job hunting.

I have a great plan I'm going to launch into tomorrow for job hunting, but YEESH. I just have to hope third time is the charm!
Kenneth R. said:
screw studying, and who cares about GPA either. I didn't know what a GPA was until senior year in high school when they told me i had a 2 something. didn't stop me from getting into a respected (if that means anything to anyone) university and getting a degree (this year).

but it doesnt end there.. depending on what career path you choose, companies will look at your GPA throughout university and will choose the person with the best one for the job. My field is like that anyway, its highly competitive.
but it doesnt end there.. depending on what career path you choose, companies will look at your GPA throughout university and will choose the person with the best one for the job. My field is like that anyway, its highly competitive.

You are correct. I have friends who are seniors now and they are sending their resumes out. Many of the hospitable, well-paying engineering companies out there require a transcript.

PS: Hey Rose, I've been reading your posts about job hunting and all I can say is to just keep looking. Every no is one step closer to a yes ;)
Thanks, Beez. At least I'll be ready to make forward progress again. Just think--I could've been fired instead of just ending this temp stint. And boy would that be hard, with it being my first job, to explain why it was 6 weeks! :lol:
I've been without a job for 2 months now, I'm getting tired of squeezing every penny... Tomorrow I'm gonna go drop my resume at as many places as I possibly can and hopefully I'll get something soon. It's a coincidence that you're also doing the same RI :lol: Best of luck to you :)