Official Off Topic Thread

I've been without a job for 2 months now, I'm getting tired of squeezing every penny... Tomorrow I'm gonna go drop my resume at as many places as I possibly can and hopefully I'll get something soon. It's a coincidence that you're also doing the same RI :lol: Best of luck to you :)

I'm going to be doing the same on the 16th...there's a professional society meeting that thank goodness, I'm going to be able to register for it just HOURS before the deadline. Needless to say, I'm going to be pimping my resume as much as I can while I'm there.

Right now I just need to revise the damn thing to make it look good. The old one has gotten kind of unwieldy by now!
Man I am upset. I got my report card today and I got one A - , 4 B-'s, and one C-. I have a 2.7ish gpa now. That hurts really bad. Damn finals.

:erk: :erk: :erk: :erk:
I don't understand anything about the quotation system of you, but it doesn't seem that bad...
EDIT: it seems bad.
anyways, it's my birthday today. If rep will be the next-gen standard, you can rep me if you want.
I don't understand anything about the quotation system of you, but it doesn't seem that bad...
EDIT: it seems bad.
anyways, it's my birthday today. If rep will be the next-gen standard, you can rep me if you want.

It is bad.

And everyone rep Tuo!
Does anyone have any experience working in the music field? I have been considering it for a long time now but it seems like it can be a lot of trouble finding work or even something to do with it for that matter. I am considering majoring in physics/math and minoring in music, just in case I need something to fall back on.
Well, my job hunting seems to have been successful. I was out all day dropping applications everywhere and by the time I got back home one of the companies had already given me a call :lol: I guess I'll know what's going on next monday.
Does anyone have any experience working in the music field? I have been considering it for a long time now but it seems like it can be a lot of trouble finding work or even something to do with it for that matter. I am considering majoring in physics/math and minoring in music, just in case I need something to fall back on.

I work in music retail at the moment, and I'm going to be doing a degree in Music Teaching, and if I practice really hard, then I could work as an actual musician... There's plenty of options around, but you have to be really good, or really gay (ie. metalcore:Puke: ) to make a lot of money...
Does anyone remember the time that jojoposted so much spam that his username actually appeared on top in teh Google reccomended searches? :lol: Good times.
No, I mean it doesn't matter that you get bad rep cause you have so much already to make up for it. You said it yourself, you get a kick out of the people who think they are anonymous who bad rep you, so why complain? :lol:
Uh..where was I complaining? I said I thought it was're the one who acted like it was okay for people to be dicks because I have a lot of rep points. My main point to begin with was that it's amusing what people will do when they think they're anonymous, it had nothing to do with rep itself.

Bah..nevermind. *wanders off to drown my sickly self in NyQuil*
Ptah...I was at a coffee shop once where they had a TV and they were playing that was AWFUL. Hours of my life I want back.
I thought it was beyond lame the first time I watched it..the second time it was a bit more amusing, though, not sure why.
Well, off topic, but i pretty much enjoy Asian movies, Korean ones especially. I don't know why, but i think it has something to do with our cultures being as much similar as the American culture (Hollywood) is distant to ours. Also we are probably living the same cultural evolution process in time. I am not meaning something "evil" here, but American culture really effected many countries of the world, and it continues to do so. I think culturel diversity is a very valuable treasure for mankind, so of course it is good to come together, but we shouldn't rip our roots off from the surface to do so. But if we are to do it, then all of us should do it, not just some.