Official Off Topic Thread

I just spent some time on a couple of the the other forums, especially the Opeth one, and all I can say is a big thankyou to everyone on this forum for being mature and sensible (for the most part) and keeping the Symphony X forum a fun one with plenty of good discussion by civilized people rather than a whole bunch of idiots who have nothing better to do than flame each other and even the band and it's members! THANKS!!! You guys are awesome! :rock:
Hey Everyone! I just found out that I got accepted into Uni!!! :) I'm pretty cheerin'. I got offered to do a Diploma in Classical Studies, in which I'll be majoring in Classical guitar. :rock: It's a one year course, so it'll hopefully set me up for a Bachelor of Music Education (4 years) next year. Exciting, but a little scary at the same time... :erk: Anyways just thought I'd let you all know. :p
Why? There are plenty of non-academic jobs that aren't McDonalds.

Too much emphasis is put on academic qualifications when more should be encouraged to pursue other vocational avenues, if for no other reason than that not every person is suited to work a 9-5 in an office for the rest of their life. Even if they are, some of the greatest entrepreneurs do not have any sort of qualifications to take credit for their abundant success.

In addition, you can't have an economy based solely on tertiary industry and service providing. If you outsource all production, you are at the mercy of those who mine and manufacture for you.

To add to this, I've heard that those manufacturing operations still in the U.S. are having more trouble getting people qualified in the skilled trades than they are getting unskilled labor. A lot of people get stuck in the unskilled jobs but for whatever reason--maybe they think factory work is somehow more beneath their dignity than McDonalds?--do not try to advance into better-paying trades. You can live off being a machinist much more easily than you can off of being a burger-flipper.
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For the little bit older forum members, have you had moments where you realise your body is ageing? ( aside from the constant mental reminders we get everyday dealing with teens :lol: )

Getting old bites. At 36, I am constantly reminded of how old I'm getting. I am pretty active, still playing competitive footy up to now (though I'm having to hang up the boots now because family time is very demanding), but if I squat down in my office to play some guitar for a quick mind break, it's rather difficult to stand back up and I have to bend my knees to get the blood flowing some more.

And don't even get me started on what it's like to try to deal with a 6-month-old who won't sleep for shit through the night. Any moments of lost sleep exponentially affect my mood/wakefulness throughout the day. And I remember pulling all those all-nighters back in college with no problems at all...
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To add to this, I've heard that those manufacturing operations still in the U.S. are having more trouble getting people qualified in the skilled trades than they are getting unskilled labor. A lot of people get stuck in the unskilled jobs but for whatever reason--maybe they think factory work is somehow more beneath their dignity than McDonalds?--do not try to advance into better-paying trades. You can live off being a machinist much more easily than you can off of being a burger-flipper.
Further building on what you said, Machining Fundamentals I/II were two of the most challenging courses I've taken, just because it was a learning experience unlike anything I've ever done. If you grind a tool bit the wrong way, your whole project is completely fucked. If your diameters are off even by a hundredth of an inch, you have to start over.

Reefer-HVAC technicians, welders and gas turbine mechanics are cashing in because they can be very lucrative professions. It's not unusual for crane operators to make $250/hr. While I agree that these blue-collar jobs don't have the glamour associated with sitting behind a desk kerchunking numbers, they are by no means a form of unskilled labor, and hands-on experience is far more important than what any piece of paper has to say. People who thumb their noses at others in the aforementioned line of work totally piss me off.
For the little bit older forum members, have you had moments where you realise your body is ageing? ( aside from the constant mental reminders we get everyday dealing with teens :lol: )

It seems my metabolism seems to get slower each year. I soon have to start exercising or something. Maybe watch some sports on TV. It's just ridiculous that one meal (some meat, salad, potatoes etc) is sufficient for the whole day.
@ Beelz - crane operators make $250 an hour?? I'm in the wrong profession..

Slow metabolism sucks :( - mine's definately slowed alot, but thats due to having a child rather than ageing. I've started losing weight with working so much though, not having time during the day to eat then being at work all night often I live on a single sandwich or pack of noodles for the whole day.