Official Off Topic Thread

This is the biggest rock event to date in the city i live. At least for me. And i'll be there of course as an Evergrey fan :)

This is the biggest rock event to date in the city i live. At least for me. And i'll be there of course as an Evergrey fan :)

I saw Evergrey and Savage Circus in a town nearby a few months ago. Man, it was such a small show and the performance was so good!
There were only like 100 people in that little concert hall :D
How they managed to get Evergrey to that little village... respect!
SR wrote
why would you give me neg rep? WE WENT TO OPETH TOGETHER!!!

Yeah...but what have you done for me lately :p

you should come down to Sydney to redeem yourself

EVERGREY are expected to play the following Australian dates in May:

May 11 - The Gaelic Club - Sydney, Australia
May 12 - The HiFi Bar - Melbourne, Australia
stupid comp is playing up so cant quote...

@ silent realm - you know you're getting old when you look in the mirror and see more grey hair than brown (must get round to colouring hair in... and soon!!), and knowing that your baby will be 21 in 4 months....

@ progmetalpilgrim - i wouldnt go see anyone at HQ... the last time i went there it was still called heaven, and it was the most crowded, smokey venue i've ever been to... bloody horrible!

@ taliwaker - damn evergrey not making it to adelaide, but not surprising really. might have to find a friend in melbourne, haha!! the swine to whom i'm unfortunately still married saw them play in scottsdale (arizona) in 2005 and he couldnt stop talking about them. prior to that, he was not a fan...
I really would, but I have to 'Spread some reputation around before giving it to Montu Sekhmet again!' :erk:

Hey Everyone, I have to get my wisdom teeth out next Wednesday! :erk: It's gonna suck a lot from all reports. :Puke: So prepare for a extremely grumpy and pain-racked Dan about a week from now... :heh: I'm really not looking foward to it... :mad:

The I.V. buzz afterwards is fucking hilarious :lol:

The worst part of it is the horrible taste you get in your mouth for a few days, it makes anything taste really awful. Plus you're gonna have to survive on shitty things like cream of mushroom soup. There is no pain involved, only hunger and discomfort from having 2 gauze pads crammed in your mouth for a few days.
I was told that I'd probably get blood in my stomach and throw it up again... Lovely, I'm really looking foward to it... Plus 'I have a very low pain tolerance, and have been known to faint', so I can't get up unless someone's there...

Nothing but Forum and Music concert dvd's for at least a week... Actually, maybe it won't be so bad... :lol:
@ Richard - what is this Gaelic club and why does it seem to get the best metal acts? Didnt know the Irish loved metal so much.. hmm, I'm earning good money these days maybe I should save up again for a show and make a trip to Sydney.. wont be Evergrey though :( - I'm sure someone good will come again eventually anyway..