Official Off Topic Thread

Yngy, I was actually talking about the computer game, but yeah, I saw the movie alright! :)
Yes, I think it was pretty well done and writers didn't butcher the original story that much.
That Phoenix scene at the end of the movie is breathtaking, can't wait for the part 3.
What I didn't like is that movie featured some obvious misinformation.
First of all, Colossus is Russian, therefore I don't see how should he speak with a thick american accent and second, that part where Stryker said to Wolverine "I just gave you the claws, but you were always an animal" is complete bullshit, since every true Marvel fan knows that James Howlett A.K.A Logan was already born with claws.
A regular viewer wouldn't mind such small details, but to us hardcore geeks, it's a blasphemy!!! :D
Anyway, kudos to casting, production and special effects. I think they did a very good job there.

Just finished watching Neon Genesis Evangelion. The whole series of 26 episodes plus a few sequels swallowed in two days. Now I'm in for some serious digesting... Maybe it's just me, but the whole thing got a little disturbing towards the end. The japanese seem to be masters at aiming volleys of grotesque images at the poor unsuspecting viewer.

I've played Thief 2 a little too, but I didn't really have the guts to go on, because the sentinel heads were just too creepy (Yes, I'm sissy. :D ). Also, I found it disturbing that if I stood in a shadowy spot in an otherwise brightly-lit hallway, the guards just didn't see me. I know that it's nitpicking, but in real life one would instantly make out the thiefs figure against the brightness. Something like that hurts immersion very seriously.

Unreal 2 was the latest great hit for me. (Especially because of the flamethrowing shotgun. There's just nothing like roast mercs for breakfast. :devil: ) The engine was great and I think it's the best-looking fps I've seen to date.


Scratch that, Unreal 2 is the second latest great hit. Halo is the latest. :) Seems like I'm a sucker for fps's with an arcade touch. (Then again, it's always worth it hearing the critters shout: "Grenade! ARR! Getitoffmegetitoff..." before exploding to pieces. :D ) It was also surprising how well the pad controller was suited for playing. Looks like mouse'n'keyboard isn't the only way to play after all.

But now for a little sleep before beginning studies for the final exam for the spring.
The Yngster said:
Yeah Dado, I'm not a hardcore geek, so I didn't notice things like that. And Logan was born with bone claws, but didn't Stryker make them metal?

Actually, Wolvie was only born with his healing ability. A secret Gov. sect used him as a guinea pig by placing the metal known as Admantium on his entire skeletal structure. The only reason they did that was because he could heal because of his mutant ability.
continuing Shuggah's thing about japanese movies..ok..has anyone seen the japanese original version of the movie "Ring" (or Ringu)..and "Ring2" or even "Ring0" if their country has it out yet (I found it online, not sure when it's coming out here)..
Those movies were cool..I have both Ring and Ring2..
U guys are the biggest geeks out there. But who the fuck cares!!! Your my type of people.

A cool thing that happened today is that my best friend at school, Lindsay said he likes SyX!!! I showed some SyX to him when he came over last week and, like most people, didn't think it was all that great. But he told me he downlaoded Sea Of Lies and is really getting into. I was phsyched!! He's coming over again this weekend so I'm going to burn him The Od', V, DWOT and TiO! And then mabey even some DT (5 years in live-time as it shows most of there "best of" catelog) aswell as mabey SfaM. And then next times I'm gonna show him all the other prog bands. He's agreed to be my "apprentice" of prog! How Cool!
Mr. Shred-ididle said:
Btw - I got a haircut today!

Haircuts are from Satan, you shouldn't do haircuts, mmkay? :D

It's now about 9 months since I got my last haircut. My hair's getting a little hard to manage, but I know it's going to be easier when it gets longer.

SilentRealm said:
continuing Shuggah's thing about japanese movies..ok..has anyone seen the japanese original version of the movie "Ring" (or Ringu)..and "Ring2" or even "Ring0" if their country has it out yet (I found it online, not sure when it's coming out here)..

I've heard about it. Haven't even seen The Ring yet, though. The last horror movie I saw was The Others. It was refreshingly different. :) I also got Battle Royale a while ago, but the subtitles were screwed up, so I really couldn't get a hold of what was going on.

Actually NGE is anime, and I'm more inclined towards that genre anyway. But there's nothing wrong with japanese movies. I really liked Kurosawas Yojimbo and [insert the directors name here]'s Samurai Fiction. :D
The Yngster said:
Yeah Dado, I'm not a hardcore geek, so I didn't notice things like that. And Logan was born with bone claws, but didn't Stryker make them metal?
His claws and his entire bone structure were layered with this thing called Adamantium which made his bones unbreakable.
However, story of Wolverine began a long way before that incident. Logan was born in the 19th century, so he and his brother Sabretooth must have been around for quite a long time before joining the Weapon X program.
Hey guess what!

I'm taking this art appreciation class in school and we watched this video about this guy that draws big pictures on walls. Our teacher dared us to draw something really big. I don't have any bare walls, but I stuck some paper to my bedroom door and drew a life size Russell. Actually, it's only the top half of him, but I get freaked out every time I look at it. :eek: Not that Russell is scary, but it looks just like him! It's like he's watching me.........
Mr. Shred-ididle said:
How is Arcturus then? Is it like SA? Do you know that they have broken up? How? When ?? AHHH?!!!

Arcturus is not like Spiral Architect and I don't think that there is any other bands like SA. The closest band that I found was Mekong Delta but they aren't anywhere near as busy.

Arcturus's last disc called Sham Mirrors was pretty good but no where near as progressive as their previous disc called La Masquerade Inferale which was amazing.
That's cool Metal Chick :)
I think I will do the same thing as you one day. I really like it to draw and especially people / bands / things like that.
Mostly of my drawings are Symphony X drawings. I made a pic of each bandmember these days. They are kinda cool, Pinnella is hard to do though :loco:
I would like to see some of your drawings :Spin:
SilentRealm said:
continuing Shuggah's thing about japanese movies..ok..has anyone seen the japanese original version of the movie "Ring" (or Ringu)..and "Ring2" or even "Ring0" if their country has it out yet (I found it online, not sure when it's coming out here)..
Those movies were cool..I have both Ring and Ring2..

Oh fuck yeah, I love Ringu, its my favorite horror movie. I thought it was much better than The Ring, tho The Ring was good too. Sadako is just so much more evil than Samara...
Dado-x said:
His claws and his entire bone structure were layered with this thing called Adamantium which made his bones unbreakable.
However, story of Wolverine began a long way before that incident. Logan was born in the 19th century, so he and his brother Sabretooth must have been around for quite a long time before joining the Weapon X program.

Isnt Sabretooth his father?
Yngvai X said:
Isnt Sabretooth his father?
No. Logan was born presumably as Elisabeth and John Howlett's second son (the first one died), however it is known that Mrs. Howlett had an affair with their housekeeper Thomas Logan (who is a splitting image of Wolverine), which makes him James's biological father. Thomas Logan also had a son called "Dog", who was born with a deformed face and distinctive looking fingernails that resembled animal claws.
Few days after John Howlett fired Thomas Logan off the estate because of his alcohol problems, Logan and his son entered the estate armed. When Logan tried to persuade James's mother to leave with him, John Howlett entered the room and Logan shot him dead.
Seeing his father shot triggered James's mutant abilities. He went berserk and killed his biological father by stabbing him several times with his claws. Later he took Logan's name to hide his true identity.
Little did he know that Dog was also the one with mutant abilities.
Dog (Sabretooth) hates Wolverine since that day.

I hope that was at least a bit insightful! :)