Official Off Topic Thread

Wow, there are a lot of ex-Catholics around here. I was raised Catholic for like 2 years, until my mom apparently remembered her own Catholic upbringing and immediately switched to a protestant denomination for my sake. I think I'm glad she did - I don't think I would've been good at Catholicism.
lol School.
lol Valentines' Day.

Every single person in my school today, except for me is all like "Myehh, We shouldn't be in school today. :cry:" when the amount of snow on the ground is about the equivalent to the space between "lol Valentines' Day." and the first line of this paragraph. Everyone thinks that just because it's snowing means that we get a snowday, yet while we have like a millimeter of snow on the ground, up in Oswego, right my Lake Ontario (I think), they're still going to school with like 12 feet of snow on the ground.

I swear to god, people just piss me off sometimes. It's ridiculous.
All classes after 12 PM are cancelled here, yay! Of course, I found this out AFTER I walked to class. I really don't think it's cold, just when the wind blows the freezing rain into your face it's kind of bad. People can be such wusses.

Republican = Catholic.

The only Catholic president we've ever had was JFK, a Democrat.
lol School.
lol Valentines' Day.

Every single person in my school today, except for me is all like "Myehh, We shouldn't be in school today. :cry:" when the amount of snow on the ground is about the equivalent to the space between "lol Valentines' Day." and the first line of this paragraph. Everyone thinks that just because it's snowing means that we get a snowday, yet while we have like a millimeter of snow on the ground, up in Oswego, right my Lake Ontario (I think), they're still going to school with like 12 feet of snow on the ground.

I swear to god, people just piss me off sometimes. It's ridiculous.

I had my first snow day today in about 6 years. WOOT!!

We got about 4-5 inches of snow where i live, so i guess that constitutes a snowday.
Snow day here as well! This makes 4 in the past 2 weeks. Everything is covered in a half inch thick sheet of ice. I might have to go drive around later..
The only Catholic president we've ever had was JFK, a Democrat.

Indeed. Religion has little to do with my being a Republican. I much prefer small government with minimal taxation. Government programs proposed by Democrats are mostly worthless, in my book, and I don't care to pay for them with my increased taxes.

John Kerry, the last Democratic candidate for president, was also a Catholic.

A better argument would be Conservatism tied to religion.

But, that's politics, and this is a music forum.

And, snow day here too. In a desert, nonetheless. Ah, global warming!
It seems that most conservatives hold conservative religious beliefs, at least around my area.

But I'm just making mass generalizations.
No worries here, born/raised Catholic, now very Agnostic. I can NOT support a religion that hides pedophiles. No smiley, not kidding. I really lost a lot of faith in that church when the Pedo-Shit hit the fan.

Same, although I'm not anti catholic. I am however anti any part of their governence and members who are as you mentioned above. Whats the best way to put this...

I'm not against the system of religion that is Catholism, I'm against some of the so called "practitioners" who twist things to suit. I've met some very clued up catholic priests, who while I don't support them in a purely religious sense, do hold a moral ground which I absolutely respect.

Like any religion, there's the religion, and then there's the people who "practice" it.
For the most part, Conservatists are referred to as the Moral Majority - puritanical morals of the US are tied to religion; so, one could make a blanket statement that Conservatists are religious and be quite on the mark.

Good point. Which brings me to my response:

Suggesting it's a good idea to thin out a population because it follows a certain religion is wrong, no matter how much we might disagree with said religion. If an individual commits an atrocity in the name of a religion, that's one thing--just believing in one doesn't merit persecution. It's particularly not funny because of how many times it's happened, and not JUST the Holocaust, either.

First of all, 'twas a joke. You really do need to change your tampon every now and then. Honestly, every time you post here, it's the most joyless, straight laced responses. You simply have no concept of what it is to make a joke, and it just so happens that i find tasteless jokes funny.

Also, don't get on your high horse and tell me what is right and wrong. such bullshit on a stick. You really do have to be completely retarded to honestly believe that i condone killing people just for the hell of it.

Ugh, i have the flu and your stupidity makes me cranky. i'm going to go lay down.
I can NOT support a religion that hides pedophiles. No smiley, not kidding. I really lost a lot of faith in that church when the Pedo-Shit hit the fan.

it aint just catholics though, the worst offenders - here in aus that we know about at least - are the anglicans, which the majority of our conservative government are made up of. i remember once though someone put forth a pedophilia claim against a politician and it got covered straight up, and she got ridiculed for it instead of it being investigated.. hows that for justice..

my ex - the american - is from a baptist family, and what i thought was amusing was because i am catholic (though non-practising but i didnt tell them that), i got called a 'non-believer' by my ex's pastor and he even got sent letters warning him against being with someone outside of their church.. get..stuffed.. :lol:
it aint just catholics though, the worst offenders - here in aus that we know about at least - are the anglicans, which the majority of our conservative government are made up of. i remember once though someone put forth a pedophilia claim against a politician and it got covered straight up, and she got ridiculed for it instead of it being investigated.. hows that for justice..

my ex - the american - is from a baptist family, and what i thought was amusing was because i am catholic (though non-practising but i didnt tell them that), i got called a 'non-believer' by my ex's pastor and he even got sent letters warning him against being with someone outside of their church.. get..stuffed.. :lol:

My friend is a super Catholic, for lack of better terms, and he has on many occasions just begged me to go to church with him because he thinks that being an Atheist is comparable to murdering someone. I hate discussing religion with people but I will say that I don't believe in any form of religion but I do believe regardless of what it is you should be allowed to practice it, just don't force it on me! But anyway, he is a drummer and now won't start a band with me because of it...:erk:
Not to get into a discussion, but Do you not believe in religion because of all the people who do, or because you actually don't believe that God exists... I'll just leave it at that, I'm just interested to know, that's all... :)
I have given this subject the most thought of anything ever in my life. I just don't believe that there is a god. I am also just going to leave it at that.:)