Official Off Topic Thread

Not to get into a discussion, but Do you not believe in religion because of all the people who do, or because you actually don't believe that God exists... I'll just leave it at that, I'm just interested to know, that's all... :)

Interesting question, related to what I was trying to say with my previous post.

Besides, I'm agnostic
Yeah, cos I think a lot of people say they're atheist or whatever, but it's not because they actually don't believe in a higher authority, but just because they wouldn't want to get stereotyped as a religious zealot or hypocrite...

I myself am a Christian, who actively lives out what I believe (or try to anyway... :) ) but I wouldn't label myself as 'Religious' (or conservative)... I just try to practice what the bible teaches, because in my life I find it to be the truth... Although I believe it to be true, that doesn't mean I'm gonna force it on everyone else, because it is a choice for each person to make for themselves, and people pushing their ideas on others generally only pushes them further away...

Anyway, that's my position on the matter, and I'll leave it at that. This is a metal discussion forum, not a religion and philosiphy discussion board... :headbang:

Where's the :lol:'s and :danceboy: and the win and fail and the Battletoads and all the other creamy goodness that makes the Symphony X forum so funtacular?!?!?!
it'll come back.. theres always hope.. people have a habit of getting serious for a while, then lightening up again..

and i remembered i have a meeting to go to in an hour, so i couldnt go back to bed :(
Oh crap, I forgot I need to sleep. School is stupid, I wish we could dress up in costumes and spray blood at each other or something. Then I wouldn't mind waking up.:lol:
it'll come back.. theres always hope.. people have a habit of getting serious for a while, then lightening up again..

and i remembered i have a meeting to go to in an hour, so i couldnt go back to bed :(
That is true. And you always have the hope of a wacky, wild and crazy Off Topic thread to get you through the day.
How can you base a whole entire religion based on a few people though? Do you notice how people stereotype them the same exact way everytime they are mentioned? I can be as sensitive as I Goddamn want about this subject because it is something that is brought up all the time around here and it really pisses me off when someone mentions it. You just mentioned it. Have you read my previous posts? I don't appreciate it being brought up or especially generalized into the same stereotypes over and over again. I have known my friend for 10 years and he really isn't anything like these "experiences" people describe. Just stop bringing it up. It's that simple! :erk:

Shoot me your address so I can send you a midol & a box of tampons.
First of all, people have been making jokes about religion for eons. SMART people realize that stereotypes of all kinds are gneralizations, and not 100% true. You CAN be as sensitive as you want, but ragging incessantly in this forum like a whiney bitch will not be tolerated. Be pissed off, and if you think I, or anyone else here is going to stop talking about something because it pisses you off, or makes you angry, you're DEAD wrong. Your point of view isn't the only one that exists, and neither is mine. If you can't handle that, find yourself a dark corner and bleed yourself out. I'll take the moderator badge off right here, right now, and NOT politely tell you to fuck off, & take your pathetic shit like this to some other forum where everything is perfect, & everyone worships your every word & desire. IT'S THAT SIMPLE!

Same, although I'm not anti catholic. I am however anti any part of their governence and members who are as you mentioned above. Whats the best way to put this...

I'm not against the system of religion that is Catholism, I'm against some of the so called "practitioners" who twist things to suit. I've met some very clued up catholic priests, who while I don't support them in a purely religious sense, do hold a moral ground which I absolutely respect.

Like any religion, there's the religion, and then there's the people who "practice" it.

VERY true, but the problem with pedophiles in the Catholic church wasn't just a couple of "bad eggs", it is/was horribly widespread, and the church did NOTHING to stop it, and actually tried to sweep it under the carpet. Men of the cloth are held to higher standards than the typical person. IMO,it's an abuse of power, add the fact that it involves young impressionable kids, and it becomes (once again, IMO) absofuckinglutely unforgivable.....

it aint just catholics though, the worst offenders - here in aus that we know about at least - are the anglicans, which the majority of our conservative government are made up of. i remember once though someone put forth a pedophilia claim against a politician and it got covered straight up, and she got ridiculed for it instead of it being investigated.. hows that for justice..

my ex - the american - is from a baptist family, and what i thought was amusing was because i am catholic (though non-practising but i didnt tell them that), i got called a 'non-believer' by my ex's pastor and he even got sent letters warning him against being with someone outside of their church.. get..stuffed.. :lol:

Which is why I'm actually opposed to orginized religions. Fanatics, whether they be Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, etc etc are a vile lot, and I have NO use for them. Their way is NOT the only way, and in the end, I think a lot of people will be surprised.....(no, that is NOT a clandestine Catholic priest joke waiting to be hatched) ;)

Shoot me your address so I can send you a midol & a box of tampons.
First of all, people have been making jokes about religion for eons. SMART people realize that stereotypes of all kinds are gneralizations, and not 100% true. You CAN be as sensitive as you want, but ragging incessantly in this forum like a whiney bitch will not be tolerated. Be pissed off, and if you think I, or anyone else here is going to stop talking about something because it pisses you off, or makes you angry, you're DEAD wrong. Your point of view isn't the only one that exists, and neither is mine. If you can't handle that, find yourself a dark corner and bleed yourself out. I'll take the moderator badge off right here, right now, and NOT politely tell you to fuck off, & take your pathetic shit like this to some other forum where everything is perfect, & everyone worships your every word & desire. IT'S THAT SIMPLE!
Now you're blowing everything out of proportion. Seriously. If you want me to be Turke number 2, then I'll go right ahead and stop coming here. I really don't want to resort to that. I really don't like your method of thinking or your opinion on several things, but I'm not going to be an absolute dink about it and just say that you're wrong. However, I do think that you have seriously hyperbolized the hell out of what I said.
Now you're blowing everything out of proportion. Seriously. If you want me to be Turke number 2, then I'll go right ahead and stop coming here. I really don't want to resort to that. I really don't like your method of thinking or your opinion on several things, but I'm not going to be an absolute dink about it and just say that you're wrong. However, I do think that you have seriously hyperbolized the hell out of what I said.

Tubbs, you know i like you and if you were an alter boy, i'd DEFINITELY rape the hell out of you (i say that with love hun). All i'll say since i started this whole nasty business is that j dub is right... it can bother you all you want, but it is just a joke playing on ridiculous stereotypes. I'm not saying that every mormon in the world is bad, but i'll be totally honest... i've yet to meet a practicing mormon who i've found to be a decent human being. The same can be said about many religions, but in my experiance, mormons are the worst.

Edit: This isn't to say i don't approach things with an open mind. The point is they're the ones i make fun of most. I definitely do not hate mormons, but damn they're easy to make fun of...