Official Off Topic Thread

Montu wrote

1.At home i drink Cooper's beer...i doubt you've ever had the opportunity to try one...
2.I'm :lol: per post average is very impressive.

Cooper's is what you base your palate on, eh? Which beer(s)?

I do respect what they do for homebrewers though. They have a great line of malt extracts and their contributions to Zymurgy are appreciated.

But, Stone >>>>> Cooper's.

Ayreon Guardian X said:
Seriously, if Symphony X wants to be considered a REAL, big-time band, then get with the times and make full use of the internet...notice most of the other bands on UM are small up-start bands that are too small to afford a real webspace...I THOUGHT SymX was better than that...

Why don't you offer your free services to be the webmaster of their new site, forum, and message board? If it is as simple as you make it seem in your posts, surely you have the bandwidth to help out a great band to further their reach into cyberspace. I don't think the Internet is really included in the band's Mission Statement.
Seriously, if Symphony X wants to be considered a REAL, big-time band, then get with the times and make full use of the internet...notice most of the other bands on UM are small up-start bands that are too small to afford a real webspace...I THOUGHT SymX was better than that...

That's ridiculous. Bands with their forum on their own webspace are limiting their participation to people who are already fans; major lack of vision there. SymX is here because the exposure to other fans (who often become their fans as well) is so high; I'd wager that UM's daily hit rate is equal to, if not higher than any of those 'real big time bands'.

Wychwood, best brewery in the world. Even their eco-beer is decent enough!
That's ridiculous. Bands with their forum on their own webspace are limiting their participation to people who are already fans; major lack of vision there. SymX is here because the exposure to other fans (who often become their fans as well) is so high; I'd wager that UM's daily hit rate is equal to, if not higher than any of those 'real big time bands'.
Thank you for responding...I STILL think that even if they stay here for that reason, they should AT LEAST get an OFF-TOPIC Sub-Forum...why is the "Musicians Forum" important enough to warrant a Sub-Forum, but overall OFF-TOPIC material isn't?

Could you please explain the thinking on not having a Sub-Forum where Hockey can be separated from Football, baseball, can be separated from 300 (Frank Miller film), which can be separated from threads about books, alcohol, literally ANYTHING someone can post about...even Children of Bodom has an "Anything Goes"-style just makes no sense not having some ability to screen out what you don't want to read about, while getting what you do want to read about - Non-music..
Thank you for responding...I STILL think that even if they stay here for that reason, they should AT LEAST get an OFF-TOPIC Sub-Forum...why is the "Musicians Forum" important enough to warrant a Sub-Forum, but overall OFF-TOPIC material isn't?

Could you please explain the thinking on not having a Sub-Forum where Hockey can be separated from Football, baseball, can be separated from 300 (Frank Miller film), which can be separated from threads about books, alcohol, literally ANYTHING someone can post about...even Children of Bodom has an "Anything Goes"-style just makes no sense not having some ability to screen out what you don't want to read about, while getting what you do want to read about - Non-music..

What would you need that for? You're overreacting on the whole internet thing. If you're so eager to communicate and discuss totally irrelevant to the band 'Symphony X' stuff, then shut down your pc and go have some beer with your friends(?). For ale suggestions look upwards this thread. Stop bitching about everything.
What would you need that for? You're overreacting on the whole internet thing. If you're so eager to communicate and discuss totally irrelevant to the band 'Symphony X' stuff, then shut down your pc and go have some beer with your friends(?). For ale suggestions look upwards this thread. Stop bitching about everything.
it's not the specific topics I am concerned is just that there are people on here whose opinions would be interesting to see on different topics...really, finding fans of SymX is not easy...I am interested in the viewpoints of people that are fans of this band...and not just on matters relating to music...

I just know how fun it is to post on the Megadeth Message Boards and see people's thoughts on here is a band whose style reflects my musical tastes even more-so than Megadeth and I can't really see how people feel about certain things...
Ok, please, take this with no hostile tone in any way, shape, or form. There is none, i assure you.

If you take the time to check around the forum, there are other off topic threads. This one was started just for the hell of it to discuss whatever, and personally i think it's cool to have almost a flow of consciousness thread (wow i spelled that wrong i think, but anyhow...) where we each react and respond to whatever, throwing in something new. If it's an OT band topic saying "hay guys, what do you think of this?" we have that.

i don't think it warrents a sub forum simply because of 2 things.

1) it would encourage behavior as witnessed in the COB off topic forum which... no
2) it's easy enough to find stuff here. The forum is big enough that it moves, but not so big that you make a post and it's gone in 5 minutes on the 3rd page.

I think mixing OT threads (and the ever epic OT thread itself) in with the "band related" topics works fine here.

Again... not bitching. Being civil... etc.... make me a sammich woman... and such.
Thank you for responding...I STILL think that even if they stay here for that reason, they should AT LEAST get an OFF-TOPIC Sub-Forum...why is the "Musicians Forum" important enough to warrant a Sub-Forum, but overall OFF-TOPIC material isn't?

Could you please explain the thinking on not having a Sub-Forum where Hockey can be separated from Football, baseball, can be separated from 300 (Frank Miller film), which can be separated from threads about books, alcohol, literally ANYTHING someone can post about...even Children of Bodom has an "Anything Goes"-style just makes no sense not having some ability to screen out what you don't want to read about, while getting what you do want to read about - Non-music..

This forum's main focus is music, primarily that of SymX. Want to discuss non-music? Then go find forums that are aimed at those topics. This is not one of them.

And as a Senior Staff member of UM, I get mail every time someone uses the 'report to Moderator' button, and guess what..the CoB off topic forum is where 95% of those complaints come from. I refuse to turn this place into a similar cesspool; SymX rates much higher than to be connected even in name alone to that sort of crap.
The pratfalls of a hate crew image. Too much hate :(.
Too much hate, not enough crew.
This forum's main focus is music, primarily that of SymX. Want to discuss non-music? Then go find forums that are aimed at those topics. This is not one of them.

And as a Senior Staff member of UM, I get mail every time someone uses the 'report to Moderator' button, and guess what..the CoB off topic forum is where 95% of those complaints come from. I refuse to turn this place into a similar cesspool; SymX rates much higher than to be connected even in name alone to that sort of crap.
Everyone in the bodom forum with the exception of I and a few other people are all freaking idiots, so that comparison really isn't as valid on a count of a HUGE lack of morals and intellegence there.