If people actually bothered to open up and read the bible, which aside from the fact that I believe it to be the word of God, it is actually full of some great stories, just as epic as any fantasy/concept albums. Many Christian Prog-metal bands use these for their lyrics instead of just straight praise music... They are also usually very introspective as the lyrics are very soul searching etc. Sure there are some really cheesy, poser christian bands as with any other genre, but give each band their own consideration and you might find that they're actually alright...
@ Zach, you should check out a band called 'Antithesis', they're really good, prog-thrash, Symphony X are their main influence, but without the keyboards, and their lyrics are of both fantasy and deep nature, just talking about political issues or their own personal struggles with life etc. not overly preachy...
King Diamond had a good quote (he's "Satanic", but more Levayan from what i understand... self power and all that). He said something to the effect of "The bible is fantastic. It's a great guide and has great stories to base your life on from a moral standpoint, but that's all they are. It's a book of stories". To me, that's the best way i can look at it.
Without getting into a religious discussion, I can say that I don't like much having to do with religion, but I still consider myself to be a somewhat moral person (taking into account, of course, that what is moral and what isn't is completely subjective). At any rate, like i said, i have no will to seek out any sort of christian music. Just knowing it's christian music turns me off and i can't get into it. That's just me. Plus (unlike most people here), i'm not into prog, symphony x sounding stuff. I hate adagio and circus maximus, both are pretty much symx rip-offs from what i've heard.
Point really is this: With music, i look for something with a deeper meaning to me. The stuff i mentioned before (gloomy doomy, etc.) does that for me right now. Epic fantasy does not, nor does christianity. satanic stuff doesn't bother me, though every now and then it has some cool, badass lyrics.
And don't take this as a lack of appreciation, but i promise you that i've checked out a good portion of stuff in my time. I've been actively seeking out new bands for 6 to 7 years (doesn't seem like htat long i know) and have heard quite a bit. At this point i would venture to say that i've got a strong grasp of what's going to go with me and what's not.
Again, i hope this doesn't come off as uppity or asshole-ish or unappreciative, it isn't meant to.