Official Off Topic Thread

ok 3 posts in a row, but i dont care.. i just got some Control Denied..what he changed the band name to after 'Death' when he decided to go more prog/powerish.. and omg.. i'm in love. I even listened to some of the death songs and i didnt find the vocals overpowering at all so i even quite liked that.. :(( chuck!!!! why did i only just discover you now!!! sigh.. makes it even more sad. I think i am going to get obsessed about this next.. pretty soon i will have a chuck schuldiner section on my site..
Yeah, he was a genius. And of course, its him who dies. So sad really. On songs like Flesh and the Power it Holds, there is some really amazing lead work there. I think you'll love that song.
i may be wrong, but i don't think he changed the name of death... controll denied is a completely different entity from death with a different sound. I don't believe he intended to drop death with sound of perseverance, but i may be wrong.
I just bought Super Monkey Ball 1 and 2 for Nintendo Game Cube...
Pretty fun games, but the story mode cinemas in the second one are annoying...

Really fun simple games though, kind of reminds me of the old NES Marble Madness, but now its got killer 3-D graphics and a plot! :D
theodyssey said:
i may be wrong, but i don't think he changed the name of death... controll denied is a completely different entity from death with a different sound. I don't believe he intended to drop death with sound of perseverance, but i may be wrong.

The style of Control Denied is very different to the style of Death. But in his site it said the band members are all the same except for the vocalist. So it's not like he got a whole new band to create Control Denied, they just changed style.
Do any of you guys like Cynic? Paul Masvidal is the lead guitarist and Sean Malone plays bass, with Sean Reinhert on drums. They're a death metal/jazz fusion band. They're one of the best bands I've ever heard.
KBR is cynic the jazz/death band you showed me before? if so, as far as death metal goes i did think it was about the best i have heard yes. at least whoever it was you showed me, i thought so of.

i just dont like that i cant sing along to death metal. in order to accept it i have to think of it as 'instrumental' music, as the vocals are not something i can understand the lyrics to anyway, i just have to sort of tune off to them and concentrate on the instruments.
karelrulez said:

Focus? You mean the dutch old prog band? They're great! I'm Dutch! :loco:

As in "Hocus Pocus" Focus?? Not metal, but kinda Floydish proggy....I loved that band!!
Saw them in concert way back when (opened for Frank Zappa) and all I can remember was the yodeling singer that hopped up and down like a hyperactive elf. o_O
Pharoah said:
As in "Hocus Pocus" Focus?? Not metal, but kinda Floydish proggy....I loved that band!!
Saw them in concert way back when (opened for Frank Zappa) and all I can remember was the yodeling singer that hopped up and down like a hyperactive elf. o_O

Yes yes the "hocus pocus" song is fantastic. The yodeling singer you're talking about, and also plays flute is "Tijs van Leer", who also collaborated with Ayreon!
SilentRealm said:
i just dont like that i cant sing along to death metal. in order to accept it i have to think of it as 'instrumental' music, as the vocals are not something i can understand the lyrics to anyway, i just have to sort of tune off to them and concentrate on the instruments.
Death metal is very different from pop, rock or power metal in this regard. Initially you learn to get used to the growling, and soon you grow to love it. It does not really matter that you can't understand the lyrics in this style of music. The growling is there to give a new level of darkness or intensity that usual clean vocals couldn't provide. Just sit back and appreciate the music - don't try to sing along or anything.
I sing along to bloodbath, amon amarth, borknagar, dimmu borgir, arch enemy, opeth..... who says you can't growl along while driving down the road? And i think bands like bloodbath and amon amarth have very clean growls (you can understand most everything very clearly). Besides, it's not as though every band that has clean vocals has distinguishable lyrics.
Pharoah said:
As in "Hocus Pocus" Focus?? Not metal, but kinda Floydish proggy....I loved that band!!
Saw them in concert way back when (opened for Frank Zappa) and all I can remember was the yodeling singer that hopped up and down like a hyperactive elf. o_O

I think they meant Cynic's album "Focus". But I could be wrong.
Polyeidus said:
I think they meant Cynic's album "Focus". But I could be wrong.

actually i could use a little learning to growl.. i can sing medium range, i cant sing very high and i certainly cant sing very low.. it would be good to learn lol.. imagine walking down the street growling out lyrics to yourself.. theyd haul you away.
Pharoah said:
As in "Hocus Pocus" Focus?? Not metal, but kinda Floydish proggy....I loved that band!!
Saw them in concert way back when (opened for Frank Zappa) and all I can remember was the yodeling singer that hopped up and down like a hyperactive elf. o_O

Uhhhh, a bit of confusion here!
When I meant "focus'', I meant the Cynic album entitled "Focus". Not some band, however good thety may be.

And I just have to ask, Kate Bush Rules, are you a male or female?? Are you a guy that likes Kate Bush or a chick that likes Kate Bush? I just don't knoe anymore?

So, Wanker or Bitch, ay? (j/k)