Official Off Topic Thread

Check this out:

"Scientists have finally discovered the reason for the so frequent spinal wraps among young people.

The reason are some UGLY spelling mistakes in the online edition of Kama Sutra."
Mr. Shred-ididle said:
And I just have to ask, Kate Bush Rules, are you a male or female?? Are you a guy that likes Kate Bush or a chick that likes Kate Bush? I just don't knoe anymore? (j/k)
I'm a guy. The reason for my name is tht I wanted a name to annoy people on a metal board. I thought of the least heavy music i could think of. Thus I came up with "Kate Bush Rules!". I'm not actually a fan of her.
I don't see why someone would come to a board to talk to fans of the same music as them and try to piss them off right away *frowns*. Doesn't seem like the smartest move in the world...

Just a few days till Type O Negative and NEVERMORE!!!! I can't freakin' wait man!!!
hehe, what a chuckle.

The new Nevermore KICKS ASS!!!!1!1!1!1! It just slays, Loomis' lead playing is absolutly amazing, no restraint here (like on DHiaDW). He just go's full on and his riffs are fucking brutal!
The first three tracks are just bloody insane!Noumenon isn't the heaviest in EoR, but it's the creepiest and scaryest.

I don't really don't see why people call them power metal or true metal?? I don't see any of those characteristics in there. Do you?
lol dunno shreddi..

i just want to say.. that there are two songs I cannot get ENOUGH of right now.. first is broken by Sonata Arctica, second is Dream On by Yngwie with Dio.. what song is that taken from??
I thinks some 'black brother jive" thing?
Are ther any black guys or girls in this forum? Black people are cool, just wondering...

Oh, and do you guys like my new Sig? I thought it was hella funny. I saw it on the new JP forum and had to have it in my sig.
Mr. Shred-ididle said:
yo brovas! What does "fo shizzle my nizzle" mean? Anyone know

If Dado said it, my guess would be "shake my booty" (cause of the disco thing he's got going)
maybe "yo, I shit my britches"
???? :Spin:
:hotjump: I just bought my 100th cd :D I went to Boston and bought 6 cd's in 2 days, which is a personal record, number 100 was Derek Sherinian's Black Utopia. Yngwie and Dimeola rule, Wylde was pretty good, I didn't care for Lukather too much.
hehe afro-american jive talk is so entertaining. like "Bling bling" = jewlery and "slap my bitch up" = i'll make love to my woman. and stuff...