Official Off Topic Thread

hey guys. it's been a while since i have really posted... been pretty wrapped up in dragon warrior 4 for nes... it's an awesome game. Nes rules. Anyway, yeah, i'll probly checck in every now and again, but i'm not gonna have as much time now that school is starting up again. I'll keep in touch though... my msn is and my aim is iceddamien, so add me to your lists and talk to me sometime. but like i said, i'll check in probly once every day or two. Talk to y'all soon and see ya at progpower.
Heh, yeah, school. I don't start until Sept 22nd, which is good, but I guess I want it to start because I can't stand being at home everyday like this. All of my friends are gone at school, so all I have to do is sit here. I'M SO BORED
I start school in 16 hours =[ Im so depressed, the summer went by too quick =[, but it was fun.

Can't wait to see SymX @ Toads Place in Nov. we've got major connections w/ toads place, so theres a "very good" possibility that I'll get to catch the sound check, that would be sick as all hell.

Matt, where the hell have you been lately? no IRC or Vent? you missed a match newb [Counter-Strike].

See ya laters guys
I just started watching this anime for a 2nd time recently called Berserk. Now, Im not really an anime fan. Most of the more "famous" ones that Ive seen (princess mononoke, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun - all thanks to a friend of mine who was into the stuff) I just couldn't get into and I don't really warm too much to the art style (sometimes it looks kinda silly). But this particular one has a story so good that I can ignore the problems I usually have with the visuals (much like how I can ignore them in FF7). Its medival, bloody, violent and has demons in it, how can you go wrong? :) Seriously tho, the entire series is a flashback as to how this one guy who was the head of a mercinary army became this powerful demon and took over the world.

Just mentioning it since I know theres a few anime fans on here, if you've seen it and what you think about it?
Never heard of Beserk.

BTW love that pic on ur avatar Medusa, you should sell your art, get rich ;)..its really very good.

Not much to report on the off-topic lately except that there havent really been any good threads here, and no one has been posting much lately.. is it because school started? Have ye all abandoned me?

I got so bored yesterday that I went through other UM forums (blasphemy!!), but to tell you the truth I didn't find any I liked that had nice normal mature people there, except the sun caged one wasn't so bad. The Nevermore forum was an absolute shocker with the teeny-boppers posting on it. I even went into the Aussie UM forum, but I don't think anyone there has even heard of prog metal, or anything other than thrash or death for that matter.

So if I didn't know it before (which I did), I sure as hell know it now..Symphony X forum is my home here at UM.
urinalcakemix said:
I start school in 16 hours =[ Im so depressed, the summer went by too quick =[, but it was fun.

Can't wait to see SymX @ Toads Place in Nov. we've got major connections w/ toads place, so theres a "very good" possibility that I'll get to catch the sound check, that would be sick as all hell.

Matt, where the hell have you been lately? no IRC or Vent? you missed a match newb [Counter-Strike].

See ya laters guys
The Star Wars game is addicting as hell, and vent still doesn't work. I'll get on irc next time I can. And I still have a week until school starts, but next year is gonna be a lot of work for me :(
Well, let's see....not much going on around here except some health problems...spent 5 hours in the emergency room yesterday....but I'm fine now. I was so worried that my doctor wouldn't let me go to PP, but he says its ok. YAY :D Now I just have to rest for a few days.

Oh, and I don't think school will keep me from the forum. I might only check a few times a day rather than my usual 15 times lol.
:wave:Hey Metal chick, I am soooo glad to hear u are felling better.
And u CANNOT miss prog. The guys (symx) are counting on all of us to be there..:D (but of course ur health means more, I am j/k)

But really I am glad to hear u r well enough to go now. Hopefully we will get the chance to meet up..? I know it will be a blast..:hotjump:
I'm glad you are fine now :) !!! Yeah it would be horrible if you couldn't go to PP, but it's great the doctor says you can go ! You shouldn't miss SymX of course :D

By the way, I tried to put 300 pictures (which we made while we were on holidays) on the computer and now it says it can't find the pictures dammit :erk: I even can't open all those other pictures I have on the computer. :bah: Evil comp, I want a new ooooooooooone.....
Well now that Metal Chick is feeling better I'm down with a sprained ankle :( I can barely walk, it sucks. But I would still walk to Long Island on a sprained ankle to see SX, thats not even a question.