Official Off Topic Thread

Mr. Shred-ididle said:
Omg!i just got my msn account. I tried to chat on the metal section of msn. hehe, wuite comical really.they're all talking about how many nose rings you've got and shit. I said "any of you guys anna talk about music?" and then i got banned. stupid dickheads.
But i have no contacts, any one wanna be one? i'm if you wanna form some sort of net talk thing. Slent? theoddyssey? anyone?
I'm so loonly

Hmmm, why don't we have an AIM chatroom or something? Y'know, invite yourself to "UM Symphony X" and see who's there. Might be interesting... ;)
This hasnt been mentioned here, but who's bought the Two Towers DVD yet? I'm gonna get the extended one when it comes out too, but I had to have this one as well :). Yesterday I watched the extended Fellowship and TTT back to back while I was practicing. Quite an experience, tho Im sure it will be even better a year and 3 months from now when I will be able to watch the extended versions of Fellowship, Towers, and King all in a row :D
Hope everybody's feeling better.

My 17 year old drummer son came home the other day with his hair cut very short (it was loooooong!) He said it was keeping him from getting a job. THEN, he went back and got MORE cut off.
:cry: and a double waah :cry: :cry:
woa, beat him for chopping his hair off.
I'd like to grow my hair out to an uber length, but ill get to it sometime. and after the beating, make him make you a sandwich? why? Cuz everyone needs a sandwich after administering a beating [maybe its just me]. Oh well.
SilentRealm said:
I got so bored yesterday that I went through other UM forums (blasphemy!!), but to tell you the truth I didn't find any I liked that had nice normal mature people there, except the sun caged one wasn't so bad.
There are a lot of idiots in the other forums *cough*Children of Bodom.

Try the Opoeth forum - there are lots of interesting threads.
Yngvai X said:
This hasnt been mentioned here, but who's bought the Two Towers DVD yet?

I'm not going to buy any of the extended editions - or the normal ones for that matter - but rather wait for the super-extended edition that has all the three movies with 1 hour of removed material put back in in each one, 8 DVDs full of behind-the-scenes documentaries, previews, family portraits and other such extras, Gold and Platinum LotR chess-piece set, three pairs of authentic hobbit-feet, a Minas Morgul tent, 20 pounds of mushrooms and a life-size blow-up Peter Jackson doll. :D
OMG so I'm gonna be driving down to PP all by myself right, and my mom has been freaking out ever since I told her I was going. She writes to the Advice column in the Chicago Tribune and holy crap Dear Amy puts the story in the freakin Sunday paper with the headline "Solo road trip makes mom edgy." I couldn't believe it. The advice was pretty much all stuff I knew blah blah blah...but I just think this is so funny! I was like "Yeah mom we're in the paper!" hehehe mom is still freaking out though...woo 3 days until I leave........
The Metal Chick said:
OMG so I'm gonna be driving down to PP all by myself right, and my mom has been freaking out ever since I told her I was going. She writes to the Advice column in the Chicago Tribune and holy crap Dear Amy puts the story in the freakin Sunday paper with the headline "Solo road trip makes mom edgy." I couldn't believe it. The advice was pretty much all stuff I knew blah blah blah...but I just think this is so funny! I was like "Yeah mom we're in the paper!" hehehe mom is still freaking out though...woo 3 days until I leave........

TAKE MOM ALONG!!!!! :headbang:
Pharoah said:
Hope everybody's feeling better.

My 17 year old drummer son came home the other day with his hair cut very short (it was loooooong!) He said it was keeping him from getting a job. THEN, he went back and got MORE cut off.
:cry: and a double waah :cry: :cry:
yes i am, thanx

and if my hubby came home with all his hair cut off, i'd beat the crap out of him. he keeps his hair tied back in a ponytail for work, but i know that if he was to move into a supervisory position, he'd probably have to get most of it chopped off (his hair is longer than mine!!)
I got a compilation cd by Chris Brooks yesterday of some bands he likes. My favorites I heard was Ark and Dali's Dilemma..havent been looking up Dali's yet, but I have been trying to find more about Ark but there is hardly any info about them online and their official website isnt running. What do people here think of them if anyones heard of them?
SilentRealm said:
I got a compilation cd by Chris Brooks yesterday of some bands he likes. My favorites I heard was Ark and Dali's Dilemma..havent been looking up Dali's yet, but I have been trying to find more about Ark but there is hardly any info about them online and their official website isnt running. What do people here think of them if anyones heard of them?

ARK is an OK band, but not one of my favorites, really. They seem to have fans who are REALLY into them. Hard to describe. My opinion.....I think they are tight and the songs are lyrically interesting, but the vocals work on my nerves, so I don't listen to them often. I really like Angra with Andre, but many people find HIM un-nerving. It's all personal taste, so I would say get a CD and check them out if you liked what you heard, you may be blown away.