Official Off Topic Thread

Recent conquests:


I make no apology for anything I say. That said, I doubt people are dumb enough to take everything I say seriously and/or be so dramatically affected by words on the internet as to impact them in a devastating emotional way. If such is the case and I am at fault, then I'd say there's more to the problem than harsh words said.
Wtf, my power was out for 18 hours yesterday. :erk: I couldn't do a damn thing all day. So boring.

Ouch! I think the longest time I've been without power was during the NYC blackout, which was August 2003? Around May 2004 (August+9 monthsish) I was working in a hospital, and an ob-gyn came in asking for patient info. My coworker said something like "It's been really busy up in maternity, hasn't it?" to which he quickly responded "Yeah but it's been dying down, these are the last of the blackout babies" :lol: Good to have you back btw :D
I'm in full agreement with Jax and J-Dub on this issue. Witty, humorous responses are one thing; being and sardonic asshole is quite another. Rose Immortal hasn't posted since Zach lit into her rather unnecessarily, and several others have left as Jax alluded to. As a band member, I surely wouldn't want my "official forum" to turn people away from my fan base.

Yep. I'm sick to death of hearing from people who leave the forum because ya'll behave like ridiculous children. You all, of course, don't see how many people you've chased off because they don't care to return, & most of the time I can't blame them. With the new cd coming out soon, we're going to have lots of new people wandering in within the next few months, and this crap will not be tolerated; ya'll need to learn how to behave, or take yourselves elsewhere.

You're certainly entitled to your opinion, but I disagree. He didn't come in and say 'hey, when's the band doing a dvd?'; he stated how much he enjoyed the Gigantour footage & wanted to share with others who might agree with how good it was & who were hoping for a dvd as well. Not the first time a topic like the dvd has been revisited & it won't be the last; however, he came at it from a 'wasn't this great? wouldn't more be awesome' angle, not the usual whiny 'we want a dvd waah' angle. NOT a "shit topic" at all. And in return, ya'll pulled your dickhead act on him. Not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing that he's an old friend (he was on the SymX mailing list before most of you poorly behaved kiddies even knew what a computer was), but I have to say, ya'll are sure as hell getting good at making the band's fanbase look like a bunch of pricks. Way to go.

Something is going to change, and soon, I just need to sit down and talk to MJR and compare notes with JayDub and figure out how to handle it.

Threads like that aren't the litter here.

Crap. I had a huge response typed for this, but my comp froze and I lost everything so I'm gonna declare myself out of this conversation. :)

(Note: smiley used in attempt to make self look better)
ABQShredHead said:
I'm in full agreement with Jax and J-Dub on this issue. Witty, humorous responses are one thing; being and sardonic asshole is quite another. Rose Immortal hasn't posted since Zach lit into her rather unnecessarily, and several others have left as Jax alluded to. As a band member, I surely wouldn't want my "official forum" to turn people away from my fan base.

i know its not really my business to comment, but i hadnt even looked at that other thread till now, and i must say the boys really did rip into the poor guy without any sort of provocation. as much as i adore some of the guys here, how many BS threads do you all make that arent even band related? to just treat that new person like a piece of shit, when he didnt even do anything wrong, isn't cool at all..

i also think there seems to be a whole 'boys club' attitude going on here with some of the forumers, and as seen with the cases of RI (which i didnt even know about till now), and turke etc, it drives people away..
i know its not really my business to comment, but i hadnt even looked at that other thread till now, and i must say the boys really did rip into the poor guy without any sort of provocation. as much as i adore some of the guys here, how many BS threads do you all make that arent even band related? to just treat that new person like a piece of shit, when he didnt even do anything wrong, isn't cool at all..

i also think there seems to be a whole 'boys club' attitude going on here with some of the forumers, and as seen with the cases of RI (which i didnt even know about till now), and turke etc, it drives people away..

What I had a problem with is that he wasn't new, he was a member since 2002 or something.

And Turke couldn't stand some opposition to his personal (and flawed imo) beliefs, couldn't put up a argument, wimped out, and left. He didn't take any bullshit flaming, he just engaged in a political debate and got shot down if my memory serves me correctly. If you post an opinion on the internet (or anywhere, for that matter) someone will always disagree.
yeah but theres ways of politely disagreeing.. its called a debate, which is more than fine..

It started as debate, but he posted some sort of elitist bullshit that me and OfSins to get angry and therefore commence some flaming. It wasn't even serious flaming either. I never liked him anyway.
Time to get back to the arguement!!!!

Jax and J-Dub:
Here's my perspective on the situation. I make smartass comments. I don't expect anyone to take them seriously. When someone does, i see that as a green light to continue fucking around. Is it right? I dunno, but it works for me. I really don't expect people to be so thin-skinned on the internet. The Rose Immortal thing that everyone is talking about, i'll be perfectly honest... i don't even know what the fuck they're talking about. I don't remember it. Know why? Because I don't take this shit seriously.

Now here's the thing... i'm NOT saying that i have the "right" to act in any way i please on this forum. Remember how that fucking ayreonguardian guy kept coming on here and saying bullshit about "AMAGAD THEY OWE US INFORMATION BECAUSE I'M A FAN AND OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG"? When a situation like that comes up and they're obviously wrong, i'm up for some fuckery.

So maybe when n00bs come around we should lay off. i can accept that. Revisiting the Rose Immortal situation, whatever i said, she knew what kind of a perosonality i am on this forum. She wasn't a n00b, yet she still decided to get all pissy about it. If someone is honestly so fucking upset because of me on teh intarwebz, i think that's really, really sad. Is it my call to make in terms of the whole forum? Well, she made that decision, not me...

It boils down to this guys, and i'm being totally straight and not being a smart ass. nor am i trying to get sympathy or "OMG NO DON'T". It's simply the way i see things. I understand this is the band's home on the internet, and Jax and J-Dub are the ones who keep it clean. You guys make the rules, we follow them. Up until this incident, i've always gotten the impression of *rolleyes* from you guys. There's never been an issue that anyone has brought to the forefront. If there's an issue and you guys see fit to ban me or else ask me to leave, please do so. That's not a challenge, i'm not being a dick, just being honest. I'm easy going enough to the point where if i'm not welcome, just give the word and i'll leave without a scene :D

Really, i see no problem with this place. Some of the people are thin skinned and DO need to realize it's the internet, not something to take seriously. I like it because really... i mean, you guys have seen some of the cesspools there are around here. I myself, along i know with many others, see little but gentle ribbing and general smart ass stuff that is not to be taken seriously. Have i crossed the line? Sure, a few times, but it happens. If that's reason to have a ban here and there, feel free. It's up to y'all.

Again, just want to clarify that none of this is with a bad tone. I'm pretty much laid back on the situation. Either way, i think this place is overall great, the people fucking rule, and it's basically the reason i come here.

Oh, and i don't miss turke either. From my recollection, neither does j-dub... i could be wrong, but i remember a post insinuating he could take his ball and go home. But my memory is fucked. And i don't even smoke weed. Huh.