Official Off Topic Thread

what do you mean by that...I ask because I only recently started poking around there
Just so you know, I don't mean the conduct in The Realm; I'm referring more to the Off Topic section there, 'cause that's where I stay for the most part.

My problem with the conduct over there is that aside from teh fact that everyone there is too scared about hurting everyone elses' feelings to actually speak what's on their mind, (I've gotten over that) everyone there takes everything way too seriously for the internet. They act like they're in a real life forum actually talking in person, completely forgetting that the internets is a completely different dimension from the real world.
Every single time I try to make the tiniest little joke, I have practically the entire German/Dutch population of the board swarm in on me ready to attack me for trying to stray from the Pseudo-Utopian mentality that they share with eachother, and it pisses me off, 'cause they practically crucify me every time I try to introduce humor that's not corny cliche jokes that just go for a cheap laugh.

But yet I keep going there, because someone has to serve as a reminder that it's the internet.
I don't wanna post in a battleground, but I don't wanna discuss/debate stuff with people thin as paper either.

"oh I want a DVD made now"
"who the fuck doesn't"
"WAAAAAAAAAAAAH! you said mean words to me"


"oh I want a DVD made now"
"who the fuck doesn't"
"heh heh heh, I'm taking your comment lightheartedly because this is the fucking internet and I'm not a pussy"

Errrr.... Something like that.
by the way, just heard about

can't wait for this one :D
But he had a low post count, so I doubt he spent every waking hour of the last five years on this forum.

Not to mention that he could've been a member since UM was created and still never have set foot in this particular forum..we're only one of many many forums on this site.
But we're the only good one anymore.

On another note...
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Not to continue the shit, but through some brief discussion about the Rose Immortal incident, apparently i wasn't the one who drove her off. so a lot of what i said in my epic post in reference to her was not accurate (she didn't get pissy and butthurt towards me).

Just sayin' (to the mods) while i personally never have any problem with most people here, it wouldn't hurt to re-evaluate the WHOLE situation, not just a few of us regs. step back and take a look at the big picture.
Just sayin' (to the mods) while i personally never have any problem with most people here, it wouldn't hurt to re-evaluate the WHOLE situation, not just a few of us regs. step back and take a look at the big picture.

I agree.

Time to get back to the arguement!!!!

Jax and J-Dub:
Here's my perspective on the situation. I make smartass comments. I don't expect anyone to take them seriously. When someone does, i see that as a green light to continue fucking around. Is it right? I dunno, but it works for me. I really don't expect people to be so thin-skinned on the internet. The Rose Immortal thing that everyone is talking about, i'll be perfectly honest... i don't even know what the fuck they're talking about. I don't remember it. Know why? Because I don't take this shit seriously.

Now here's the thing... i'm NOT saying that i have the "right" to act in any way i please on this forum. Remember how that fucking ayreonguardian guy kept coming on here and saying bullshit about "AMAGAD THEY OWE US INFORMATION BECAUSE I'M A FAN AND OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG"? When a situation like that comes up and they're obviously wrong, i'm up for some fuckery.

So maybe when n00bs come around we should lay off. i can accept that. Revisiting the Rose Immortal situation, whatever i said, she knew what kind of a perosonality i am on this forum. She wasn't a n00b, yet she still decided to get all pissy about it. If someone is honestly so fucking upset because of me on teh intarwebz, i think that's really, really sad. Is it my call to make in terms of the whole forum? Well, she made that decision, not me...

It boils down to this guys, and i'm being totally straight and not being a smart ass. nor am i trying to get sympathy or "OMG NO DON'T". It's simply the way i see things. I understand this is the band's home on the internet, and Jax and J-Dub are the ones who keep it clean. You guys make the rules, we follow them. Up until this incident, i've always gotten the impression of *rolleyes* from you guys. There's never been an issue that anyone has brought to the forefront. If there's an issue and you guys see fit to ban me or else ask me to leave, please do so. That's not a challenge, i'm not being a dick, just being honest. I'm easy going enough to the point where if i'm not welcome, just give the word and i'll leave without a scene :D

Really, i see no problem with this place. Some of the people are thin skinned and DO need to realize it's the internet, not something to take seriously. I like it because really... i mean, you guys have seen some of the cesspools there are around here. I myself, along i know with many others, see little but gentle ribbing and general smart ass stuff that is not to be taken seriously. Have i crossed the line? Sure, a few times, but it happens. If that's reason to have a ban here and there, feel free. It's up to y'all.

Again, just want to clarify that none of this is with a bad tone. I'm pretty much laid back on the situation. Either way, i think this place is overall great, the people fucking rule, and it's basically the reason i come here.


I agree with everything you said again. There is no problem here and compared to other forums on here, it's perfect. That's why I post here a lot as well besides my being a fan.
dunno if anyone has seen this or not.. but just found sims2 does nightwish!!!

That is freaking wild!!! I wish I knew what the hell was going on... :cool:

Ptah Khnemu said:
...I have practically the entire German/Dutch population of the board swarm in on me ready to attack me...

Now, c'mon, you've got to be exaggerating. Since when have the German's EVER gone on the offensive? :Smug:

Ptah Khnemu said:
On another note...

Ha HA!!! I KNEW that could happen! :lol:
I love to debate. Bring it on :lol: But yeah, when it becomes clear that one position is steadfast and just repeatedly spams their view rather than discussing the matter civally, then the debate is over and it's time to move on, because that position is closed and it will serve nothing to try and convince them of *anything* at that point - they've reached the limit of their debating capability, and succumb to 'fight mode' instead. That crap is useless...
I don't wanna post in a battleground, but I don't wanna discuss/debate stuff with people thin as paper either.

"oh I want a DVD made now"
"who the fuck doesn't"
"WAAAAAAAAAAAAH! you said mean words to me"


"oh I want a DVD made now"
"who the fuck doesn't"
"heh heh heh, I'm taking your comment lightheartedly because this is the fucking internet and I'm not a pussy"

Errrr.... Something like that.

Actually, it was nothing like either of your examples...go back and re-read it.
Don's the one of the last people to have "thin skin" that I know.
It was the overall assholiness of those that particpated, sans one, that pissed off the mods...

But we're the only good one anymore.

HIGHLY questionable....

Not to continue the shit, but through some brief discussion about the Rose Immortal incident, apparently i wasn't the one who drove her off. so a lot of what i said in my epic post in reference to her was not accurate (she didn't get pissy and butthurt towards me).

Just sayin' (to the mods) while i personally never have any problem with most people here, it wouldn't hurt to re-evaluate the WHOLE situation, not just a few of us regs. step back and take a look at the big picture.

But you're going to continue it anyway....:rolleyes:
This forum is open, people can come & go as they please. I'd be willing to bet that at the very least, the pack dog mentality a few of you have was a contributing factor. Who wants to be part of a forum where a bunch of mouthy lil' fucks run rampant? I sure as hell don't. If you (and I mean "you" in general terms, as in "you all") want to live out your little internet fantasy life of being a full time asshole, you can take it elsewhere. I'm sure there are plenty of places where that is expected, and encouraged. It's not going to continue to happen here. I'm ALL for having fun, but know your audience first, before you jump on someone making a comment. You're not as elite as you think you are.

If you think Jax & I are going to step back and re-evaluate this and let it continue to happen, you're wrong. Dead wrong. Most people come here for SY-X & music discussions, not to be belittled by a pack of assholes using the forum as their own personal playground. Yeah, it's the internet, and yeah, the forum is open, but you guys gotta remember that not everyone wants to put up with your shit. Should they have to leave because some of you can't control yourselves once in a while? If you want your fantasy kingdom, go set up a fan forum somewhere else. This isn't the place for it.

At this point, I'd almost be happy to see this place get shut down.....
Okay so the guy they ripped on was someone the mods know from long before or? Is that why it got so emotional and suddenly this place is the Bagdad of the Internet and you'd be happy to shut it down?

Don't make the forums into something they're not by saying they are. I've stayed neutral during every stupid post and heated debates (how swedish of me), but I really really think the mods are overreacting this time.

edit: FYI, this is the "cleanest" fan forum I've been to, which is why I got so surprised when you started talking about shutting it down just because of some sarcastic comments from what I know as forum regulars being tired of shitty threads.
At this point, I'd almost be happy to see this place get shut down.....

OMG. You really need to look around because this forum is PROBABLY ONE OF THE BEST BEHAVED of all forums on UM. If you guys shut this place down, I'll either create an official forum or talk to Romeo when I see him in Sauget. (lol at the irony of that)
Don't make the forums into something they're not by saying they are. I've stayed neutral during every stupid post and heated debates (how swedish of me), but I really really think the mods are overreacting this time.

edit: FYI, this is the "cleanest" fan forum I've been to, which is why I got so surprised when you started talking about shutting it down just because of some sarcastic comments from what I know as forum regulars being tired of shitty threads.

Thank you. Jesus Christ.
Don't make the forums into something they're not by saying they are. I've stayed neutral during every stupid post and heated debates (how swedish of me), but I really really think the mods are overreacting this time.

It's not about this time or solely about the dvd thread..and it's not about who was offended, friend or not; it'd be as much a crock of shit if it were someone JayDub and I didn't know. It's an ongoing problem that's come to a head & needs to be dealt with before hordes of new fans come in all excited by the new cd & get scared off by a few mouthy children who find self importance in acting like dicks in the relative anonymity of the internet. You'd not think it overreacting if you were the one who had to hear from the countless people who've been chased out of here, or if you were the one who has to answer to the band about how their fanbase is represented here..but you don't, so you can't comprehend where we're coming from.
Okay so the guy they ripped on was someone the mods know from long before or? Is that why it got so emotional and suddenly this place is the Bagdad of the Internet and you'd be happy to shut it down?

Don't make the forums into something they're not by saying they are. I've stayed neutral during every stupid post and heated debates (how swedish of me), but I really really think the mods are overreacting this time.

edit: FYI, this is the "cleanest" fan forum I've been to, which is why I got so surprised when you started talking about shutting it down just because of some sarcastic comments from what I know as forum regulars being tired of shitty threads.

OMG. You really need to look around because this forum is PROBABLY ONE OF THE BEST BEHAVED of all forums on UM. If you guys shut this place down, I'll either create an official forum or talk to Romeo when I see him in Sauget. (lol at the irony of that)

Phanto - Where am I making these forums into something they are not? Are you referring to what I said about it being a playground or what the main reason this forum is here for? Yes, that person is a personal friend of both mine and Jax's. He's a busy dude, a gigging musician, and doesn't pop in here that often. I find it very lame that the wild chihuahua pack had to jump on him when all he posted was an opinion after finally getting around to seeing the Gigantour footage. There's a huge difference between being sarcastic, and being a dick. Don't even get me started on being tired of shitty threads. :zombie:

You're leaving out an important word in regard to shutting the place down.
That word is "almost". It's not bad to be neutral.

Montu - Unless YOU get autorization from the band, you wouldn't be able to start up an official anything. I'm pretty sure the LAST thing any of the band members are going to want to talk about after a gig is a forum they don't participate in. I can't say that I blame them one bit, but feel free to bring it up. Part of the reason this place is behaved is because of the moderation. No, I'm NOT tootin' my own horn, or anybody elses. If Jax & I let the inmates run the asylum here, and didn't delete threads, & lock subjects that get out of hand, this place would would be no better than any fan site running unmoderated, or loosely moderated....

I guess all I'm really asking for is for you guys to take it down a few notches, especially when your dealing with people you don't know. As Jax mentioned, there will be an influx of new people here once the album gets out & gets heard. You're going to see a LOT of old subject matter come up too. Get used to it, and don't be jumping on the new people over it...
Phanto - Where am I making these forums into something they are not? Are you referring to what I said about it being a playground or what the main reason this forum is here for? Yes, that person is a personal friend of both mine and Jax's. He's a busy dude, a gigging musician, and doesn't pop in here that often. I find it very lame that the wild chihuahua pack had to jump on him when all he posted was an opinion after finally getting around to seeing the Gigantour footage. There's a huge difference between being sarcastic, and being a dick. Don't even get me started on being tired of shitty threads. :zombie:

You're leaving out an important word in regard to shutting the place down.
That word is "almost". It's not bad to be neutral.

Montu - Unless YOU get autorization from the band, you wouldn't be able to start up an official anything. I'm pretty sure the LAST thing any of the band members are going to want to talk about after a gig is a forum they don't participate in. I can't say that I blame them one bit, but feel free to bring it up. Part of the reason this place is behaved is because of the moderation. No, I'm NOT tootin' my own horn, or anybody elses. If Jax & I let the inmates run the asylum here, and didn't delete threads, & lock subjects that get out of hand, this place would would be no better than any fan site running unmoderated, or loosely moderated....

I guess all I'm really asking for is for you guys to take it down a few notches, especially when your dealing with people you don't know. As Jax mentioned, there will be an influx of new people here once the album gets out & gets heard. You're going to see a LOT of old subject matter come up too. Get used to it, and don't be jumping on the new people over it...

lol I meant 'unofficial' and was joking about meeting with Romeo.