Official Off Topic Thread

My boss embarrassed the crap out of me last night by gushing about what a good worker I front of the entire staff of our area (50+ people) during an update meeting. Way cool to know that he thinks that much of me & my work, but SO embarrassing (and yes, reports have it that my face was bright red the whole time :oops:).

Of course, the people on my line had to give me grief the rest of the night, that ranged from "have I mentioned what an honor it is just to know you?" to "so how does it feel to have the supervisor kissing your ass?"..sheesh. :lol:

Come to find out that my lead knew he was going to do it, she just wasn't aware he was going to do it in front of everyone..rofl. I'm definitely not complaining, overall, though..I guess getting kudos at all is a rare thing there, so I'm quite honored that in all the time I've worked there, I'm the only one he's done that for; and in front of everyone, no less.

Still embarrassing as hell, though. :lol:

Congrats Jax! Personally, while I appreciate recognition for my work, I'm not a big fan of it being in public. I'd rather my supervisor takes me aside and tells me, so I can understand where you're coming from. Still, :headbang:
Is anyone here a keen programmer who knows stuff about real-time operating system programming?? I've been working on this stupid thing for ages and its driving me insane. My lecturer doesnt respond to my emails so I really need to find someone that could help.
My boss embarrassed the crap out of me last night by gushing about what a good worker I front of the entire staff of our area (50+ people) during an update meeting. Way cool to know that he thinks that much of me & my work, but SO embarrassing (and yes, reports have it that my face was bright red the whole time :oops:).

Time to go on a shooting rampage! :loco: :)

Yeah, some types of people crave public recognition and others want to hear what a good job they're doing in private. In the end, though, praise doesn't put dinner on the table. Hopefully they're putting their wallets where their mouths are (other than on their own butts - see what I did there?). ;)
Thanks ya'll. People were still teasing me about it last night..may take a while to live this one down. :lol:

Keep up the good work, and make sure you get a rasie on your next review! :kickass:

The company I work for has all but officially been sold. I've been building/setting up workstations for 3 people, the last couple nights Google is your friend. HR, CTO, and Financial. These people are part of an acquisition team partnered with the rumored new company. Nothing has been said officially. My gut tells me it's going to be a shitty summer. The moral of the story: Take all the praise you can get, because most of the time nobody will tell you jack shit, until you're sent off to HR....

/me smelling a haircut & job interviews in my futrure
I say that every forum member who's going to the May 25 show learns the song in the middle of that video so we can have a big singalong to it while we're waiting for Sym X to go on.