Official Off Topic Thread

Honestly, I get so much shit when I take it out on the degenerate state of human culture. And then shit like this happens. Is it any more obvious that there is a problem and we as members of the species are bound by duty to do something?

2 more generations without change, and I predict it'll all end in a bloodbath.
i heard he was asian and based on what i have seen (here in Australia anyway) asians arent that into metal lol. here in Aus it is all hello kitty, some horrible new iced tea and world of warcraft. (i have had more indian friends into metal than i have met asians into it lol.
I just read that. Where the hell did they get those accounts? The NEW YORK TIMES is trying very very hard to spin this story against the administration. ALL of the news interviews (the video ones that they can't fuck up like this) have the reporters asking the same kind of loaded questions, and the students denying it. The students blame the killer, not the school. They almost unanimously agree that the school did the best they can.

Here we go again. Blame the school. Blame videogames and movies. But don't blame fucked up people from fucked up familes in a fucked up society. And for God's sake, don't EVER blame the media. See my signature. Ignorence is bliss.
Natural selection should work more accordingly to the improvement of human life. Its sad to see how humanity has evolved so slowly, we should separate all degenerate human being from individuals worth of being called " human " and create some sort of utopia, because i agree with Kenneth's prediction of the future.
whats weird is.. have they established if it was just one killer or if there were 2? im just wondering how the guy didnt get taken down with the first set of killings, and no one was alerted.. and he was able to go back 2 hours later and kill 30 more people.. and if it was 2 killers, the school should have been evacuated after the first shootings anyway..
who me? yeah. arcturus was one of the best and original bands in the world.

anyway, about the school shooting.. even in sweden they're saying there was nothing wrong with the school and this was really unexpected (there were some swedish students there).
I'm really hating that people are taking the reactionary, passive "shit happens, what are we supposed to do except say it's sad and offer condolences and then do nothing" attitude.

I don't want to see an increase in school security. I don't want to see tougher gun laws. These things don't solve the problem. I want to see a marked attempt by people to make this world just a little less fucked up by actually caring about each other for a change.
I agree 100%.

I would dismantle every handgun and rifle in the world if that was under my power. And also get rid of the oil.
getting rid of guns wouldnt solve the fact that people kill each other..but it might make it less likely in the fact that shooting someone is 'easier' than say stabbing someone..might create a drop in massacres..anyway its not reasonable unfortunately as even with tougher gun laws, they are still obtainable to those who want them such as the black market, or simply crossing the border..

i don't necessarily agree that its 'society's' fault either.. society, whoever that is, doesnt cause or cant control someones mental problems.. and the media or videogames doesnt cause 'normal' people to get these ideas into their head, however it may provide a catalyst for someone who has these mental probs and cant distinguish fiction from reality..but how do you police that? its not fair to everyone else to ban these things for the terrible actions of a few people.. but do we resort to psychological evaluations of people before being allowed to purchase these things? again, none of it is reasonable..

in all its probably a combination of many factors, with the answers being too difficult to find at this time..
I agree, Charis. Rather than blaming society, or the institution, or anything Kenneth lists, it all comes down to the individual. Society is denegrating rapidly, yes, but school shootings have been happening long beforehand.

My thoughts are more toward the rapid evolution in information sharing and the inability to readily decipher all the information we now receive on a daily basis.

Mental health is still a taboo topic, and that is very sad because everybody has it. Much like physical health, some are better off than others; yet, those worse off are cast aside and left to fester in their darkness. I have seen too much in the last 10 years or so.
SilentRealm said:
have they established if it was just one killer or if there were 2? im just wondering how the guy didnt get taken down with the first set of killings, and no one was alerted.. and he was able to go back 2 hours later and kill 30 more people.. and if it was 2 killers, the school should have been evacuated after the first shootings anyway..

Today they said the same guns were used in both incidents.

It would be impossible to round everyone up and send them off all at once. The campus had 36,000 people in it. If I lived in a city of that size and there was a shooting in the grocery store, I'd just watch my back on my way to wherever, as opposed getting on the next bus out with the other 35,999 people who live there.
Yeah, I can't see any possible spin to blame this on the school. I'm sure the news media will though. Our governor has already called together a security task force. What a tool. But, he needs the spotlight for his Presidency campaign. What a bigger tool. Use a senseless tragedy as your own promo piece.
I agree, Charis. Rather than blaming society, or the institution, or anything Kenneth lists, it all comes down to the individual.

I disagree with your last sentence. Society is formed by individuals. When having serious issues with your society, you'll eventually give birth to troubled individuals.

My thoughts are more toward the rapid evolution in information sharing and the inability to readily decipher all the information we now receive on a daily basis.

I don't get you here. What does that have to do with extremely violent acts and bloodbaths like this one?

Mental health is still a taboo topic, and that is very sad because everybody has it. Much like physical health, some are better off than others; yet, those worse off are cast aside and left to fester in their darkness. I have seen too much in the last 10 years or so.

I agree on this one.
You know, no man is an island ABQ. No matter how you want to put the responsibility on the shooter themselves (which you rightly should) there is also the factor of that person being brought up in a way that allowed this to happen. they weren't cared for. they weren't watched out for. they might have been treated poorly. maybe they were ostracized or just never taught morality. who can say at this point. i guarantee it will come up as the investigation proceeds. you can't have everyone wash their hands of blood just because we didn't pull the trigger. we let him do it.

at this point, my guess is it went down like this: the guy gets shafted by the girlfriend. he's feeling really fucked up, he has no one to turn to. he has no one to talk about it with, and doesn't know how to deal with his emotions of loss and rage. he decides to get revenge and make the cause of those feelings go away. he goes and gets a gun. maybe he has it already. this is how they do it on tv afterall, right? he goes and confronts the girl, probably says something like "this is what you get bitch, see what you made me do!?" and kills her. the RA comes down the hall because of the commotion, all "WTF just happened". the shooter turns and sees a witness. bam. he's dead. the shooter has to make his escape so he leaves the building quickly. but he's not satisfied. his crime hasn't erased his pain. he needs to make more people pay. he still has no one to talk about his thoughts with, or about what he's done. he goes to the classroom where maybe her new boyfriend is. he doesn't know who the guy is. maybe he does and he can't have them all watching him kill the kid. so he tries to kill them all. but even now, with blood and death his reality, he's not sated. his pain is too intense, so he kills himself.

think of just how many different times in this idiot's life he could have turned from this path if only people gave him the time of day. we're a bunch of sick fucks really. we don't talk to each other, us humans. we just sit next to each other on the bus, everybody with their ipods blasting, heads down, thinking inwardly. we don't share things because that's perceived as weakness. we isolate ourselves more and more. television reinforces this "we don't talk, we just watch" behavior. we learn to criticize and ridicule others. we take joy in it. american idol. we sensationalize and dramatize the failed relationships of others and of celebrities. we glory in it. britney spears. we are disturbed beyond words, and yet there are humans who indifferently claim no responsibility for the degeneracy they help foster. we as humans create monsters, and then take no responsibility for their actions. Mary Shelley knew exactly what the problem was.