Best post ever. I was raised in the boonies, so I was around guns and hunting my entire life. I'm pretty sick at clay pigeons. You're exactly right - hunters don't need automatic weapons. But gun laws won't make a difference in crime. There are already hundreds of laws regulating firearms, and we still have gun crimes. Maybe we should be paying less attention to guns and more attention to people.I didn't hear about the Mayor of Nagasaki yet. That sucks, but also proves a point that the anti-gunners just don't get. You can make all the laws you want about firearms, but if you think for one second that a thug, gangbanger or assassin is going to use a registered firearm to commit a crime, you're VERY wrong. You're even more wrong if you think that tough anti-weapon laws are going to make jack shit bit of difference here when it comes committing crimes. I'm on the fence with a lot of the gun laws, while I DEMAND the right to keep a weapon in my home, I don't think a deer hunter needs an AR-10 that does full automatic. The NRA doesn't know whether to love me or hate me, and that's why I'm NOT a member..
i don't necessarily agree that its 'society's' fault either.. society, whoever that is, doesnt cause or cant control someones mental problems.. and the media or videogames doesnt cause 'normal' people to get these ideas into their head, however it may provide a catalyst for someone who has these mental probs and cant distinguish fiction from reality..but how do you police that? its not fair to everyone else to ban these things for the terrible actions of a few people.. but do we resort to psychological evaluations of people before being allowed to purchase these things? again, none of it is reasonable..
in all its probably a combination of many factors, with the answers being too difficult to find at this time..
Either way, it's tragic that anyone could have the mindset to murder that many people.
DoomsdayZach said:I had an interesting conversation with a friend (before all of this happened, not that the timeline matters) about murder and who is capable of such a thing. We pretty much decided that given certain circumstances (which will be different for each person), i believe everyone is more than capable of taking another life. Of course, there are people who are more inclined to kill for less than "justified" reasons.
Again, nothing to do with the shooting, i've always had a fascination with death and the concept of one person ending another person's life. That's not to say I wish to experience it, but regardless, it's interesting. Also, it is very eye opening to think of your limits, and where you feel someone crosses the line to the point where they deserve to die. interesting stuff.
Kenneth R. said:so like 200 people were killed in Iraq today. who wants to bet it won't make the news cause they're still sensationalizing and making media scripted programs about the virginia tech thing? someone's job is seriously to sit there and make little riffs and graphics for these programs. someone's job is to edit footage and make it all dramatic right as they go to commercial. repulsive.
oh wait, they'll air the deaths in Iraq today. Cause it has the word Iraq on it. But we won't mourn them because they're not Americans, and we won't mourn the thousands who die daily from preventable hunger and disease, while we continue to fund our military and give ratings to the media. We will mourn those 32 kids because they were Americans and zomg we love tragedy. Even people who have absolutely zero connection to the situation will act as if they were personally there. Get on the hokie bandwagon. It's the latest fashion. (by no means do I discredit anyone who literally did have connection to the incident. just everybody else.)
i remember seeing a news report when the afghani war first started, and american soldiers were going into the caves and killing taliban people.. and yes the taliban is wrong and has done awful things, but i was still disgusted by the 'glee' the news reporters had over taliban people being dragged out, tortured and murdered. its not about 'what have they done to us?' but 'at what point does murdering another human become not only ok, but a joyous event?' - all of it is sickening..
quote from ask MJR question thread
"You know a band is big when you go to a typical aussie gig and you see 4 or 5 seperate people with 'The Odyssey' shirts on"
i tend to dissagree on this one...a metal shop finally orders a good bands merch in and presto the trendwhores and sheep jump on the bandwagon...
everyone that i have seen with a symphony x shirt on has only had an odyssey one and when u try to converse about the band, they know 2 songs off the odyssey and get confused and think u are talking about static X(true Story)
J-Dubya 777 said:Well, they are the "bad guys" in this epic war. I don't believe there are "good guy" Taliban memebrs. IIRC, they are a repressive minded sect that will continue to try to disrupt any tranquility in any newly established government. Strictly MHFO, that neither Iraq or Afganistan will EVER be able to fend for themselves, no matter how many troops, and how many $'s are spent trying. As for the troops on the ground, if you're doging IEDs & VBIEDs day in & day out and you can off ONE of those guys who builds, plants, or manufactures them, it's a joyous occasion. Everybody wants a "clean" war
but the reality is, it doesn't work that way. It's too bad people have to die, but they started it, and we'll finish it, one way or another....
SymX_AUS said:everyone that i have seen with a symphony x shirt on has only had an odyssey one and when u try to converse about the band, they know 2 songs off the odyssey and get confused and think u are talking about static X(true Story)
The guys I've only ever seen with V shirts, I've never seen an Odyssey shirt here in Adelaide now that I think of it... And anyone I've spoken to knew what they were talking about... But yeah, there'll always be band-wagoners wherever u are...
but the point is, i dont think anyone should be gleeful about killing someone else.. it makes us as bad as them..