Official Off Topic Thread

Jax - Awesome! Can't wait to see the new ink! I'm getting some new stuff done when I go back to Pittsburgh this Christmas, and I'm pumped. I can't wait to see what you got!

Also. We played the Knitting Factory in Hollywood tonight for some Halloween show. It was fun. We didn't suck, there were a ton of new faces who had never heard us before and really liked it, and I got a bunch of free drinks. What more can you ask for?

Also. Halloween in Hollywood is absolutely insane. It shouldn't be legal.
Photo's in the pics thread. :)

Yay for new ink! Why wait til you're in PA tho? There are tons of awesome tattoo artists down there in SoCal..I'm actually going down to Santa Barbara eventually to have some Celtic knotwork done by a lady there who specializes in it..
Oh man...I was literally only a signature away from my new guitar tonight (musicman axis supersport). It was the same one that I played and fell in love with back in May....they moved it from one guitar center (that I went to first today) to another one about a half hour away. THEN i'm playing it for about a half an hour and the guy comes up to me and says "i don't know if they told you this, but that guitar is marked down to's only $760(as opposed to 1500)". At this point I was REALLY stoked because I had my 7 string with me that I'm currently trying to sell and I was going trade that in and pay the difference (which I was expecting to be about 250). Well...they only offered me $310 for the 7 string. I also forgot to factor in sales tax....because I'm used to living in awesome states that don't have sales tax. When all was said and done I was looking at pay about $540. I didn't have that much money and I say at the counter thinking about doing their 12 month finance plan to get it, but ultimately decided not to and left. I know I'll look back in about a week and even though I'll still want the guitar, I'll be really proud of myself for being financially responsible and not buying . It hurts like a sonofabitch right now though:waah:

To rehash the analogy I used when i was telling Moliti about was like having sex with Kate Beckinsale, and about halfway through she said "sike" and then ran off, then I turned around and got ram sacked by a horny Kobe bryant:erk:
yes but the percentage is considerably different. I drive all day long and have seen shit I just cant believe people would do or try to do. The percentage of these incidents leans favorably toward the girls followed closest by young boys with third place being the wealthy who assume by nature the waters part before them. the majority of these being the rich housewifes in thier expensive cars or SUV's rushing off to get their nails done.

Congratulations, you're a sexist!:kickass::Smug:
Congratulations, you're a sexist!:kickass::Smug:

Maybe sexist, but there is a large grain of truth in that. I won't say women are the worst drivers because i've seen some great women drivers and some horrible men drivers, but i honestly have to say RE has a valid point here in a sense.

I'll say the same thing i do whenever there's any racial stereotype comment or nationality stereotype... it may be exaggerated, but there has to be some truth for it to become such a widely used stereotype.
There's a lot of myths out there with no concrete basis to them. The populace simply adopts it by extension since everyone else believes it, and suddenly it's widely believed. For example, it's widely believed that Britney Spears is a beautiful female. This isn't necessarily true even in an exaggerated sense.

I bought a car last year in June. I'd been driving since I was 16, and for those who are unaware of my age, I'm nearly 23. In the 1 year and 5 months since I bought this car, I've put 38,000 miles on it. The previous owners had used it since it was new in 1998. When I bought it, it had 87,000. So roughly, they only put 9700 miles on it a year by average. What I'm getting at with all of this is that I drive a lot. I put nearly half as many miles on this vehicle in under a year and a half as they did in 9 years. I've also driven in many different states all across the country, and observed the driving of others in a dozen other countries abroad. And because I drive so often, in so many places, and for such distances, I feel qualified to state that I think razoredge's nice little sexist opinion on this matter is completely false.
Drive the rush hours in Chicago, and you'll see almost everyone driving like an asshole. The WORST things people can do is texting while driving. There have been several fatal accidents due to this around here in the last couple years. Mostly teens, but a few adults. There was a carload of teens vs full semi dumptruck just down the road here last April. I feel bad for the families of the youngus, but to me, it's still "thinning the herd". People can NOT handle cell phones and drive with 100% attention to moving a 1 ton + vehicle down the road. If you think you drive great while you're on the phone, let me follow unannounced with a vid cam, and I will prove you WRONG 99.9% of the time. I also hate to say it, ok, really I don't, but women seem to be the MOST distracted. Stereotype or not, it does ring at least partially true. I've been driving for 27 years, and I have yet see the apex of motorist stupidity...

It should be MUCH harder to obtain a license in this country, and people should be tested EVERY year
so did I:)

My thought process in the end was this....I'm a music major, whether it's teaching, performing, in class, practicing, rehearsal, etc.....having solid gear that I'm 100% comfortable with is important. Currently, I only really play one of my in selling the seven string I'm cutting dead weight and shelling out a bit extra for something that will more than take it's place. It's either doing a finance plan now for 500 that I don't have, but will have no trouble paying off before next Oct. 31st when payments are due and interest kicks in OR i could wait until I have cash, at which point the deal is non-existent and I'm paying $1500.
Drive the rush hours in Chicago, and you'll see almost everyone driving like an asshole. The WORST things people can do is texting while driving. There have been several fatal accidents due to this around here in the last couple years. Mostly teens, but a few adults. There was a carload of teens vs full semi dumptruck just down the road here last April. I feel bad for the families of the youngus, but to me, it's still "thinning the herd". People can NOT handle cell phones and drive with 100% attention to moving a 1 ton + vehicle down the road. If you think you drive great while you're on the phone, let me follow unannounced with a vid cam, and I will prove you WRONG 99.9% of the time. I also hate to say it, ok, really I don't, but women seem to be the MOST distracted. Stereotype or not, it does ring at least partially true. I've been driving for 27 years, and I have yet see the apex of motorist stupidity...

It should be MUCH harder to obtain a license in this country, and people should be tested EVERY year

Truth. Just this morning I saw some teenage girl have to swerve to avoid rear ending a car slowing down. When i passed her, to my amazement, I saw that she was still on her cell phone, texting, about 10 seconds after she had almost been in a car accident. These people are the reasons why I stay off the sidewalks.
Kenneth wrote
I've also driven in many different states all across the country, and observed the driving of others in a dozen other countries abroad. And because I drive so often, in so many places, and for such distances, I feel qualified to state.....

Its very sad
Bust yer ass
To deliver some string beans
Deliver some string beans
Deliver some string beans
To Utah

There's a lot of myths out there with no concrete basis to them. The populace simply adopts it by extension since everyone else believes it, and suddenly it's widely believed.

So true...anyone believe in God here? :lol: