Official Off Topic Thread

I didn't even know people actually did that. The only other time I have heard the term was on Full Metal Jacket. Even then I just thought R Lee Ermey made it up.:lol:
I missed out on all the "Blood On The Highway" movies in driver's ed. They should release those on DVD.
Most of the scenes were from Ohio, I'm led to believe.... :)
High speed limit = low # of accidents. There are high speed limits in Europe. Accidents are rare. The catch is when they do happen, they're almost always fatal. I like that system though, it respects and requires better driving skills
High speed limit = low # of accidents. There are high speed limits in Europe. Accidents are rare. The catch is when they do happen, they're almost always fatal. I like that system though, it respects and requires better driving skills

Not to mention the far stricter driving tests required to get your license (thinking Germany here). They make the Australian tests look laughable.
116k pounds, ouch! Still, 80 in a 40 zone, pffft.

This is one of the current discussions over at the SAU forums:
219 in a 110 zone.

If the guy has a history (and it sounds like he does!) then it's likely that eventually his car will get sold on him by the government over here (as per the new rules over here, for anything exceeding 30km/h, 48 hour impound first time, 3 month impoundsecond time, car sold 3rd time). I'd take a stab and say that's $120k AU worth of car easy to lose.
too bad americans are terrible drivers.

here all you need to do is get a passport or work visa, get off the airplane or bus and they will hand you a licence... LOL I wont go into that any further.

people do get their licences too easily. There should be requirements and training for high speed driving, skids, sliding ect so all these domestics wont freak out everytime the slightest thing goes wrong. Slow drivers and woman cause most accidents but are rarely involved themselves, its everyone trying to miss them... worse than squirels in the road... deers in the headlights
I think "women" are no worse than men. Idiots come in all shapes and sizes. Most of them have affinities for cellular phones and other distractions. Most of them are also ill prepared for any kind of inclement weather. Most of them also don't know what to do given an accident situation ahead. I'll bet you that people would be better drivers if they played more hard driving videogames, or took driving courses in difficult and technical driving, as you suggested. But don't blame the females, because men are assholes too.
yes but the percentage is considerably different. I drive all day long and have seen shit I just cant believe people would do or try to do. The percentage of these incidents leans favorably toward the girls followed closest by young boys with third place being the wealthy who assume by nature the waters part before them. the majority of these being the rich housewifes in thier expensive cars or SUV's rushing off to get their nails done.
Goin' to a tattoo convention today with some friends..yay! Let's see if I manage to come home with some new ink, or just photos of some awesome skin artistry (bonus yay for a chance to break in the new camera!). :D
I went with some friends and ate at this pizza place I had never been to last night .....such amazing pizza. We all left totally full with a bill of $24 for the 3 of us.....holy shit that pizza was good.
I'm thinking of maybe making a supersize-me tour to the US just because the dollar's so low. Pizza Hut all day long (it's expensive as Leonardo here). And I'd probably buy consoles while I'm at it as well. Buying a playstation 3 in the US makes up for the price of the airplane ticket, I've heard.
Goin' to a tattoo convention today with some friends..yay! Let's see if I manage to come home with some new ink, or just photos of some awesome skin artistry (bonus yay for a chance to break in the new camera!). :D

w00t, I came home with new ink! Photos to come..