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It seems to me it's as easy as notifying the cops and getting a restraining order, and if he persists, get him thrown in jail.

A restraining order doesn't protect you until the guy actually does something, though..and you have to be able to prove that he did. My ex used to drive through my apartment complex daily just trying to psych me out, & show up at my door about once a week, & the cops wouldn't do anything cuz they never actually caught him; he was very slick, as most abusers are.

Basically all a restraining order is good for is to make sure that the cops know who to look for if something happens to you..and by then it's too late.
hmmm, I've gotta perform on Thursday, Im performing the Brouwer First Series, really gotta practice a bit more, final exams are only in about 3 weeks... :erk:

good luck with that dude. I can't think of a single brouwer piece/etude I don't like. How close are they to performance level? I just finished up my midterms this morning (save for my Biology midterm tomorrow which will be cake). The next three weeks will be hell because the BEST case scenario for guitar ensemble is that we get the sheet music for Cuban Landscape with Rain (brouwer quartet) tomorrow and have to perform it three weeks from thursday. yay us:lol:
Yeah, using the system isn't always as easy as it sounds. There was some article in the paper here a while ago about a woman buying a gun (illegally) in 20 minutes but it took her 4 weeks to get a restraining order. It took the same lady half an hour to score heroin but a week to get emergency contraception that needed to be used within 48 hours of having sex.
Haven't posted here in a while.. Just letting you know I'm still alive and shit seems to be going great. I landed a new job as a baker :)lol:) with kickass hours and I now have two students who learn from me in the ways of guitar playing. Win.

Guitar students rule! :D I also have 5 students myself...

good luck with that dude. I can't think of a single brouwer piece/etude I don't like. How close are they to performance level? I just finished up my midterms this morning (save for my Biology midterm tomorrow which will be cake). The next three weeks will be hell because the BEST case scenario for guitar ensemble is that we get the sheet music for Cuban Landscape with Rain (brouwer quartet) tomorrow and have to perform it three weeks from thursday. yay us:lol:

That'll be awesome!

Brouwer is by far my favourite classical guitar composer at the moment, I absolutely love all of his stuff!

I've got the first series just about up to performance level, the second series will take quite a bit longer, as its gonna be so hard to get them up to speed...
Jax said:
A restraining order doesn't protect you until the guy actually does something, though..and you have to be able to prove that he did. My ex used to drive through my apartment complex daily just trying to psych me out, & show up at my door about once a week, & the cops wouldn't do anything cuz they never actually caught him; he was very slick, as most abusers are.

Basically all a restraining order is good for is to make sure that the cops know who to look for if something happens to you..and by then it's too late.

Beelzebub said:
Yeah, using the system isn't always as easy as it sounds. There was some article in the paper here a while ago about a woman buying a gun (illegally) in 20 minutes but it took her 4 weeks to get a restraining order. It took the same lady half an hour to score heroin but a week to get emergency contraception that needed to be used within 48 hours of having sex.

that just goes to show vigilante justice is the only justice!
There was a woman who worked for my company in Philadelphia, I think it was, who, if I recall, applied to the courts for a restraining order against her ex. The judge made a mockery of her in the courtroom, denied the RO, and sent her on her way. Within a couple of days, the ex walked into the store where she worked, in the middle of the day, threw gasoline on her, and lit her on fire. In the middle of the day! She survived, but was burned terribly.

I don't think you can rely on the courts to protect you in abuse cases like that. Unfortunately, there are too many mentally-influenced people out there, and because it is such a taboo to be treated for any kind of mental disorder, those people are left untreated. Bad things eventually happen.
This is why I hate it when people look down their noses at the women (or men..women can be abusers too) in those situations; there's so much more to it than appears to a casual observer, & it's simply not as easy to extricate yourself from as people might think, especially if you are married to or have children with the guy.
How do people get into these situations in the first place?

By having faith in humanity and ideals that someone can change or get better. Many times its not that bad to begin with but only becomes worse. I've know people that charmed their way into marriage and then the nightmare of control starts. My fathers second wife was a real doozy. The most mentally abusive, dehumanizing woman I have ever met. She was quite charming and sweet as pie before the marriage. It took three weeks to run me out of the house.

I agree 100% about the beaurocratic bull ogna. They are not there to serve and protect. They are there to bewilder, humilate and nod their heads. We went through some heavy duty crap with our daughters first boyfriend. I wound up being the one in trouble. Then a year later it came full circle and became clear that everything I said was the way things were. He was a total wack job, but it was too late for me, too late for the family and most importantly too late for my daughter. Now she has a heavy burdon to bare the rest of her life and it has caused her a lot of problems... and nothing can be done because life has no rewind. Total twilight zone offered up with scorn by our very own publicly paid servants.

Whats the difference between a person on social services and a social servant ?

The cost of their keep......
There was a woman who worked for my company in Philadelphia, I think it was, who, if I recall, applied to the courts for a restraining order against her ex. The judge made a mockery of her in the courtroom, denied the RO, and sent her on her way. Within a couple of days, the ex walked into the store where she worked, in the middle of the day, threw gasoline on her, and lit her on fire. In the middle of the day! She survived, but was burned terribly.

:OMG: Seriously? I swear I've seen the same thing happen on Law & Order or something...
they got an eviction notice today *sigh of relief*

In other news...i finished up midterms yesterday and I'm off until next wednesday. I actually went to bed at about 1:00 am last night and slept a whole 7 or 8 hours. That hasn't happened at least since last was quite nice.

I think I've finally committed to the idea of switching schools next year OR just taking a year off all together. It's a shame because I love my school but I hate this place more than I've ever even come close to hating anything else in my life. It makes me physically ill to be here:puke: