Official Off Topic Thread

Okay, everybody, for the thing about the weird message, don't ask me how it happened. Ask Matt how a Mac actually recieved a Virus in the first place, because he's the Mac expert :p But srsly, whatever happened, I'm gonna try to do something about it.

All I have to say is "I fucking told you so, you Mac-loving pussies." (Not at you Harris, but Mactards in general who fellate Apple till it comes with hubris and their cash reserves.) "Mac is impervious to viruses, Mac is better than anything, nyah nyah nyah." People are degenerate.
interesting...this isn't even close to what I had in mind when I made that off-hand comment that was 90% joking.

What are everyone's thankgiving plans? I'm flying back east to stay with my Grandparents and have thanksgiving with (essentially) my entire extended parents just moved to VA too so I'll get to see them. It'll be nice because it's been almost 3 years since I've been back east. Even better than that: I'll have a few days of sleeping more than 3-4 hours per night. Even better than that: real food!
Hmmm turkey day. Fortunately we don't have turkey day in Australia... I hate turkey. I won't even touch it at christmas, preferring to pig out on chook, duck, pork, crayfish and prawns :goggly:
Wooowwwww... i'm gone for a day and all the shit hits the fan. Lighten the fuck up people!!!!!

And that's not directed at the ladies... i'm going to give them special treatment :lol:

Seriously though, i am having thanksgiving with the Fam, then possibly up to Snake Mountain to have some beers with the Skelator housemates (skelator guys will be in SD). We'll just have to see how things go.
Oh, the other thing... for the first time in my life i heckled a band yesterday. It was the most false metal bullshit band i've ever seen. Seriously, even with metalcore bullshit stuff, i can understand the "live and let live" nature of the music scene... just because i hate it and it's poison to true metal doesn't mean i should give a shit about the kids who do like it and want to act like posers and fight invisible ninjas in the pit.

Alabaster Morgue really went beyond the call of duty here.

The show i went to last night was a death / black metal festival, so i don't know how this band even got on the bill. I just.... fucking hell. I wouldn't even mention it if they weren't within the three worst bands i've ever seen in my life.

Check out the pictures... here's a few of my "favorites" that show just what false bullshit metal this band is.



Seriously... fuck these guys.
zach, you should know this by now, if its got any kind of 'core' listed as a sub genre, no matter what kind of other genre's or sub-genre's are listed along with it (such as tr00 0rsm metal genre's such as black and death) it aint fuckin' metal! and whats with that emo/punk/wannabe metal look being so 'fashionable' these days.. and i just had (or tried to have) a listen.. and my god, wtf! *turns it off quickly* [\rant]
Right, but this wasn't a "core" fest. It was a festival for death and black metal, never even heard of these guys so when they took the stage it was major "wtf" time.

I cannot say this enough... fuck these guys. If anyone lives in colorado and gets a chance, go tell them that Zach Palmer from Skelator says fuck their false metal bullshit.
See, you can't be both black metal and death metal. Not possible. That's the whole freaking point of black metal. You don't get to be both, you have to choose. Unfortunately they chose fail.
I'm glad I live in my own nerdy, autistic world apart from bullshit like that. How can they not look at that picture and listen to their music and say "Wow, we really suck"?