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OK help me out here, cause most know I usually run from anything that sounds remotely like this. I can recogonize right away that they are not very good and about as deep as a mudpuddle but I dont understand why you say "false metal" ? Is it the twangy piano sound ? The bass using slaps ? Lack of heavy guitar riffs on the top of the sound ? All of the above put together ? I'm being serious here, not sarcastic, nor critical, I really dont know what false metal is. In fact its getting to where Im starting to think no one knows what metal is. With all the subgenres and all its getting so confusing. Then now you have many of the younger generation claiming heavy metal pioneers like Maiden, early Queensryche, and Savatage are "not really metal". So those interested please explain your qualifications for being "metal" as well as the false metal thing.
OK help me out here, cause most know I usually run from anything that sounds remotely like this. I can recogonize right away that they are not very good and about as deep as a mudpuddle but I dont understand why you say "false metal" ? Is it the twangy piano sound ? The bass using slaps ? Lack of heavy guitar riffs on the top of the sound ? All of the above put together ? I'm being serious here, not sarcastic, nor critical, I really dont know what false metal is. In fact its getting to where Im starting to think no one knows what metal is. With all the subgenres and all its getting so confusing. Then now you have many of the younger generation claiming heavy metal pioneers like Maiden, early Queensryche, and Savatage are "not really metal". So those interested please explain your qualifications for being "metal" as well as the false metal thing.

They sound hardcore, which is just another genre of punk.

This Alabaster Morgue is to the Sex Pistols as Children of Bodom is to Iron Maiden.
They sound hardcore, which is just another genre of punk.

This Alabaster Morgue is to the Sex Pistols as Children of Bodom is to Iron Maiden.

Wow ! Thats what they call punk now ? I mean the music, Im ignoring what they look like.... their just.... kids...... lol
Wifes gone for awhile........ Im going down to the basement and have a 180 stereo watt riff orgasm.............. :heh:
Basically a lot of it is also attitude. This is where it gets elitist (and yes, i'm very guilty of this sometime) but NO self-respecting metalhead would ever wear anything like that, have the Good Charlotte style haircuts and eyeliner (well, eyeliner is... i won't even touch that). It may seem a bit arbitrary, but still it's something that you can see with enough exposure. Right now I'll make the distinction between "metal fan" and "metalhead". A metal fan likes metal, probably has some cds, knows some bands, checks out new stuff but doesn't devote a lot of their time or money to the stuff. Then there are metalheads who live and breathe the stuff, go broke from spending entire paychecks on cds and shirts and the like. They will have in depth discussion and arguement about things as trivial as the line-up differences.

It's even stuff as small as knowing your shit and being careful. On this bands list of influences amongst all the bands, there's Derek Roddi (a drummer, and as far as i remember, the only individual on the list as opposed to band). The problem is his name is spelled Derek Roddy. Small thing, but if you are really influenced by someone enough to the point that they're the only individual on your list, you know how to spell their fucking name.

In a nutshell, it's people who think they can come and play iron maiden just because they heard number of the beast on the radio, or bought "Heartwork" and "Slaughter of the Soul" and decided that their hardcore band needs twin guitar harmonies.

There's a lot mroe i could go into but i don't feel like it now. Maybe later.
Shit man ! Alot of that applies to me...... yikes ! I screw peoples name spelling up all the time. Cant remember the titles of songs or band member names.... not the case when I was young though, I had more time to worry about the details. I dont waste money on memorabilia. I have a limited supply of metal bands that I listen to. Last year of the maybe 8 CD's I bought, mainly in the spring, most of them were catching up on my Tommy Bolin who died in '76.... lol and he was not metal. In fact I think I only bought 4 metal CD's and Im not crazy about a few of them..... yikes! One was that Dragonfarse which we dont need to talk about, another was Testament which for the most part is too thrashy for me.... but the riffs are great and two Kamelot CDs which I like but grew tired of. I have what I like, some of it pretty heavy, some of its more brain heavy like 90's Savatage & Fates Warning, yet I also listen to soft jazz, old fusion, blues and my old hard rock favorites. I know Im not a hardcore metal head and dont claim to be but I dont think I a poser. I hope you all dont think Im a "poser".... shit! Im no poser, you wouldnt find me at a death metal or especially black metal fest, if I went I would be a poser. Im an old bluejean hardrocker that diversified....... :heh: .......... and became a "progsnob" :lol:

Enough about me worrying whether Im a poser, what about the music, their music ? Not metal ? How about shitty metal ? lol... new genre "shitmetal"

Incidently, my riffs are fat, fairly fast, fairly active, heavy, but my hard rock roots show and they stomp the shit out of that crap the above mentioned band plays, they are lame and try to make up for it with hog snort "vocals" and gay costumes. They do SUCK !
In a nutshell, it's people who think they can come and play iron maiden just because they heard number of the beast on the radio, or bought "Heartwork" and "Slaughter of the Soul" and decided that their hardcore band needs twin guitar harmonies.
Rock on.

So, Squeak from the movie Baseketball came into the store where I work last night. And I got to talk about metal with some chick who used to work for Century Media. It was sweet.
So yeah; Suffocation the other night was probably one of the most ridiculously amazing surprises I've ever seen in the past few years. I didn't realize it would be that good.
Yup! This is the second time I've seen Suffo, and the third time I've seen Immolation and Skinless. Not too fond of them musically, but they put on an amazing show.
I thought that Suffocation's lead guitarist was REALLY good, especially since most guitarists in that basic area of metal suck balls.

And I'm still obsessed about the fact that the bassist/singer from Immolation looks EXACTLY like Nathan Explosion.
Maybe not suck balls, but alot of them aren't very good at writing a great solo or anything, and writing is important to me.
Sadly I didn't get to talk to the little bitch. I knew he was some actor, but couldn't put my finger on who the hell he was. Then when he walked out the door, it hit me, haha.

And no Zach, her name wasn't Heather, it was Leah.
Holy crap this game will be brütal:ütal_Legend ,

After the first act of the game, Eddie will deal with a community of humans who willingly fight alongside the demons. They wear black and "drink from a sea of black tears. It gives them great power but also makes them look dead." These humans are obvious parodies of Goth and Emo. These enemies include "Grave Diggers", "Brides" and "Reapers" that wear bondage gear.