Have you not heard the saying... "A womans work is never done"? We work 24/7, especially if we are married with kids and work a paid job. How many men do you know who will willingly, after a hard day at the office (or wherever), go home, only to have to cook, clean, look after the kids, do the laundry, shop for boring stuff like groceries, etc? Not too many, i bet!!as for hearts bleeding all over the ground for the ladies, could someone please point me toward a period in history where the women were... ??? overworked by comparison to their mate ? or placed in eminant peril be it hunting wolly mammoth, fighting some war for the gain of the wealthy, building ?? whatever ... skyscrapers, bridges, highways through swamps in the baking sun or subzero wind, ... ect. ect. ect
How about a few of you men try hatching kids? It sure as hell ain't the funnest thing on earth to be doing, especially if you are unfortunate enough to be in labour for days, and a c-section wasn't/isn't an option. Women have died giving birth; men throughout history have decreed that "the family name must be carried on", so their women have girl-child after girl-child just so the stupid male can have his son... yet its always the womans fault should the child be a girl...
As for building skyscrapers, fighting wars, killing woolly mammoths... we women weren't allowed to do that, we were held back by men because we weren't considered strong enough, good enough, intelligent enough, clever enough.... need i go on...
And yes, I did my time in the Army, serving my country, but there were no wars at the time for me to go fight. I would have too, but at the time, it wasn't the policy of the Australian Government to allow its servicewomen to go to war zones, the same as it wasn't the policy of most other governments. That has changed now, and if I was given the chance (apart from being outside the age range) I would go in a second.
And just for the record, my father is a male chauvinist pig... in his opinion, all women should be barefoot, pregnant and tied to the kitchen sink. He was not impressed that his only daughter joined the Army as soon as she turned 18. He was not impressed that I only gave birth to daughters (not that they would be carrying on his name, but he thought my former husband should have sons... he only has daughters, 6 of them, haha!!). He's not impressed that I left an abusive 2nd husband, he thinks it was my fault. He is not impressed that I choose to live on my own, with my daughters drifting in and out as they choose... he thinks I should get a 3rd husband "because you obviously can't look after yourself..." and so on. This is the crap that we women have had to put up with for centuries, and if we want equality, then we should damn well have it, and not have to burn our bra's to prove a point!!!