Official Off Topic Thread

thats not really true :) its been give and take on both sides. I cant say as though Im very impressed with the recent trend of attitude toward iron willed and independent thinking men... both of which were primary pivotal characteristics leading to the advancement of mankind
as well as accepting each others strong and weak attributes, unfortunantly equality is a fickle word without and will never be realized anyhow with economics ruling
There has been give and take, but come on guys... the girls have been getting screwed (no pun intended) for a loooong time. They have a lot more to complain about than we do.

I don't know.. Have you seen some feminists? I would really question who is doing the screwing..

Anyway, I guess I shouldn't really say I disagree with feminism because, not being a woman, I don't have any idea what exactly it is that they go through. Because the ideas of feminism have lasted this long, there must be some reasoning behind them. Otherwise it would be a dead cause.
Agreed jeff, but at the same time it's about the hypocrisy. They fight for equal rights, but for a lot of them, equality stops with things like fighting in the armed services or other things that are too damned inconvenient. They fight for the benifits of equality, not the downfalls.

and yes, i know this doesn't apply to everyone. It's a generalization and there are exceptions. i guess you can't be against the overall goal so much as be against the people who fuck it up.
Agreed jeff, but at the same time it's about the hypocrisy. They fight for equal rights, but for a lot of them, equality stops with things like fighting in the armed services or other things that are too damned inconvenient. They fight for the benifits of equality, not the downfalls.

and yes, i know this doesn't apply to everyone. It's a generalization and there are exceptions. i guess you can't be against the overall goal so much as be against the people who fuck it up.
Yeah, that's all true, man. I know what you mean.
Totally true that wimminz have been through more than guys though. Still, it's a touchy subject... razoredge brought up a good point that if a man is proud of his work, he can be looked at as a chauvinist or whatever. It's kind of like white people not being allowed to have pride in the fact that they are white, though other races have their own sense of pride. It just looks bad. Whatever, not worth going too much into it. I think everyone should have equal pay for equal work, treated fairly, etc.
women and men worrying about equality of the sexes are wasting their time being distracted when the largest inequality problem is the imbalance between wealthy and working poor and whos really getting the work done........

as for hearts bleeding all over the ground for the ladies, could someone please point me toward a period in history where the women were... ??? overworked by comparison to their mate ? or placed in eminant peril be it hunting wolly mammoth, fighting some war for the gain of the wealthy, building ?? whatever ... skyscrapers, bridges, highways through swamps in the baking sun or subzero wind, ... ect. ect. ect

thats what gets me about statements regarding special treatment or getting screwed

I've recieved no special treatment in my entire life and have spent the same getting screwed....... its not like I can run off and find some sugar daddy :rolleyes:

avoid the distractions and fight the big battle. Remember the old battle cry "divide and conquer"?, it rings true if men and woman are allowed the distraction of being placed at odds against each other while the real theives sneak out the back door with the loot.
_ۣۣۜۜAŘÇђ-€N€M¥;6709148 said:
Hey guys i'm new and i need to ask "how do i make a new thread?"

There's a button on the left near the top that says 'new thread' leads you here where you can create the thread. :)
Okay, everybody, for the thing about the weird message, don't ask me how it happened. Ask Matt how a Mac actually recieved a Virus in the first place, because he's the Mac expert :p But srsly, whatever happened, I'm gonna try to do something about it.
razoredge said:
women and men worrying about equality of the sexes are wasting their time being distracted when the largest inequality problem is the imbalance between wealthy and working poor and whos really getting the work done........

as for hearts bleeding all over the ground for the ladies, could someone please point me toward a period in history where the women were... ??? overworked by comparison to their mate ? or placed in eminant peril be it hunting wolly mammoth, fighting some war for the gain of the wealthy, building ?? whatever ... skyscrapers, bridges, highways through swamps in the baking sun or subzero wind, ... ect. ect. ect

thats what gets me about statements regarding special treatment or getting screwed

I've recieved no special treatment in my entire life and have spent the same getting screwed....... its not like I can run off and find some sugar daddy :rolleyes:

avoid the distractions and fight the big battle. Remember the old battle cry "divide and conquer"?, it rings true if men and woman are allowed the distraction of being placed at odds against each other while the real theives sneak out the back door with the loot.

you got some serious chick issues dude..
women and men worrying about equality of the sexes are wasting their time being distracted when the largest inequality problem is the imbalance between wealthy and working poor and whos really getting the work done........

as for hearts bleeding all over the ground for the ladies, could someone please point me toward a period in history where the women were... ??? overworked by comparison to their mate ? or placed in eminant peril be it hunting wolly mammoth, fighting some war for the gain of the wealthy, building ?? whatever ... skyscrapers, bridges, highways through swamps in the baking sun or subzero wind, ... ect. ect. ect

thats what gets me about statements regarding special treatment or getting screwed

I've recieved no special treatment in my entire life and have spent the same getting screwed....... its not like I can run off and find some sugar daddy :rolleyes:

avoid the distractions and fight the big battle. Remember the old battle cry "divide and conquer"?, it rings true if men and woman are allowed the distraction of being placed at odds against each other while the real theives sneak out the back door with the loot.

There's no way in hell you can be serious. You have to be a really shitty troll to even think about typing that bullshit.
Okay, everybody, for the thing about the weird message, don't ask me how it happened. Ask Matt how a Mac actually recieved a Virus in the first place, because he's the Mac expert :p But srsly, whatever happened, I'm gonna try to do something about it.

Are you still going to see Suffocation tomorrow? Don't think I forgot about that $25 you owe me! :mad:
Look, I'm the last person on the world to consider myself a feminist. The word "herstory" makes me want to vomit. I am not ashamed to admit that there are certain things men can do better than women, mainly because of physical predispositions. But you seem to forget that a couple hundred years ago, the conveniences we have today weren't around. Sorry women weren't farming and hunting woolly mammoths, they were too busy giving birth, raising children, making clothes, doing laundry, walking ten miles each way to and from the market, cooking and cleaning.

Women get special treatment? How about women are the largest group in all societies to be openly discriminated against? I work in a male-dominated field; you have no idea how disappointing it is to hear "you did that really well, most girls wouldn't do as good a job as you did." How about me doing a good job at something because I learned the skill well, not because I'm some bimbo who kind of knows what she's doing? I don't know where the fuck you're coming from with that sugar daddy comment so I won't even go near it.

Bottom line: You don't know what it's like to be a woman. Shut up.