Official Off Topic Thread

hahaha @ harris' messages.. they started showing up again yesterday.. how the hell does this stuff happen? its very annoying.. you know, my screen starts flashing coz i got a message, and i think.. 'ooh its harris.. harris loves me..' then i see its that and charis gets all pouty face :( coz it means harris doesn't really love me after all..
hahaha @ harris' messages.. they started showing up again yesterday.. how the hell does this stuff happen? its very annoying.. you know, my screen starts flashing coz i got a message, and i think.. 'ooh its harris.. harris loves me..' then i see its that and charis gets all pouty face :( coz it means harris doesn't really love me after all..

Me too... : /

Worst part about those bot-virus'.
I talked to Harris for a while before I noticed he kept repeating the same sentence. :lol: I thought he was stoned or something.
:lol: lasse.. i know i didn't realise at first too, and he is askin for a picture, im like yeah sure whatever.. then the same message comes up again a while later, im like 'dude i already said yes!' then i find out everyones getting the same haha..
Yeah I tried communicating with Harris about his virus but he never responded so I had to remove him cuz it got a little annoying with him asking stuff like
"can I use this picture of you in my profile"
"what do you think of this car I just bought"
"hey check out this hot babe"
"Have I shown you my gf? Here's a picture"

Maybe quote 3 wasn't the bot though... :rolleyes:
it has been suggested that an anti-feminism/pro-masculinism movement be started. Who's game?

(note- it's anti-feminist, not anti-female)

I've had one of them going since I was 19. My father remarried an honest to goodness feminaz repressed lesbian...... :erk:...... was an all new experience for me :zombie:
Yeah, i am all for your (wait... our?) cause dude. Fuck feminists.... it's all double standards. i'm all for equality, but to the feminists who want special treatment... forget it. Guys shouldn't have special treatment based on gender either...