Official Off Topic Thread

Next weekend we're going to play the Big Lebowski drinking game. Every time The Dude has a white russian, you drink a white russian. That's 6 white russians through the course of the film.

That will be a horrible morning the next day.
I'm not much of a drinking game fan myself. The white russian one is good because it is well defined what you do and when, whereas others are "take a drink". Well... of what? Drink of beer? Sip of beer? Double shot of vodka? Lack of definition makes for shitty drinking games.

White Russian:
2 parts vodka
1 part kaluah
top with cream or milk

Now we just have to determine the size/strength of said white russians...
Ok, this is OFFICIALLY the coolest thing i've ever seen. Direct copy/paste from another forum:

Remember Sonic Syndicate??? If you forgot...

Sonic Syndicate is lame. I provide this picture as evidence.

I just saw this on another board that someone got from yet another board..

So I was at the Worcester show last night and I was curious to see how the crowd would receive Sonic Syndicate. I assumed there would be boos and thumbs down and plenty of middle fingers and fuck offs, the fans brought this and even more. In the central mosh people were mocking them by doing little Pansie pushes and dancing but the climax came when the whole floor all at once sat on the ground still flipping them off it was perfect. Not a soul gave a serious cheer for them.

I can't believe that fucking band is Swedish. What the fuck. They must be from Skåne or something.

Edit: No, they weren't, but it was close.