Official Off Topic Thread

1) Good is always a relative thing, so it kind of depends on what circle of friends you hang out with. Being a "good" bass player wont be a lifelong quest or anything and it's something that is feasible by anybody with a desire to learn/improve.
2) Do you have friends who play in bands? It doesn't matter what instrument they play. If so, I'd really reccomend jamming with friends as early as soon as you have any playing ability and can handle basic songs (even if it's just simple punk tunes or something). Not only will this help you learn how to play with other people, but your friends will be able to help you with things, and it'll probably give you more inspiration than just playing by yourself in your bedroom. Playing with other musicians is a great thing on a lot of levels. I spend the first couple years of my playing rarely playing with other musicians and when I finally started jamming with people on a regular basis, it was a good while before I really learned how to interact with others on a musical level.
3) Some of their stuff isn't that hard, some of their stuff is really hard. To state the obvious, you wont be playing SX songs/solos perfectly right off the bat, but if that's the goal you set and you work to get there, then it certainly isn't an unreasonable goal by any means.

Well, knowing one instrument is always going to give you a head start when learning another, but it doesn't mean you'll be able to pick it up for the first time and by great. Guitar and bass are very similar in some ways, but are obviously two entirely different instruments and need to be approached very differently from both a mental and a physical standpoint. Most people I know who play one can play the other to some extent, but if a bass player picks up a guitar and approaches it the same way he approaches bass (or vice versa) they simply aren't going to sound very convincing. I don't even look at electric guitar and classical guitar as the same instrument, so you can imagine how I feel about the differences between guitar and bass. Completley different roles in music, completely different playing techniques, different sound, etc.

So I guess to give you the short version of my thoughts on that....Yes, to an extent, but there are more than enough differences between the two that being good at one does not mean being good at the other.

Also, I strongly reccomend getting a teacher to start out with. A lot of guys seem opposed to this (especially metalheads...never understood why), but you'll always learn a lot quicker and more effectively (at least when you are first starting out) with the help of someone who knows what they're doing. If you decide later on that lessons aren't for you, then that's fine. It really does speed up the process to at least learn the basics from a teacher though.
So much for being open minded... and excuse me for being social. Not every Symphony X fan has to live in their mom's basement and suck at life. I can go to clubs, play varsity basketball, and do whatever the fuck I want to do and still like my music. So fuck your trends and shit, i'll do whatever I want to do and fuck you for being a jackass if you so happen to be.
I actually made up that abbreviation lol.
Oh yeah, going to a club and going to a concert is still the same thing except it's different music. So haha !
Just for the record, I was kidding. You gotta admit b2c is hilarious.
Didn't watch the game, glad the giants won though. I'm not a fan of either team, but maybe this will shut some people up about 'epic, historic sports moments' and yadda yadda bs
That reminds me of that rediculous "Ass to Ass" youtube clip someone was posting...WTF was that anyway? :lol:
Requiem for a Dream. Classic scene. Old dude... "ASS TO ASS!!!" :lol:
So much for being open minded... and excuse me for being social. Not every Symphony X fan has to live in their mom's basement and suck at life. I can go to clubs, play varsity basketball, and do whatever the fuck I want to do and still like my music. So fuck your trends and shit, i'll do whatever I want to do and fuck you for being a jackass if you so happen to be.
I actually made up that abbreviation lol.
Oh yeah, going to a club and going to a concert is still the same thing except it's different music. So haha !
Yeah, i go play golf with my bro, play baseball here and there, play in a band, go out with friends to bars... chill man. Again, you make broad generalizations and insult everyone because of something that I said and that was MY opinion. You're 18? I don't mean this in a condescending way, but you have to learn to take things in stride. Not everyone will like your hobbies (like the fact that i think dance clubs are uber gay) but who the fuck am I to your life? Why does it grind your gears?

Man, if that's how you get your jollies, more power to you man. I'm not trying to be a dick, i'm just saying it ain't my thing. Again, my opinion shouldn't matter and the only reason I even put it as i do is because of your smartass/degrading comments of your own.

As far as i'm concerned, this conversation doesn't involve me anymore. I don't want this to turn into a flame war or a personal thing. I apologize for offending you. Cheers.
Nah man, you didn't offend me at all. I'm not upset or anything, and no gears grinded at all. Just talking and coversing.
I watched the super bowl cause thats what the friends were doing tonight. I'm not really into watching sports, I would rather be playing them than watching them honestly. I'm not sure how the Giants were strugling for the ball the whole game and then in the last 2 mins and 30 secs. they score extremely fast.. it's rigged lol.
hey Jeffro.. i like soo wanna go B2C with you.. oh wait.. thats slutty.. never mind.. better not :lol:

i used to try dance clubs.. when i lived in a place where there literally was NO metal and it was the only thing to do.. i also started experimenting with drugs to try and put up with the fact that i was in a shit place, listening to shit music, surrounded by shit people.. metal is my natural high man.. i dont feel the need to do that anymore.. thankgod for Melbourne!! theres my daily life story :p
Didn't watch the game, but I'm glad the Pats lost just to shut up the media and the dick-touching fans. It's just a game. Just like football (soccer) is just a game, and cricket, and sailing... some people carry themselves far too seriously to enjoy what they do.
i used to try dance clubs.. when i lived in a place where there literally was NO metal and it was the only thing to do.. i also started experimenting with drugs to try and put up with the fact that i was in a shit place, listening to shit music, surrounded by shit people.. metal is my natural high man.. i dont feel the need to do that anymore.. thankgod for Melbourne!! theres my daily life story :p

Metal truly is a life saver!

When I was younger metal saved me from sports. Yet, one of these days I have to buy an iPOD or something and start jogging. Thus, metal could save me from overweight and heart diseases.
Super Mario Galaxy FTW! I have 1 star left until I fully complete the game (I'm waiting for my g/f to come down on the weekend so we can beat it together... aww, I know... cute...) and I must say, it is one of the best, and most creative games I've ever played. Some of the gameplay ideas are seriously ingenius :rock:
Super Mario Galaxy FTW! I have 1 star left until I fully complete the game (I'm waiting for my g/f to come down on the weekend so we can beat it together... aww, I know... cute...) and I must say, it is one of the best, and most creative games I've ever played. Some of the gameplay ideas are seriously ingenius :rock:

For some reason, when I try to play, I can't manage more than a few minutes at a time. I didn't really think it was that great of a game.:blush: Metroid Prime 3 was pretty good though!
See, to me metroid prime 3 seemed like they were trying to go for the whole Halo thing. I don't want those fucking long speechy cutscenes. Remember prime 1 and 2? yeah... that shit rocked.

That said, i didn't get more than maybe 15 minutes into the game. Looks like there's some cool parts and i'd like to explore it a bit further, but i just wasn't excited about it overall.