Official Off Topic Thread

That is one of the most fucking infuriating things i've ever seen. PMP, I don't care what your religious stance is, there's no possible way you can reasonably justify that line of thinking. Change the constitution to fit God's standards? You're fucking kidding me. It is just plain irresponsible to even suggest that we should have a government based around the churches standards. It doesn't work.

This isn't even a religious debate. I have to get ready for work, so i'll just make a few quick points. It's the fact that the church is the worst thing to happen to government. First point is obviously Bush and his retarded vision of... well, everything. Secondly, we've seen what happens historically when countries are run in the name of God, and in fact that was the basis for our country being formed: to escape all kinds of persecution including religious. Finally, as an example, look at Poland right now and everything that's going on in terms of bands such as Behemoth possibly being banned by the church. As a musician, you of all people should value the artistic rights and freedoms that are inevitably slowly taken away when some religious nut takes office and starts making changes to fit their vision of a Christian utopia.

This reminds me (this isn't a joke) of the simpsons where marge protests itchy and scratchy but refuses to protest the statue of David. That's where i see this going. The christians will pick and choose what's ok and what's not on a completely arbitrary basis, and when one small group of people has the power to choose these kinds of things for everyone, that's a very scary thing.
No, i don't mean to say "all christians are bad". As ken pointed out (as a christian himself), not every one of them feels the need to have a religious-based government, and that is a very good thing.

My point is simply to say that there is not a single ruling body in the history of the world that i can think of where a Religious run government turned out to be a positive thing. If Huckabee has his way, this country will be no different.
That is one of the most fucking infuriating things i've ever seen. PMP, I don't care what your religious stance is, there's no possible way you can reasonably justify that line of thinking. Change the constitution to fit God's standards? You're fucking kidding me. It is just plain irresponsible to even suggest that we should have a government based around the churches standards. It doesn't work.

This isn't even a religious debate. I have to get ready for work, so i'll just make a few quick points. It's the fact that the church is the worst thing to happen to government. First point is obviously Bush and his retarded vision of... well, everything. Secondly, we've seen what happens historically when countries are run in the name of God, and in fact that was the basis for our country being formed: to escape all kinds of persecution including religious. Finally, as an example, look at Poland right now and everything that's going on in terms of bands such as Behemoth possibly being banned by the church. As a musician, you of all people should value the artistic rights and freedoms that are inevitably slowly taken away when some religious nut takes office and starts making changes to fit their vision of a Christian utopia.

This reminds me (this isn't a joke) of the simpsons where marge protests itchy and scratchy but refuses to protest the statue of David. That's where i see this going. The christians will pick and choose what's ok and what's not on a completely arbitrary basis, and when one small group of people has the power to choose these kinds of things for everyone, that's a very scary thing.

Well said!

PMP, I have to agree with DoomsDayZach. I'm completely fine with people living by whatever religious standards/practices (within reason!). To make them mandatory in America undermines everything this country is about and founded on. I think it's quite disturbing that you can support such a blatant disregard for a basic but very important freedom.:ill:

Kenneth, I know it's wrong to say all Christians are like that but, Huckabee and Romney are riding their entire campaign on the basis that evangelical/pentecostal Christians will vote for them. That's an overwhelming number of people. Too bad there isn't a way to tell them to fuck off and go start their cult under a different name.:)

Also, I don't think I would be able to sleep an night knowing I voted for any of them... I am voting for sure so I may just have to go with Obama. *sigh*
By the way, I don't want to give the impression that i'm bashing PMP... i'm curious what exactly he's thinking :lol: but I was in a hurry this morning and it probably came off as me ranting at PMP rather than just ranting. That's all :lol:
To me Obama is the lesser evil and i hope he wins. I actually wouldn't be pissed if McCain won except for the fact that Huckabee would probably be vice president. Im' totally opposed to Romney, Huckabee, and Clinton and would not be happy to see any of them. McCain is acceptable because he at least has the mentality that everyone needs to work together to bring about positive change as opposed to a Democrats VS Republicans fighting it out. Still, I like Obama over the competition.

oh, and straight up "Fuck Ron Paul". He's not going to do shit anyway.

Edit: Jax or J-Dubs, can we split this into its own political topic so if/when it gets heated we don't have to lock the off topic thread? I'm just having visions of the infamous "bush thread" from a few years ago :erk:
Every candidate this year freaks me out.

McCain and Obama are the least freaky, I just wish that "least bad" wasn't a reason to vote for anybody.

Edit: Jax or J-Dubs, can we split this into its own political topic so if/when it gets heated we don't have to lock the off topic thread? I'm just having visions of the infamous "bush thread" from a few years ago

This would be a very smart idea.
Romney's out, huh? Wimp.

Since the media has advanced so far in breadth, I think going forward there will always be something "freaky" about any and every candidate for the office. It's the nature of the beast - uncover the "dirt" and spin it however possible.
I think everybody's just freaked out that he's a Mormon. He does at least have keen business sense, which would probably do this country good.

Not to mention he is lucky, no privileged, enough to wear these stylish Mormon underwear!

I think it's funny (perhaps sad would really be the better word choice) that everybody sees Huckabee as "bad" and Obama as "good".

why is that funny? It's simply true. Well, I suppose it depends on your goals and desires.

By the way while we're on politics, Mitt Romney just imploded. He's out.

Between McCain and Hillary, I'd vote McCain.
Between McCain and Obama, I'd vote Obama.