My new laptop arrived today and I'm on here to kill time while shit installs.
My problem with Huckabee is that, unlike before when I thought he was an OK guy, he's stepped up the religion platform. He wants to put the constitution "back in line with God's ways" or something to that effect. Did he not get the memo that it never was? That we are prescribed to have a
separation of church and state? That concerns me. It's supposed to be a tolerant, neutral government.
McCain's a war vet and always will be. It's his thing. He doesn't know much else, and although he's sympathetic to the war, he's not too bad otherwise. I still wouldn't vote for him but he's not ass-smelling horrible.
Hillary... now there's ass-smelling horrible. "35 years of experience" is her whole platform. So, in the past 35 years, what wonderful change is it that she has actively contributed to, since it is that recent decade, while she was in office, that we are now trying to SEVER ourselves from? What has she done, that she is so experienced, besides bullshit, lie, pretend to cry on national tv for ratings, and go on a femi-nazi crusade? She's got A+ experience in being a politician. But that's not what we need. Hillary is more of the same old bureaucracy and red tape. Smoke and mirrors. It's no surprise that in every primary she has one so far (yes, every one, look into it) the neighborhood breakdown of where she is winning the majority of her votes comes from: 1. the very wealthy, 2. the very poor but uneducated caucasian working class. So who's voting for her? White trash, as the epithet is known, and the snoody rich who don't REALLY want change. They want the 'safe' democrat. More of the same.
Obama doesn't have experience. He's been senator for 6 years now, 2 of which most people count, and he's running for president. Why not? Why not an average man to represent us, the average public? Someone who isn't interested in the political jargon and red tape? I think this is EXACTLY what we need. He may be forceful and at times very adamant about his policies, a few of which I disagree with, but as a whole he is a unifier and a real inciter of political engagement for the public. People who never vote turned out to vote, just cause of him. Getting the people back involved will help set the government's honesty problems straight. Oh, and on the night he lost NH to Hillary, while she was making her victoy speech, he was on the phone with the leaders of Kenya aiding them with efforts to stop the violence. Who's ready to be president of these two? No experience.
Romney is a hardline conservative. He's also out.
Ron Paul is pretty good, but he doesn't have the media presence to stand a chance. He's a non contender at this point, and he also seems too weak to really be an icon of the american nation. Yes, sadly, that does matter.