Official Off Topic Thread

*on the subject of GPA*

Ok so I work part-time in the admissions dept. at my school and it's my job to enter all the info about prospective students/applicants into the computer. So I have to put in all the GPA's, ACT/SAT scores, etc. I got a High School transcript today for a kid that has a 235.5 GPA and there was no explanation of what scale this thing operates on.

*searches for the LOLWTF smilie*
We use 5.0-scale in universities / vocational schools. In elementary school / highschool the scale is from 4 to 10.

When I was in highschool I used to get mostly 4's and 5's. The funny thing is that I still get grades like those, but the scale's changed for better. My GPA is now approx. 4.4 on a 5.0-scale.

And btw, I weighed myself today and noticed I've lost 6-7 kilograms (~15 lbs?) of bodyweight since Christmas. I guess it's time to get an overdose with Spam. :lol:
Okay, I know there isn't any main story continuitiy among the songs in Paradise Lost, but I had a weird feeling after watching the StWoF music video again.

The way the girl angel looks at Allen, Allen seems overwhelmed, drawn to it.

I don't know what the director had in mind when deciding on the end, but the angel comes off as a, dare I say it? A whore. Hm, maybe she lives in a nice heavenly suburb called BABYLON?

What song is next after StWoF? Ditto.
ok i'm glad to have you folks. you are the greatest. i have been posting on the nevermore forum.. and they are not very nice.. some are cool. but most of the gays.... i mean guys, are really territorial, and just plain dicks. the girls are mostly nice though. and a few nice guys. but it really makes me realize how great this forum is. you guys are the BEST!
hahaha , yeah bender is pretty much the best. and if you don't agree you can kiss my shiny metal..... i mean pale fleshy ass.

i was gonna make it "wim wam wimmy wazzle" from slums mckenzie, but i figured less people would get it.
Ok, I'll probably end up buying it. I really wish that show was still on the air. It is definitely funnier than The Simpson's. Recent Simpson's anyway.

Oh, I finally got around to watching the Simpson's movie and I didn't really find it that funny. It wasn't bad or anything but it many spots it just dragged on to no avail.