heartbeat of the earth
(Nor is it required in the least bit to explain our existence).
thati can agree with. but i do think, although not required or necessary, i find it an interesting idea. those things we can't explain. the feeling of wonder and awe. the love and energy in all life. that is my definiton of god. not some all powerful being in the sky who gives rules and sends his son, and shows us the way. there is no scientific explanation for true emotion and the causes beyond synapses. what makes these synaps fire? emotion. what created that emotion? our consciousness. god. whatever. i just think that for thsoe things that we can never explain, there is what i call god. the energy and power of wondeer and awe, and emotion, and creation.
hahaha glad to hear it. by my definition if the sun created life, i ask what created the sun?...what created that? and so on until there is no farther traceable source, and whatver is beyond that is god. all that is unexplained.1) Yes
i'm just saying that if the sun created life elsewhere, maybe that's where we came from.2) All it takes is an initial spark of life to create complex life forms. I don't quite understand what you meant by this though.
just know that i believe that "god" is never to be worshiped. i think worship of something you don't know or understand is very devisive and detrimental to the mind and society.