Funny enough, I once lost a job and a girlfriend and lost nearly all connection with outside life back when I was on WoW and CoB OT. The internet is the most addictive thing on this earth for sure.
This is actually more true than anything. I spend a lot of time on the computer even though there really isn't much to do online. I think the band is the best thing that happened to me because now i have to get out and not be lazy sometimes. Otherwise i just sit on my ass and do nothing, which isn't good at all.
The one thing about mushrooms is like i said, i had a small dose and it didn't really kick in a visual high, but i got a major body high and my stomach hurt so hard the next day from laughing my ass off. Everything was absolutely hysterical. It's like when you get in those goofy moods and everything makes you laugh really hard... that, but for about 3 or 4 hours straight.
Darkblade, while i always have the ultimate respect for those who choose to abstain from anything, there really are no risks to speak of if you use your brain. Generally speaking, when drinking, as long as you don't do it a lot you won't gain a ton of weight, there are no consequences a little exercise can't fix, and if you use good judgement and make sure you're in a place where you're cool to crash and/or don't get in your car then you'll be fine. Same with a little pot here and there... no real health effects or anything else. If you have to take drug tests at work, just don't do it... it all goes back to not being retarded. I'm not saying you *should* do those things, but really, so long as you don't overdo it, that stuff won't cause any harm.
And don't get me wrong, i'm not getting high and mighty. I've made my bad decisions, mistakes, etc. I've had bad nights or drinking binges that are for all the wrong reasons (a bottle of vodka all by my lonesome one evening because i was having girl troubles, for example) but even after that i got up in the morning with the worst hangover ever, went to work like i was supposed to and realized that I was at a point in my life where drinking was not a good idea and decided to resolve some issues before picking it up again. I've also had plenty of times where i go "y'know, i'm not really in the best of moods, having one beer is just going to get out of control and it's a bad idea" so I just stay away. Again, it's about knowing yourself, knowing where you're at both physically and mentally and making the call based on that. Not everyone has to be as careful as myself, but i do have to be and i'm glad i realize that
It's supposed to be about having a good time, so i try to keep it at that.